- Actual Finish
Date on which an activity was completed. [D00058]
- Actual Finish Date ("AF")
 The date work actually ended on an activity. Editor's Note: In some application areas, the activity is considered "finished" when work is "substantially complete". [D00059]
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The calendar date that work actually ended on an activity. It must be prior to or equal to the data date. The remaining duration of this activity is zero. [D00060]
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- Actual Start
Date on which an activity was started. [D00061]
- Actual Start Date ("AS")
 The calendar date work actually began on an activity. It must be prior to or equal to the data date. [D00063]
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The date work actually started on an activity. [D00062]
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See Actual Cost of Work Performed
- Adaptation
Something that has been made to fit. Editor's Note: The implication is that it is not exactly as specified. See also Workaround. [D02360]
- Adaptive Project Management
A process of constant learning, feedback, and improvement to the project management process. It is based on five main principles:
- Combine original assumptions and actual project data through quantitative analysis
- Minimize the cost of a decision reversal
- Use an iterative approach to decision-making
- Have a supportive organizational culture
- Identify and resolve issues as early as possible
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- Added Value
The addition of some worthwhile quality or performance improvement as a result of some action taken, which may or may not have been part of the original understanding, agreement or contract. [D02558]
- Addendum
See procurement addendum. [D00066]
- Adequacy
The extent that an item or action is sufficient for the purpose. Editor's Note: The implication of this term is that it is not the ideal solution. [D02361]
- Adjourning
The last stage of Team Building where the team disbands. [D03587]
- Adjustment
An action to make something fit a predetermined requirement or condition. An adjustment may apply to physical parts or to data such as a cost estimate. [D02362]
See Arrow Diagram Method
- ADM Project
Non-hierarchical project that uses the arrow diagramming method. [D00067]
- Administration
That part of the organization responsible for, or the act of, directing and managing the activities of the organization, program, project or major work package. [D02771]
- Administrative
See Administrative Management. [D02363]
- Administrative Change
 A change to a contract changing only incidental management aspects and not affecting the amount of contract work. [D05244]
A unilateral contract modification, in writing, that does not affect the substantive rights of the parties (e.g., a change in the paying office or the appropriation data). [D03795]
- Administrative Closure
Generating, gathering, and disseminating information to formalize phase or project completion. [D05549]
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- Administrative Management
Management that operates in the public trust, such as national, regional or local government administrations. Designed to survive indefinitely, the intended goal is to provide an environment acceptable to its constituents for their survival, prosperity and comfort. [D00068]
See Automated Data Processing
See Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Advanced Material Release ("AMR")
A document used by organizations to initiate the purchase of long-lead-time or time-critical materials prior to the final release of a design. [D00069]
- AF
See Actual Finish Date
See Authority for Expenditure
See Application for Expenditure
- Affect
To make happen, or to cause an effect or change to occur, or has or will result. Typically used to identify secondary impacts as a result of a primary change. [D02364]
- Affected Parties
Those who have been, or will be, impacted by a change. [D02365]
- Affordability
A measure of whether the buyer has the means to meet the projected cost. [D05245]
- Agency
A legal relationship by which one party is empowered to act on behalf of another party. [D00071]
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- Agenda
A list of things to be done or discussed, typically at a meeting. Editor's Note: No project meeting should be convened without the prior circulation of an Agenda. This enables attendees to prepare and ensure a productive and time-effective meeting. [D02366]
- Aggregation
 Summation of parts. Typically used in reference to estimating. [D02367]
An association that models a whole-part relationship between an aggregate (the whole) and its parts. [D04800]
- Agile Project Management
A conceptual framework for undertaking projects. Originally conceived for software development projects, the agile approach has become a family of methods used in different industries where iterative development is feasible. [D06365]
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- Agility
The ability of an organization to adapt and react expeditiously and appropriately to changes in its environment and to demands imposed by the environment. [D05159]
- Agreement
 Harmony of opinion or feeling; a contract or promise. [D04321]
A term often used to refer to contracts between an owner and its professional consultants. [D00072]
Concurrence of facts or approach, but not acceptance of meeting all requirements. [D03979]
- Agreement, legal
See Legal Agreement. [D05755]
See As-Late-As-Possible
- Algorithm
 A formula or well-defined set of steps with a clear stopping point used to solve a particular problem. [D06366]
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A particular mathematical model used for running calculations, typically computerized. For example, different project management scheduling software programs use different Algorithms for calculating Resource Leveling. [D02368]
- Alignment
The bringing of separate parts into line. This may refer to physical parts or to notional parts such as goals and objectives. [D02369]
- Alliance
An agreement to act jointly. See Partnering. [D02370]
- Allocated Baseline
Requirements allocated to lower level system elements that are controlled by formal change control. [D03980]
- Allocated Costs
Costs that are apportioned to a specific function. [D05247]
- Allocated Requirements
Requirements apportioned to the elements of a system by applying applicable knowledge and experience. Determination of allocated requirements is not as scientifically rigorous as determination of derived requirements. [D03981]
- Allocation
 The process of allocating work on an activity to specific Resources. [D03588]
See also Resource Allocation. [D00074]
The percentage of a resource's capacity designated for a specific assignment. [D04909]
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