- Specification Change Notice
A document used to propose and communicate specification changes. [D04241]
- Specification Control
A system for assuring that project specifications are prepared in a uniform fashion and only changed with proper authorization. [D01875]
PMK87 |
- Specify
To name or state explicitly or in detail. To include as an item in a specification. To describe a set of detailed requirements. [D03292]
Webster |
- Speed Reading
A method of reading rapidly by skimming. [D01876]
PMK87 |
- Spending Estimate
An estimate of how much money will be spent by type of expense. [D02214]
PMMJ97 |
- Spending Forecast
An estimate of how much money will be spent by time period. [D02215]
PMMJ97 |
- Spending Limit
The limit for project spending. [D02216]
PMMJ97 |
- Spending Plan
The total budgeted funds, based on the same subcategories as the cost plan, for a given task area over a given fiscal year. [D01877]
- Spending Plan Adjustments Form
A form used to change and authorize a spending plan adjustment during a fiscal year. The form explains why the spending plan and the cost plan do not match. [D01878]
- Spent Cost
See Actual Cost of Work Performed [D03613]
See Scheduled Performance Indicator
See Schedule Performance Index
- Spiral
Winding around a center or axis and gradually receding from or approaching it. A helical. Advancing to higher levels through a series of cyclical movements. Editor's Note: Hence the phrase "Spiraling out of control." [D03293]
Webster |
- Split
Dividing a task into two sequences or tasks. [D01879]
OTOB p271-4 |
- Split Task
A task divided into two or more portions, with time gaps between one portion and another that indicate an interruption in work on the task. [D01880]
MSP98 |
- Splittable Activity
Activity that can be interrupted in order to allow its resources to be transferred temporarily to another activity. [D04527]
- Splitting
In resource scheduling, it is possible to specify that an activity may be split if this results in an earlier scheduled finish date. This means that the specified duration may be divided into two or more pieces, while retaining the specified profile for resource requirements relative to this split duration. [D01881]
- Sponsor
 The executive who manages, administers, monitors, funds, and is responsible for the overall project delivery but who is not involved in the project manager's responsibilities for day-to-day management.. [D03574]
 In project portfolio management, the person ultimately responsible and accountable for the effective fulfillment of the program or project, including the realization of benefits, likely the person who has provided or sanctioned the funding. Editor's Note: See also Executive Sponsor. [D06276]
The generic name given to the source of the project manager's authority. The sponsor may be owner, financier, client etc., or their delegate - see Executive Authority. [D01882]
The management person who has oversight for the project. [D02217]
PMMJ97 |
Individual or body for whom the project is undertaken and who is the primary risk taker. [D04528]
See also Project Sponsor [D05223]
A role often used to mean the major driving force of a project equivalent to "executive" or corporate/program management in PRINCE2. [D05503]
PRNC2 2002 |
The individual or group in the performing organization providing the financial resources, in cash or in kind, for the project. [D06274]
The main driving force behind a program or project. [D06275]
MoR-UK |
- Sponsoring Group
The group of senior executives involved in a program. The sponsoring group may include executives from different organizations. [D05591]
MSP-UK 1999 |
- Sponsoring Team
See Project Sponsor [D05225]
See Scheduled Performance Ratio
See System Requirements Review
- SS
See Scheduled Start
See Scheduled Start Date
- Stability
The ability to withstand force or stress without alteration of position and without material change. Term may apply to an object, system or organization. Editor's Note: A project organization is neither stable nor unstable because it changes deliberately and progressively throughout the project life cycle. [D03294]
Webster |
- Stabilization
The period of time between continuous operation and normal operation. This period encompasses those activities necessary to establish reliable operation at design conditions of capacity, product quality, and efficiency. [D01883]
PMK87 |
- Staff
 An individual or group within an organization that are available for providing advice and guidance but probably not available to undertake actual project work. [D06332]
See Line and Staff. [D02961]
Those personnel resources available to the project manager to assist in the execution of the project. Staff personnel can be persons assigned full-time, from matrixed in-house support organizations, and/or from support contractors. [D05211]
- Staff Acquisition
A formal process of approaching the market for competent people and inviting selected individuals to join the project. [D03295]
- Staff Personnel
Those individuals working in departments that are not directly involved in the organization's mainstream activity, but rather perform advising, counseling and assisting duties for the line/functional departments. [D01884]
PMK87 |
- Staffing
Identifying competent people suited to the various types of work involved in the project and adding them to the project team. [D03296]
- Staffing Effort
An estimate of how much staffing effort (time by internal staff to both produce deliverables and manage the project) will be required to complete the project. [D02225]
PMMJ97 |
- Staffing Effort Limit
A limit for the amount of time that internal staff can spend on the project. [D02224]
PMMJ97 |
- Stage
 A subsection of a project which has its own organizational structure, life span and Stage Manager. Editor's Note: More particularly, the subdivision of a major phase of the Project Life Span into smaller logical time periods, i.e. stages. [D03951]
A smaller portion of the project life cycle. Stages may be identifiable by milestone events that are sign-offs or approvals by authorities outside the project team.
For example, stages in the life cycle of a construction project may be identified as:
- Pre-project studies of needs and opportunities
- Project concepts and economic studies
- Feasibility or functional design
- Engineering, project planning and project brief
- Working drawings and specifications
- Tendering and contract award
- Construction
- Facility commissioning, start up or hand-over
- Final project review and close out
Note: Operation of the resulting facility is part of the Facility Life-Cycle, not the Project Life-Cycle. [D01885]
See also Project Stage. [D01886]
A natural high level subsection of a project that has its own organizational structure, life span and manager. [D04529]
The period in which the Project Manager is managing on behalf of the Project Board up to the time that the Project Board wishes to review progress to date, the state of the Project Plan, Business Case and risks, and the next Stage Plan in order to decide whether to continue the project. Editor's Note: I.e. up to the next control gate representing the end of the current phase. [D05504]
PRNC2 2005 |
- Stage Assessment
See End-Stage Assessment and Mid-Stage Assessment. [D01887]
- Stage File
A file with the detailed management plans and reports for the stage. [D01888]
- Stage Gate
See Control Gate. [D06277]
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