- RAG Status
A way of graphically flagging the status of a project or significant activity: Red = Well off target; Amber = slightly off target; Green = on or within target . [D06194]
See Responsibility/Accountability Matrix
See Responsibility Assignment Matrix
See Risk Analysis and Management for Projects
- Random Cause
An indeterminable reason that precipitates a special event, i.e. one that is outside the control limits. [D06195]
- Random Observation
A technique for building up a picture of an activity by taking sufficient random observations. The alternative is to observe the activity continuously, which may itself influence performance of the activity. Particularly useful on a site, for example, to establish the extent and effect of (unproductive) walking, waiting, communication, break time etc. associated with several concurrent and possibly interrelated activities. [D03083]
- Random Sample
A sample selected in such a way that each unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected. [D01602]
- Range
The difference between the highest and lowest observed values in a data set. [D03553]
- Range Estimating
 The application of probabilistic modeling to cost estimates as an adjunct to traditional estimating, not as a substitute for it. It includes identifying the mathematical probability of a cost overrun, amount of financial exposure, risks and opportunities ranked according to a bottom-line importance, and contingencies required for a given level of confidence. Can also be used in schedule estimating. [D06196]
The process of determining the minimum and maximum values for each cost or schedule element. [D05711]
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- Rank
An attribute of a use case or scenario that describes its impact on the architecture, or its importance for a release. [D04871]
- Ranked Positional Weight Method ("RPWM")
A constrained resource scheduling method adapted from assembly line balancing in the manufacturing industry. Proponents claim that the method is simple and easy to apply, is less complex than critical path calculations since it is not necessary to determine the critical path nor keep track of early/late starts, to6al/free float and so on, and can provide solutions for both constrained and unconstrained resource scheduling situations. [D04598]
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- Ranking
 The listing of items according to merit based on specified criteria. [D05087]
Placing in relative standing or position. An orderly hierarchical arrangement according to some identifiable characteristics. [D03221]
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- Ranking of Attributes
The prioritization of those features of a product or service that promise the highest marginal contribution. [D06509]
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- Rapid Implementation
See Fast Tracking [D03222]
- Rapid Prototyping
The building of a sample product from preliminary system requirements, and showing the customer the prototype of the deliverable to obtain its reaction and input. [D06197]
- Rational Behavior
Behavior that maximizes the value of consequences. [D06510]
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- Rational Choice
An alternative that leads to maximum value for the decision-maker. [D06511]
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- Rationale
A statement, or explanation of the reasons for a choice. [D04872]
See Resource Breakdown Structure
See Risk Breakdown Structure
See Root Cause Analysis
See Relational Database Management System.
- Readiness Assessment
A meeting or series of meetings by selected members of the customer C/SCSC review team at a contractor’s plant, to review contractor plans and progress in implementing C/SCSC in preparation for a full demonstration review. [D01603]
- Real Property
 Land and whatever is erected on it, growing on it, or affixed to it. [D06198]
Land and rights in land, ground improvements, utility distribution systems, and buildings and other structures. [D03554]
- Real Time
 Immediate response to an outside stimulus. [D03682]
The application of external time constraints which might affect the calendar time position of execution of each activity in the schedule, [D01604]
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- Real World
"The way things really are" i.e. outside of a controlled, academic or structured environment. [D03683]
- Reality Check
A method of assessing the results of an analysis by comparing them with the results obtained from a different analysis from a subjective assessment. [D06512]
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- Realization
See Implementation Phase.
Editor's Note: According to APM, "Realization" is the internationally accepted and preferred term for implementation". [D04446]
- Re-baseline
Development of a revised implementation plan with new milestone schedules. Re-baselining is required in response to changed contract requirements, funding changes, or realization that the operative implementation plan is not achievable. [D04210]
- Rebaselining
 Establishing a new project baseline because of sweeping or significant changes in the project scope. Must be approved by all parties. [D06199]
The process whereby the project's costs, time scale or resources have to be re-calculated due to a change in the project's objectives, a change in the deliverables to meet requirements, or the project's original scope and plans have become untenable. Rebaselining should be resisted unless absolutely necessary and project tracking should be done by the project's management by determining variances from the original baseline. Editor's Note: In other words, rebaselining should only be undertaken with justification and the proper approvals. [D03605]
See Re-Baselining. [D04305]
- Recognized Profession
According to the IEEE Computer Society, the legitimation of a professional authority involves three distinctive claims: first, that the knowledge and competence of the professional have been validated by a community of his or her peers; second that this consensually validated knowledge rests on rational, scientific grounds; and third, that the professional's judgment and advice are oriented toward a set of substantive values such as health. These aspects of legitimacy correspond to the kinds of attributes - collegial, cognitive and moral - usually cited in the term "profession". [D04675]
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- Recommend
To offer or suggest for use. Recommendation describes the presentation of plans, ideas, or things to others for adoption. To recommend is to offer something with the option of refusal. [D01605]
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- Recommendation
Something put forward as worthy of acceptance on the basis of fitness, worthiness, or competence. Typically, a recommendation is preceded by a factual account and justification or conclusion. [D03223]
- Reconditioned
Restored to the original normal operating condition by readjustments and material replacement. [D03555]
- Record
A set of data. [D01606]
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- Record Drawings
Drawings submitted by a contractor or subcontractor to show the construction of a particular structure or work as actually completed. [D03556]
- Record Retention
The necessity to retain records for reference for a specified period after contract closeout, in case they are needed. [D01607]
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- Recording Facts
The assembly and documentation of explicit data, typically focused on a specific area for resolving a problem or issue. Particularly required in value management or litigation. [D03224]
- Records
 Any assembly of books, documents, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of media (e.g. hardcopy, electronic, film, etc.) [D03557]
The collection of related items of information assembled during the course of a project. See also Records Management. [D03225]
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- Records Management
 The effective and efficient receipt, processing, storage and retrieval of all project records, in whatever form (hardcopy, electronic, etc.) A good Records Management program should:
Every project large and small is involved in records management to a greater or lesser degree whether recognized or not. A conscious effort in this area can greatly reduce the time and effort required to trace information or to avoid duplication of work in the field due to oversight or misplaced information. [D01452]
The procedures established by an organization to manage all documentation required for the effective development and application of its work force. [D01608]
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- Recovery Schedule
A special schedule showing special efforts to recover time lost compared to the master schedule. [D01609]
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- Recruitment, Selection and Job Placement
Attraction of a pool of potential employees, determining which of those employees is best suited for work on the project, and matching that employee to the most appropriate task based on his or her skills and abilities. [D01610]
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