- Feedback
 The return of a process output to an input to improve the process itself. [D05359]
Information (data) extracted from a process or situation and used in controlling (directly) or in planning or modifying immediate or future inputs (actions or decisions) into the process or situation [D00673]
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The flow of information from those who have experience to those who need the information. [D02317]
- Feeder Chains
Those non-critical activities, i.e. with some float, that tend to group together to form subprojects within the project network. [D05779]
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- Feeding Buffer
A designed amount of time inserted to protect the ability of a critical chain to maintain its relay race performance by buffering the variation of non-critical tasks and chains where they feed into or merge with critical chain tasks. With a properly sized feeding buffer inserted, the critical chain task that relies on inputs from that non-critical chain has an improved chance of being able to start as soon as it predecessor critical task is complete. [D05565]
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- FF
See Free Float
See Firm Fixed Price Contract
- Fiduciary
A person having a duty, created by his undertaking, to act primarily for another's benefit in matters connected with such undertaking. [D05994]
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- Field
 A location in a sheet form or chart that contains a specific kind of information about a task or resource. In a spreadsheet, for example, a field is the intersection of a column and a row. In an input form a field is a named box or place to insert data. [D00674]
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See also Attribute. [D04834]
- Field Clarification
A Site Instruction issued to a construction contractor. A written pro-forma document intended to clarify or interpret the contract drawings or specifications at no change to the contract price. [D00675]
- Field Cost
Costs associated with the project site rather than with the home office and formalized by a Field Order, Emergency Field Order, or Emergency Work Order. An unplanned authorization for a construction contractor to perform work beyond the scope of its contract and hence a commitment document. A field order is generally issued in response to an urgent situation encountered during construction. It constitutes an extension to the contract. [D00676]
- Field Inspection
An inspection at the site of the work or job site. [D02765]
- Field/Project Office Overhead
Expenses incurred by a contractor at the job site in support of a project which cannot be directly associated with a specific work item. Examples included project management staff, job site office and equipment. Also referred to as "General Conditions Cost" or "Project Office Overhead". [D04982]
See First In, First Out
- File
A group of records. [D00677]
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- File Transfer
The transfer of an electronic file from one storage device to another. May also refer to the final closing of project files and their removal to a permanent archive. [D02766]
- File Transfer Protocol ("FTP")
The basic Internet function that enables files to be transferred between computers. You can use it to download files from a remote, host computer, as well as to upload files from your computer to a remote, host computer. [D04835]
- Filter
 A facility allowing subsequent commands to operate only on records that conform to specified criteria. [D00678]
In project portfolio management, criteria used to evaluate and select a potential component or to decide whether a component meets the stipulated go/no go conditions. [D05995]
- Final Completion
When the entire work has been performed to the requirements of the contract, except for those items arising from the provisions of warranty, and is so certified. [D00679]
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- Final Contract Review
A control gate at which the buyer approves the contractor's contract closeout. [D04096]
- Final Design
The documentation that describes the ultimate "As-Delivered" configuration to provide for replication. [D04097]
- Final Objectives
Those objectives that represent the ultimate outcome of negotiations and discussions. Typically, the project objectives contained in a project's approved plan by which it is to be managed. [D02767]
- Final Payment
Final settlement paid at contract completion of the contractually obligated amount including retention. [D00680]
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- Final Report
Post-implementation report. Normally a retrospective report that formally closes the project having handed over the project deliverables for operational use. Note: The report should draw attention to experiences that may be of benefit to future projects and may form part of the accountability of the project team
- Finance
Money available for disbursement. Typically refers to the source of funding for project activities. [D02768]
- Finance Manager
An optional role to assist the program manager prepare and manage the program's financial plan and manage the program's expenditure. [D05566]
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- Financial
Pertaining to finance. [D02769]
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- Financial Accounting
Reporting on the financial position of a firm or organization through financial statements issued to external users on a periodic basis. [D05865]
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- Financial Administration
That part of the organization responsible for, or the act of, directing and managing the financial activities of the organization, program, project or major work package. [D02770]
- Financial Analysis
See Cost Benefit Analysis. [D02772]
- Financial Closeout
Accounting analysis of how funds were spent on the project. Signifies a point in time when no further charges should be made "against" the project. [D00681]
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- Financial Control
Exercise of control on payments of supplier's invoices. [D00682]
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- Financial Management
Management of the financial activities of the organization, program, project or major work package. [D02773]
- Financial Plan
The detailed financial management and accounting practices for the program, including the cost and expenditure profiles. [D05567]
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- Financial Planning
The process of identifying, describing and quantifying the financial resources required to undertake a project. [D05996]
- Financial Ratios
Standard ratios established in the financial world by which the merits of an opportunity, i.e. project, may be judged or compared. [D02774]
- Financial Sourcing
The finding and securing of the necessary funding for a project. [D02775]
- Financial Viability
The extent to which a program or project can be justified or sustained financially. [D02776]
- Financing
Involves the techniques and methods related to providing the Sources of monies and methods to raise funds (stock, mortgages, bonds, innovative financing agreements, leases. etc.) required for the project. [D00683]
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- Findings
 The results of an investigation, assessment, or audit. [D05360]
The conclusions of an assessment, evaluation, audit, or review that identify the most important issues, problems, or opportunities within the area of investigation. [D05181]
- Finish
End. Complete in all respects. No further work, or rework, required. [D02777]
- Finish Date
 The actual or estimated time associated with an activity's completion. [D00685]
A calendar date associated with an activity's completion. Usually qualified by one of the following: actual, planned, estimated, scheduled, early, late, target or current. [D00684]
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- Finish Float
The amount of excess time an activity has at its finish before a successor activity must start. This is the difference between the start date of the predecessor and the finish date of the current activity, using the early or late schedule. (Early and Late dates are not mixed.) This may be referred to as slack time. All floats are calculated when a project has its schedule computed. [D00686]
- Finish to Finish
See logical relationship. [D00687]
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- Finish to Finish Lag
The minimum amount of time that must pass between the finish of one activity and the finish of its successor(s). All lags are calculated when a project has its schedule computed. Finish-to Finish lags are often used with Start-to-Start lags. [D00690]
- Finish to Start
See Logical Relationship. [D00688]
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