- Program
 Any one of:
- A portfolio of projects selected and planned in a coordinated way so as to achieve a set of defined objectives, giving effect to various (and often overlapping) initiatives and/or implementing a strategy.
- A single, large or very complex project, or
- A set of otherwise unrelated projects bounded by a business cycle.
Editor's Note: In UK English, "Program" is spelled "Programme". [D03895]
A broad effort encompassing a number of projects. [D01300]
A group of related projects that is managed together. Programs usually include an element of ongoing activity. [D01301]
PMK96 |
An endeavor of considerable scope encompassing a number of projects. [D01302]
PMK87 |
Used interchangeably with "project" as in "program management" or "program manager" (In the case of computer software projects, "program" usually refers to a unit of computer instruction code that performs a specific function or set of functions.). [D01324]
SPM 304-9 |
A set of projects with a common strategic goal. Editor's Note: In Europe the term "program" means a network schedule. In the software industry it means computer code. [D02341]
PMH p768 |
A collection of projects related to some extent to a common objective. For example: a major project, a new business objective, or a new product development. [D03744]
The umbrella structure established to manage a series of related projects. The program does not produce any project deliverables. They are produced by the individual project teams. The purpose of the program is to:
TM |
A portfolio of projects selected, planned and managed in a coordinated way. [D05428]
PRNC2 2002 |
A collection of projects that together achieve a beneficial change for an organization. [D05818]
PRNC2 2005 |
A collection of projects that must be completed in a specific order for the program to be considered complete. [D06123]
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A temporary, flexible organization structure created to coordinate, direct and oversee the implementation of a set of related projects and activities in order to deliver outcomes and benefits related to the organization's strategic objectives. A program is likely to have a life that spans several years. [D06124]
MoR-UK |
A set up to achieve a strategic goal. A set of related projects and required organizational changes to reach a strategic goal and to achieve the defined business benefits. Program management typically involves senior project managers or project directors. [D06479]
- Program Analyst
A computer software job category with responsibility for both coding (programming) and design (analysis). [D01303]
SPM p304-9 |
- Program Assurance
The process of confirming the program's sponsoring group that the program is being managed effectively and that the program is delivering the desired outcome and benefits [D05571]
MSP-UK 1999 |
- Program Benefits Review
 A review to assess achievement of targets and to measure performance levels in the resulting business operations. The review also analyses the program management process. [D03896]
Either- A review to assess achievement of targets and to measure performance levels in the resulting business operations. A PBR also analyses successes and failures in the program management process. The review is undertaken by a team commissioned by the Program Director, or
- A report drawn up at the end of the program and/or of each tranche describing the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the PBR.
- Program Benefits Review Report
A report produced at the end of a program that describes the findings, conclusions and recommendations in the program benefit review. [D01305]
- Program Board
A steering committee representing the role of program director where a single individual is not sufficiently empowered to direct the program. [D05572]
MSP-UK 1999 |
- Program Brief
 A document describing the vision and business objectives for a program. [D05573]
An output of the program identification phase, describing the program and giving the terms of reference for the work to be carried out, and the program director's terms of reference. [D05051]
- Program Change Control
The formal process of managing and controlling changes to documents and deliverables by the program and its projects [D05574]
MSP-UK 1999 |
- Program Definition
The full documentation that defines what a program is intended to achieve and how. [D05575]
- Program Definition Phase
 The second phase of program management. A feasibility study is carried out to explore options for realizing the benefits framework described in the program brief. The program is fully defined, a benefits management regime established, and funding approval for major projects is obtained. Initial project briefs are written, specifying project deliverables and outline project plans. The results of the phase are documented in a program definition statement. [D05052]
- Program Definition Statement ("PDS")
 The agreed statement of objectives and plans between the target business operation, the program director, and the senior management group to whom the program director reports. [D03899]
The agreed statement of objectives and plans between the target business operation, the program director, and the senior management group (management board, steering committee) to whom the program director is reporting. The PDS forms the basis for funding the program and is the key monitoring and control document. It is a dynamic document, maintained throughout the life of the program. [D05053]
- Program Director
 The role responsible for the overall success of a program. This role provides strategic direction and executive decision making for the program, and for managing relations with internal and external stakeholders. [D05576]
MSP-UK 1999 |
The senior manager with the responsibility for the overall success of the program. The program director is usually drawn from the management of the target business area. [D01308]
- Program Directorate
 A committee which directs the program, in circumstances where this is not performed by an individual. It should be led by an accountable individual program director as chairman. [D05055]
