- Event-driven Review
A review that is performed based on the occurrence of an event within the project (e.g., a formal review or the completion of a life cycle stage). [D05180]
- Event-on-Node
A network diagramming technique in which events are represented by boxes (or nodes) connected by arrows to show the sequence in which the events are to be completed. Used in the original Program Evaluation and Review Technique. [D00637]
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See Earned Value Management
See Earned Value Management System
- Evolution
The life of the software after its initial development cycle; any subsequent cycle, during which the product evolves. [D04726]
- Evolutionary
An iterative development strategy that acknowledges that user needs are not fully understood and therefore requirements are refined in each succeeding iteration (elaboration phase). [D04727]
- Evolutionary Development
A serial development approach where successive increments respond to new discoveries of the previous version. [D04089]
- Evolutionary Prototype
The progressive maturing of a software or hardware product by building a model and developing it into the final product by the progressive introduction of required performance. [D04114]
- Examination
An element of inspection consisting of investigation, without the use of special laboratory appliances or procedures, of supplies and services to determine conformance to those specified requirements which can be determined by such investigations. Examination is generally non-destructive and includes, but is not limited to visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, gustatory, and other investigations; simple physical manipulation; gauging, and measurement. [D00638]
- Exception
 An exclusion or deviation from a specified or accepted reference set. [D02723]
A situation where it can be forecast that there will be a deviation beyond the tolerance levels agreed between project manager and project board (or between project board and corporate or programme management, or between a team manager and the project manager). [D05339]
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- Exception Assessment
A meeting of the project board to approve (or reject) an exception plan. [D05340]
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- Exception Plan
A plan that often follows an exception report. For a stage plan exception, it covers the period from the present to the end of the current stage. If the exception were at a project level, the project plan would be replaced. An exception plan has the same format and level-of-detail of the plan it replaces. [D05341]
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- Exception Report
 Focused report drawing attention to instances where planned and actual results are expected to be, or are already, significantly different.
Note: An exception report is usually triggered when actual values are expected to cross a predetermined threshold that is set with reference to the project plan. The actual values may be trending better or worse than plan. [D04578]
Document that includes only major variations from plan (rather than all variations). [D00639]
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A summary of variances from the baseline. [D05343]
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Documentation that focuses its attention on variations of key control parameters that are critical rather than on those that are progressing as planned. [D00641]
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A report that describes an exception, provides an analysis and options for the way forward and identifies a recommended option. The project manager presents it to the project board. [D05342]
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Document that includes only major variations from plan (rather than all variations). [D05564]
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- Exception Reporting
The process of documenting those situations where there are significant deviations from the quality specifications of a project. The assumption is made that the project will be developed within established boundaries of quality. When the process falls outside of those boundaries, a report is made on why this deviation occurred. [D00640]
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- Exceptions
Those occurrences that cause deviation from a plan, such as issues, change requests and risks. Exceptions can also refer to items that the cost variance and schedule variance exceed predefined thresholds. [D00642]
- Exchange Rate
The rate of conversion from one currency to another. Exchange rates tend to fluctuate overtime and the rate is particularly important when an organization is involved in supplying or receiving goods and services to or from another country unless a currency has been specified for the project. [D02724]
- Exclusive OR Relationship
Logical relationship indicating that only one of the possible activities can be undertaken.
- Exculpatory Language
Language in the contract documents which purports to release the liability of one party for certain actions which may occur during the performance of the work. [D04977]
- Excusable Compensable Delays
Delays that are caused by the owner's actions or inactions. Also, the contractor is entitled to a time extension and damage compensation for extra costs associated with the delay. See also Excusable Delays; Excusable Non-compensable Delays; Non-Excusable Delays and Concurrent Delays. [D03422]
- Excusable Delays
Delays that are not attributable to the contractor's action or inactions. Excusable delays when founded, entitle the contractor to a time extension if the completion date is affected. See also Excusable Compensable Delays; Excusable Non-compensable Delays; Non-Excusable Delays and Concurrent Delays. [D02902]
- Excusable Non-Compensable Delays
Delays that are neither the contractor's nor the owner's fault. The contractor is entitled to a time extension but not to damage compensation.
