- Latest Start Date
See Latest Start. [D06317]
- Latest Start Time
See Latest Start. [D06318]
- Launch, project
See Project Initiation. [D02928]
- Law
A binding custom or practice of a community, enforced by the judiciary. A rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. [D02929]
Webster |
- Law of Diminishing Returns
An economic theory stating that beyond a certain production or quality level, productivity or quality then increases at a decreasing rate. [D06040]
- Laws
The rules and regulations one must abide by. [D02945]
- Layer
A specific way of grouping packages in a model at the same level of abstraction. [D04852]
- Layoff
The temporary separation of workers from their jobs. The situation occurs when companies must let workers go for lack of work. [D02946]
See Life Cycle Cost
- Lead
See Lead Time. [D06329]
- Lead Contractor
The contractor who has responsibility for overall project management and quality assurance.
- Lead Duration
A duration by which a given task must be started before the succeeding activity can begin. [D00915]
CPMUSC p176-8 |
- Lead Time
 In a network diagram, the minimum necessary lapse of time between the start of one activity and the start of an overlapping activity. [D04584]
A modification of a logical relationship which allows an acceleration of the successor task. For example, in a finish-to-start dependency with a 10 day lead, the successor activity can start 10 days before the predecessor has finished. See also lag. [D00914]
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An overlap between tasks that have a dependency. [D00916]
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The time required by one task before another task can begin. [D00917]
OTOB p84 |
- Leader
 One who takes the lead or initiative through leadership. [D02930]
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Someone who guides people along a way, hopefully to the successful accomplishment of personal and organizational objectives. [D02947]
- Leadership
 The ability to identify what work has to be done and then to select the people who are best able to tackle it. It is about setting goals and objectives and generating enthusiasm and motivation amongst project team members and stakeholders to work towards those objectives. [D03443]
The process by which the project manager influences the project team to behave in a manner that will facilitate project goal achievement. [D00918]
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Getting others to follow direction. [D00919]
The art of getting others to want to do something that you are convinced should be done. [D02336]
020 |
An ability to get things done well through others. It requires:
- A vision of the destination
- A compelling reason to get there
- A realistic timetable, and
- A capacity to attract a willing team
SU |
The art of influencing others to willingly strive for the completion of group goals. [D02948]
The art of getting others to follow, whereas management is defined as the art of getting others to do what one cannot necessarily do oneself, i.e. by organizing, planning , controlling and directing resources. [D03865]
The force that enables effective management. [D05014]
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Creating a vision of an environment towards which people want to move. [D05792]
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The ability to influence groups of people to work to achieve prescribed goals. [D05793]
Q&A p128 |
- Leadership Style
The manner in which a leader conducts himself/herself. [D02949]
The display of patterns of behavior, communication methods, attitude about conflicts and criticisms, ways of controlling team members' behaviors, decision-making processes, and the amount and type of delegation. [D06444]
- Leading
Exercising leadership; providing direction or guidance; directing operations, activity, or performance of a group. Also, out in front. [D02931]
Webster |
- Learning Curve
 A concept that recognizes the fact that productivity by workers improves as they become familiar with the sequence of activities involved in the production process. [D00920]
PMK87 |
A mathematical way to explain and measure the rate of change of cost (in hours or dollars) as a function of quantity in a repetitive operation. [D03640]
The time it takes humans to learn an activity well enough to achieve optimum performance can be displayed by curves, which must be factored into estimates of activity durations in order to achieve planned completion dates. [D03721]
PPS&C p340 |
The improvement in process efficiency as workers become familiar with a process and become proficient over time and/or in proportion to the number of repetitions of the process. An important factor in predicting future costs of a production run. [D05381]
- Learning Curve Theory
Theory that explains the learning curve phenomenon. [D02932]
- Lease
A written contract for the renting of property over time for which the property is rented. [D02950]
- Leasehold
Tenure by contract for a certain time; property so held. [D02951]
- Leasing
Acquisition from private or commercial sources other than by purchase. Also referred to as rent or hire. [D03525]
- Legacy Thinking
Wedded to outmoded concepts and practices. [D02632]
- Legal
Established by law. [D02933]
Webster |
- Legal Agreement
 A legal document that sets out the terms of a contract between two parties. [D00073]
PMK87 |
- Legal Aspects
Considerations that must be taken into account because of relevant laws. [D02934]
- Legal Awareness
 Recognition of prevailing and relevant law. [D02935]
An awareness of the relevant legal duties, rights, and processes which govern in a particular project situation. It may cover potential causes of disputes, liabilities, breaches of contract, means of resolving a dispute, and legal basics of industrial relations. [D03444]
- Legal Opinion
A written statement by a lawyer describing what is legal or lawful in accordance with the governing laws of the relevant jurisdiction. [D06041]
- Legal, Ethical, and Moral Conduct
Legal conduct is established and authorized by law. Ethical conduct is established by published professional standards of conduct. Moral conduct is established by generally accepted standards of rightness of conduct. Considerable overlap may exist in these categories. Editor's Note: "Rightness of Conduct" may well be a reflection of the values of the local or national culture in which the project takes place, and which may be very different from that of the performing organization. [D04127]
- Legally Concerned
Those individuals who are concerned with assuring that the project complies with all aspects of the law. [D00921]
PMK87 |
- Legend
An explanatory list of symbols that is or can be shown on a chart of graph. [D00922]
MSP98 |
- Legislation
The exercise of the power and function of making rules (as laws) that have the force of authority by virtue of their promulgation by an official organ of a state or other organization. [D02936]
Webster |
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