A committee that directs the program when circumstances arise where there is no individual to direct the program. [D01309]
- Program Evaluation and Review Technique ("PERT")
 A project management technique for determining how much time a project needs before it is completed. Each activity is assigned a best, worst, and most probable completion time estimate. These estimates are used to determine the average completion time. The average times are used to figure the critical path and the standard deviation of completion times for the entire project. [D01310]
A technique for planning a project. [D01178]
An event and probability based network analysis system generally used in the research and development field where, at the planning stage, activities and their durations between events are difficult to define. Typically used on large programs where the projects involve numerous organizations at widely different locations. [D01179]
PMK87 |
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty with the individual activity duration estimates. PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate. Also given as Program Evaluation Review Technique. [D01311]
PMK96 |
The form of network diagram in which events are displayed as nodes and where the connecting arrows indicate the precedence constraints. [D01312]
SPM p304-9 |
An event oriented system. Generally used in research and development field where activities and durations between events are difficult to define at the planning stage, yet completion of these activities by specific dates is essential to the success of the project. Typically, these projects involve massive programs, many large organizations, and extensive operation in many different locations. See also Arrow Diagramming and Precedence Diagramming. [D03080]
- Program Execution Phase
The third phase of program management, in which the project portfolio management and transition activities are undertaken. [D03902]
- Program Executive
The group of individuals, supporting the program director, that has day-to-day management responsibility for the whole program. The program executive consists of those responsible for the following roles - the business change manager, the program manager, the program design authority. If a program support office has been established, its head may also attend regular meetings of the program executive. [D05056]
- Program Governance
The functions, responsibilities, processes and procedures that define how a program is set up, managed and controlled. [D06125]
- Program Identification Phase
 The first phase of program management, in which all high-level phase change proposals from available strategies and initiatives are considered collectively and their objectives and directions translated into one or more achievable programs of work. For each program identified a program brief is written and a program director appointed. [D05057]
- Program Implementation
The period covering the full economic life span of the investment program through retirement, i.e. when the full expected value of the investment is realized, as much value as is deemed possible has been realized, or it is determined that the expected value cannot be realized and the program is terminated. [D06126]
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- Program Management
 The management of a series of related projects designed to accomplish broad goals, to which the individual projects contribute, and typically executed over an extended period of time. [D01319]
 The effective management of a program that may cover any or all of the following:
A management style very different from administrative or corporate management. The objective of program management is to complete a set of projects usually related in some way by a common goal. The life of a program management organization may be quite extended. However, it is characterized by the completion of the projects or tasks under its responsibility, each of which has a clear and finite termination. Program management is terminated when all its projects are completed. See also project management. [D01316]
The effective management of several individual but related projects in order to produce an overall system that works effectively. [D01317]
The selection and coordinated planning of a portfolio of projects so as to achieve a set of defined business objectives, and the efficient execution of these projects within a controlled environment such that they realize maximum benefit for the resulting business operations. [D03905]
A program is a specific undertaking to achieve a number of objectives. Examples include product and economic development programs where the programs follow a concept/design life cycle before moving into the implementation of multiple projects or production units. In the case of multiple projects there is not the same common objective. Instead, each project follows its own project lifecycle but the set of lifecycles should be coordinated and managed so the overall system works effectively. [D03906]
The coordinated management of a portfolio of projects, that benefit from a consolidated approach, to achieve a set of corporate objectives. [D04334]
027 |
The effective implementation of change through multiple projects to realize distinct and measurable benefits for an organization. A specific approach that sits above project management. Programs require a far higher degree of cross-business function coordination and direct alignment to business goals. [D04601]
037 |
Any of the following:- The coordinated management of a portfolio of projects to achieve a set of business objectives
- In a multi-project organization, the directing of a portfolio of projects which benefit from a consolidated approach
- As a mega project, the management of a portfolio of projects towards one specific objective
- As a group of many projects for one client, the management of a series of projects within an organization and for the same client
- In a program management organization:
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The overall direction of a project portfolio. Includes project prioritization, funding, support, and other management functions. [D05429]
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