- Decision Tree Analysis
See Decision Tree. [D05632]
- Decomposing
The process of reducing a project scope into its various elements resulting in a work breakdown structure. [D02610]
- Decomposition
 The subdivision of the project's scope, i.e. the deliverables, into logical components to form a work breakdown structure for purposes of planning and controlling the work. [D05633]
The hierarchical functional, and physical system partitioning into hardware assemblies, software components, and operator activities that can be scheduled, budgeted, and assigned to a responsible individual. [D04064]
- Default
Failure to fulfill the terms of a contract. [D04065]
- Default Values
Values that software programs insert into fields automatically when no information is provided by the user. [D00489]
MSP98 |
- Defect
 A substandard condition. [D04066]
The non-fulfillment of intended usage requirements. [D00490]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
Any non-conformance of a characteristic with specified requirements. [D00491]
Any condition or characteristic in any supplies or services furnished by the Contractor under the contract that is not in compliance with the requirements of the contract. [D03491]
An anomaly, or flaw, in a delivered work product. Examples include such things as omissions and imperfections found during early lifecycle phases and symptoms of faults contained in software sufficiently mature for test or operation. A defect can be any kind of issue you want tracked and resolved. See also change request. [D04714]
An imperfection, or deficiency. A substandard condition. [D05317]
Webster |
- Defective
A unit of product which contains one or more defects. [D00492]
- Defects-Per-Hundred-Units
The number of defects-per-hundred units of any given quality of product is the number of defects contained therein divided by the total number of units of product, the quotient multiplied by one hundred (one or more defects being possible in any unit of product). Expressed as an equation: Defects per hundred units = Number of Defects x 100 divided by Number of Units. [D00493]
- Deficiency
 All or part of an item that does not comply with its governing requirements or specification. Editor's Note: In construction, a deficiency usually means some attribute of the finished work that does not meet contract specifications. [D02612]
Operational need minus existing and planned capability. [D02303]
An inadequacy in the quality of a process, product, or service. [D05173]
- Deficiency List
A listing of deficiencies. [D02611]
- Definition
 The process of quantifying performance and interface requirements during system decomposition and elaboration. [D04067]
Phase of Project. See Project Life Cycle [D02181]
SU |
- Definition Phase
The second of four sequential periods in the generic project life cycle. Also known as planning phase or DEVELOPMENT phase. [D00494]
PMK87 |
- Definitive
Precisely described or defined. [D02613]
- Definitive Estimate
 (Accuracy -5, +10 Percent) A definitive estimate is prepared from well defined data, specifications, drawings, etc. This category covers all estimate ranges from a minimum to maximum definitive type. These estimates are used for bid proposals, bid evaluations, contract changes, extra work, legal claims, permit and government approvals. Other terms associated with a Definitive Estimate include check, lump sum, tender, post contract changes. etc. [D00496]
PMK87 |
See Estimate and Detailed Estimate [D00495]
- Deflect
Transfer of risk to others typically by insurance, warranty or similar agreement. [D05318]
SU |
- Deflection
The act of transferring all or part of a risk to another party, usually by some form of contract. [D00497]
PMK87 |
- Degradation
A lowering of quality, performance or status. [D02304]
- Delay
An interruption or hindrance to planned progress. [D02614]
- Delay, compensable
Delay that results from the owners actions or inactions which entitle the contractor to both a time extension and delay damages. [D04962]
- Delaying Resource
In resource scheduling, inadequate availability of one or more resources may require that the completion of an activity be delayed beyond the date on which it could otherwise be completed. The delaying resource is the first resource on an activity that causes the activity to be delayed. [D00498]
- Delegating
 The process by which authority and responsibility is distributed from project manager to subordinates. Editor's Note: The manager that is delegating still retains responsibility to his/her superiors. [D00500]
The process by which authority is distributed from the project manager to an individual working on the project. [D00499]
PMK87 |
- Delegation
The act of delegating. [D02615]
- Deliberate Decision Event
Decision event where the decision is made as a result of the outcomes of the preceding activities and possibly other information but it cannot be made automatically
- Deliverable
 Another name for products, services, processes, or plans that are created as a result of doing a project. A project typically has interim as well as final deliverables. [D00504]
A report or product of one or more tasks that satisfy one or more objectives and must be delivered to satisfy contractual requirements. [D00501]
PMK87 |
A report or product that must be completed and delivered to ensure satisfaction of contractual requirements. [D00502]
Any measurable, tangible, verifiable item that must be produced to complete the project. Often used more narrowly in reference to an external deliverable, which is a deliverable that is subject to approval by the project sponsor or customer. [D00503]
PMK96 |
See also Product. [D03832]
An output from a process that has a value, material or otherwise, to a customer or other stakeholder. [D04716]
Any tangible outcome that is produced by the project. These can be documents, plans, computer systems, buildings, aircraft, etc. Internal deliverables are produced as a consequence of executing the project, and are usually only needed by the project team. External deliverables are those that are created for customers and stakeholders. [D04963]
TM |
An item that the project has to create as part of the requirements. It may be part of the final outcome or an intermediate element on which one or more subsequent deliverables are dependent. According to the type of project, another name for a deliverable is "product". [D05319]
PRNC2 2002 |
A quantifiable outcome of a project that results in the partial or full achievement of the project objectives. [D05966]
- Deliverable Breakdown Structure
See Work Breakdown Structure. [D02616]
- Deliverable Deadline
The delivery date of a deliverable to its customer. [D02195]
PMMJ97 |
- Deliverables
 End products of a project or the measurable results of intermediate activities within the project organization
Note: Deliverables may be in the form of hardware, software, services, processes, documents or any combination thereof. [D04577]
Physical items or measurable outputs that are identified as part of the project's product or objectives. Deliverables include intermediate products or services that are necessary for achieving the project's final results. Deliverables are always measurable because they can be counted or observed in some way. [D00505]
The physical items to be delivered for a project. This may include organization attributes, reports and plans, as well as physical products or objects. [D00506]
OTOB 271-4 |
The tangible and/or intangible assets created by a project or program. They are represented by drawings, schematics, descriptions, models, prototypes, systems and products of various kinds. They may also include the operational processes, organizational changes and human resource changes needed for a successful organization to operate. [D06402]
- Deliverables Management
The planning, organizing and control of end items. [D02617]
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