Non-excusable Delays, i.e. delays that are caused by the contractor's or its subcontractor's actions or inactions. Consequently, the contractor is not entitled to a time extension or delay damages. On the other hand the owner may be entitled to liquidated or other damages. See also Excusable Delays; Excusable Compensable Delays; Non-Excusable Delays and Concurrent Delays. [D03423]
- Executable Architecture
A partial implementation of the system built to demonstrate selected system functions and properties, in particular those satisfying non-functional requirements. It is built during the elaboration phase to mitigate risks related to performance, throughput, capacity, reliability and other "ilities", so that the complete functional capability of the system is on a solid foundation may and can be added in the construction phase, without fear of breakage. The idea is to build an executable architecture as an evolutionary prototype, by retaining what is found to work (and satisfies requirements), and then making it part of the deliverable system. [D04833]
- Execute
 Two meanings:
- To carry out project implementation.
- To formally sign an agreement or contract document.
The phase in which the work of the project to produce the project's deliverables is directed, managed, performed, reported on and controlled. [D06347]
- Execution
See implementation [D05148]
- Execution Period
See Execution Phase. [D02725]
- Execution Phase
 The period within the project life cycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out. [D00643]
The phase of a project in which work towards direct achievement of the project's objectives and the production of the project's deliverables occurs. Sometimes called the implementation phase. [D04437]
- Executive
 The senior level of management having the power to direct, authorize and give high-level approvals. [D02726]
 In project portfolio management, that part of a whole organization or Business Unit responsible for governance and stewardship, i.e., strategic planning, administering and managing their entire organization. It includes such roles and responsibilities as administration, business development, finance, human resources, information technology, legal, marketing, portfolio management, and so on. For purposes of project portfolio management, the Executive; Project Management; and Operations; are all considered as separate entities by virtue of their differing interests. [D05988]
The member of the project board who is responsible for ensuring that the system under development achieves the expected benefits and that the project is completed within the cost and time scales approved by the IT executive committee. [D03843]
The single individual with overall responsibility for ensuring that a project or program meets its objectives and delivers the projected benefits. This individual should ensure that the project or program maintains its business focus, that it has clear authority and that the work, including risks, is actively managed. The chairperson of the project board, representing the customer and owner of the business case. [D05344]
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- Executive Authority
The individual or collective body representing the source of project management's authority. This authority may be channeled through a project sponsor, or project director. [D00644]
- Executive Control Gate
A control gate identified, defined, and included in the project schedule by executive management. [D04090]
- Executive Control Point
 One or more points in the project life cycle at which the project's executive may exercise a go/no-go decision on the continuation of project activities. [D00646]
See Control Gate [D00359]
A point between project stages when top management has the opportunity to review the project status, the plan for the ensuing stage, verify its consistency with their latest business objectives and give, or withhold, approval to proceed. [D00645]
- Executive Management
Senior managers responsible for overall direction, policy, and priorities. [D04091]
- Executive Sponsor
 In project portfolio management, one who:
See also Project Sponsor. [D05224]
- Executive Sponsorship
Signifies a more senior and broader role than project sponsor or champion, i.e. where multiple projects are managed as a part of a corporate project portfolio, this role is responsible for ensuring alignment between corporate strategy and project outcomes; the use of appropriate metrics for project selection into the portfolio; performance comparison; the use of the products by the business units; the harvesting of benefits; and the feedback of data to those responsible for corporate governance. [D05778]
- Expanding
In an outline, making visible the collapsed tasks that are immediately subordinate to summary tasks. [D00647]
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- Expectancy
Anticipation of a happening upon which hopes are founded. [D02737]
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- Expectancy Theory
The view that our effort will be greatest when we expect that we can perform the task at hand and that we expect to obtain rewards for our performance. Note: individual performance may be affected when rewards are team based and we do not have confidence in the rest of the team. See also Control Theory, Equity Theory, Goal Setting Theory, and Reinforcement Theory. [D02637]
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