- Resource Leveling
 The flattening out of the peaks and valleys of resource requirements so that steady or consistent levels of resources can be used over time. [D06210]
Any form of network analysis in which scheduling decisions are driven by resource management concerns (e.g. limited resource availability or difficult to manage changes in resource levels). [D01674]
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See also Resource Allocation [D01675]
The resource scheduling process of determining scheduled dates such that neither the project completion date nor any target finishes are jeopardized while minimizing the maximum extent to which any resource availability is exceeded. [D01676]
The process of rescheduling activities such that the requirement for resources on the project does not exceed resource limits. The project completion date may be delayed in the process. [D03933]
The process of smoothing the fluctuations and discontinuities in level-of-effort by adjusting activity schedules. The result may or may not affect the overall project duration. [D05473]
Ensuring that a resource is maximized but not used beyond its limitations. [D06209]
- Resource Limited Scheduling
See Resource Leveling. [D03242]
- Resource List
A list of resources available for a project, including personnel, equipment and supplies. [D01677]
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- Resource Loading
The designation of the amount and type of resources to be assigned to a specific activity in a certain time period. [D06211]
- Resource Management
The planning, allocating and scheduling of resources to tasks, generally including manpower, machine (plant and equipment), money, and materials. Resource Management typically covers resource allocation and its impact on schedules and budgets, as well as resource leveling and smoothing. [D03763]
The identification, planning and allocation of means with the appropriate capability. Resources include people, materials and infrastructure such as equipment, facilities, services, information technology, information and documents, knowledge, training and funding required to carry out the necessary project activities. [D06515]
- Resource Needs
The resources required to complete a program, project or activity. [D03243]
- Resource Offset
In the definition of resource requirements, the number of work periods between the start of the activity and when the resource is first required. [D01678]
- Resource Optimization
A generic term for resource leveling and resource smoothing. [D03934]
- Resource Period
In the definition of a resource requirement, the number of work periods for which a resource is required. [D01679]
- Resource Plan
Part of the definition statement stating how the program will be resource loaded and what supporting services, infrastructure and third party services are required. [D04503]
- Resource Planning
 The selection of resources in type and quantity required to complete a project. [D01681]
Evaluating what resources are needed to complete a project and determining the quantity needed. [D01680]
- Resource Plots
A display of the required amount of resources plotted on a graph as a function of time. Individual, summary, incremental, and cumulative resource curve levels can be shown. [D01683]
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- Resource Pool
 A collection of human, material &/or equipment resources that are available for use across several projects. [D06212]
A higher level resource in a resource breakdown structure. [D01684]
A group of people who can generally do the same work, so that they can be chosen randomly for assignment to a project. [D03728]
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A set of project resources that is available for assignment to the accomplishment of project tasks. [D05718]
- Resource Pool Description
Summary information about the collection of human, material & equipment resources that may be used concurrently on several projects. [D06213]
- Resource Profile
 The fluctuating allocation of a resource on a single activity. [D03935]
The multiple specification of a single resource requirement or availability to indicate a variation over a period of time. [D01685]
- Resource Requirement
The requirement for a particular resource by a particular activity. [D01686]
- Resource Scheduling
 The process of determining dates on which activities should be performed in order to smooth the demand for resources, or to avoid exceeding stated constraints on these resources (See also Resource Leveling, Time-Limited Resource Scheduling and Resource-Limited Resource Scheduling.) [D01688]
The process of calculating a set of scheduled dates that takes into account the resource requirements of each activity and the availability of these resources. [D01687]
- Resource Set
A collection of resources that share the same skills or attributes and that may be assigned to the same tasks. [D01689]
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- Resource Smoothing
The process of rescheduling activities such that the requirement for resources on the project do not exceed resource limits. In smoothing, as opposed to resource leveling, the project completion date may not be delayed. Activities may only be delayed within their float. [D01690]
- Resource Thresholds
In resource-limited scheduling it is possible to specify that a particular resource may be exceeded, if necessary, by an amount not to exceed the specified threshold for that resource. [D01691]
- Resource Total
A specified total of resource units required by an activity over a period of time. [D01692]
- Resource Unit
A unit of measurement for a specific resource. [D01693]
- Resource-Based Duration
The option to determine activity duration, remaining duration, and percent complete through resource usage. The resource requiring the greatest time to complete the specified amount of work on the activity will determine its duration. You may change the duration mode for an activity at any time. This feature may not be used without values in the Resource Usage fields. [D03608]
- Resource-Limited Planning
The planning of activities so that predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded. Activities are started as soon as resources are available (subject to logic constraints ), as required by the activity, [D01694]
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- Resource-Limited Resource Scheduling
The production of scheduled dates in which the resource constraints are considered as absolute and project completion is delayed as necessary to avoid exceeding resource requirements. [D01695]
- Resource-Limited Schedule
A project schedule whose start and finish dates reflect expected resource availability. The final project schedule should always be resource-limited. [D01696]
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- Resources
 Human, material & equipment resources available for application to a project. [D06214]
The personnel, equipment, materials, and services needed to complete tasks in a project. [D01697]
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- Resourcing Plan
 Part of the definition statement stating how the program will be resource loaded and what supporting services, infrastructure and third party services are required. [D01698]
A component of the program definition statement stating how the program will be resourced, and specifying what supporting services, infrastructure and third party services are required. [D03936]
- Response Planning
The process of formulating suitable risk management strategies for the project, including the allocation of responsibility to the project's various functional areas. It may involve mitigation, deflection and contingency planning. It should also make some allowance, however tentative, for the completely unforeseen occurrence. [D01699]
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- Response System
The on-going process put in place during the life of the project to monitor, review, and update project risk and make the necessary adjustments. Examination of the various risks will show that some risks are greater in some stages of the project life cycle than in others. [D01700]
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- Response Time
The amount of time required to react, answer and/or solve, settle or fix. [D03244]
- Responsibility
 The duties, assignments, and accountability for results associated with a designated position in the organization. [D01703]
Charged personally with the duties, assignments, and accountability for results associated with a designated position in the organization. Responsibility can be delegated but cannot be shared. [D01701]
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The duties, assignments, and accountability for results associated with a designated position in the organization. The responsibilities of individual persons on specific projects during the implementation phase should be made known through formal, precise statements, in the project brief and in contracts for Consultants and construction contractors. Both sets of statements should be made known to other members of the Organization's staff. [D01702]
- Responsibility Assignment Matrix ("RAM")
 A structure used to relate the WBS to individual resources to ensure that each element of the project's scope of work is assigned to an individual. [D06215]
The RAM correlates the work required by a Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) element to the functional organization responsible for accomplishing the assigned tasks. The responsibility assignment matrix is created by intersecting the CWBS with the program Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS). This intersection identifies the cost account. [D01704]
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