- Corporate Responsibility Matrix
A responsibility matrix depicted at the corporate level and from the corporate perspective. [D02571]
- Corporate Standards
The overall standards espoused at the corporate level. [D02572]
- Corporate Strategy
The plan for implementing multiple corporate initiatives that typically occur over many years, in conformity with the selected mission and vision of the corporation. [D06393]
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- Corporate Supervision
Supervision exercised from the corporate level. [D02573]
- Corporation
 A group of individuals legally empowered to transact business as one body. [D02574]
A company or business formed by law in which shares of stock are offered as an incentive for investment. [D02575]
- Correction
 The elimination of a defect. [D00372]
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- Corrective Action
 Changes made to bring expected future performance of the project into line with the plan. [D00375]
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Action for the purpose of adjusting for deviations from a project plan. In Quality Management, Corrective Actions are those measures taken to rectify conditions adverse to specified quality, and where necessary, to preclude repetition. [D00373]
In Cost Management, the development of changes in plan and approach to improve the performance of the project [D00374]
Reactive actions taken to:
- return the project to plan and
- ensure that identified variances will never recur.
- Correlation
The relationship between two or more variables. [D02576]
- Cost
 The cash value of project activity. [D00379]
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Cost can be divided into internal and external expenses. External costs can be controlled by contracts and budgets for each phase of a project and for each deliverable or work product. Internal cost is the cost of project resources. [D00377]
See Project Cost. [D00378]
- Cost Account
 An accounting system identifier used by project participants to charge time and other allowable charges to a project. In Performance Measurement Systems, the Cost Account usually comprises work packages and is the lowest summation level in the Work Breakdown Structure. [D04055]
The intersection of the program's work breakdown structure (WBS) and organizational breakdown structure (OBS). In effect, each cost account defines what work is to be performed and who will perform it. Cost accounts are the focal point for the integration of scope, cost, and schedule. Also called Control Account. [D00380]
A cost account defines what work is to be performed, who will perform it and who is to pay for it. Cost accounts are the focal point for the integration of scope, cost, and schedule. Another term for Cost Account is Control Account.
- Cost Account Breakdown
The segregation of the entries in a cost account into logical subgroups. [D02577]
- Cost Account Manager ("CAM")
A member of a functional organization responsible for cost account performance, and for the management of resources to accomplish such tasks. [D00381]
- Cost Account Plan ("CAP")
The management control unit in which earned value performance measurement takes place. [D00382]
- Cost Accumulation Methods
The various ways in which the entries in a set of cost accounts may be aggregated to provide different perspectives on the information. [D02578]
- Cost Analysis
The analysis of the cost elements of a proposal or on-going work. It includes verification of cost data, evaluation of all elements of costs, and projection of these data to determine the effect on price. [D04056]
- Cost Applications
The processes of applying cost data to other techniques that have not been described in the other processes. [D00383]
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- Cost at Completion
The summation of all project costs incurred throughout the project. [D05304]
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- Cost Avoidance
Cost Avoidance an action taken in the present designed to eliminate a potential cost in the future. [D02294]
- Cost Baseline
A time-phased budget used to measure and monitor cost performance. It is developed by summing estimated costs by period and is usually displayed in the form of an S curve. [D04361]
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- Cost Benefit
The comparison of the cost versus the benefit expected (of a project) usually for purposes of evaluating alternative forms of investment.
- Cost Benefit Analysis
 An analysis of the relationship between the costs of undertaking a task or project, initial and recurrent, and the benefits likely to arise
from the changed situation, initially and recurrently.
Note: The hard tangible, readily measurable benefits may sometimes be
accompanied by soft benefits which may be real but difficult to isolate, measure and value. The analysis allows comparison of the returns from alternative forms of investment.
The analysis of the potential costs and benefits of a project which allows comparison of the returns from alternative forms of investment. [D03818]
The economic and social justification for a proposed project. [D05305]
- Cost Breakdown Structure ("CBS")
 Hierarchical breakdown of a project into cost elements. [D04414]
A hierarchical structure that rolls budgeted resources into elements of costs, typically labor, materials and other direct costs. [D00384]
A system for dividing a project into
- Hardware elements and sub elements
- Functions and sub functions
- Cost categories
to provide for more effective management of the project. [D02296]
- Cost Budgeting
 The allocation of cost estimates to individual project components. [D00385]
The process of establishing budgets, standards and a monitoring system by which the investment costs of the project can be measured and managed. that is, the establishment of the control estimate. It is vital to be aware of the problems "before the fact" so that timely corrective action can be taken. [D00386]
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- Cost Ceiling
The sum of the Project Cost Target plus the project's Contingencies cost allowances. [D03779]
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- Cost Ceiling Bracket
A projected Cost Ceiling within a considered range, applicable to those projects where there is particular risks involved or the scope definition is incomplete. [D03780]
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- Cost Center
 The smallest unit of activity or area of responsibility against which costs are accumulated; defined sections in the corporate system, representing units of responsibility as well as accounting units. Editor's Note: While popular as a means of exercising corporate control, competition between cost centers can work to the disadvantage of the organization as a whole. [D02580]
Location, person, activity or project in respect of which costs may be ascertained and related to cost units.
- Cost Check
A periodic estimate to give an up-to-date analysis of cost compared to progress on a design or construction work item. [D00387]
- Cost Classes
Subdivision of the total scope of work in a project forming the project breakdown structure and to which costs are assigned. [D00388]
- Cost Code
Unique identity for a specified element of work. Code assigned to activities that allow costs to be consolidated according to the elements of a code structure. [D04416]
- Cost Codes
 Alphanumeric identifiers assigned to project elements and work tasks that are used in cost and schedule planning and recording. [D05306]
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Codes allocated to activities which allow costs to be consolidated according to the elements of the coding structure. [D03819]
- Cost Control
 Any system of keeping costs within the bounds of budgets or standards based upon work actually performed. Editor's Note: Not just for the work actually performed to date but the updated estimated cost at completion. [D04624]
System for planning and following up disbursements in relation to budget. [D00389]
The processes of gathering, accumulating, analyzing, reporting and managing the costs on an on-going basis. Includes project procedures, project cost changes, monitoring actual versus budget, variance analysis, integrated cost/schedule reporting, progress analysis and corrective action. [D00390]
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The discipline of reconciling planned and actual money figures to physical parts of the project. Cost control also involves careful treatment of changes (including claims), trend forecasting and authorization for payment. Cash flow forecasting is also a cost control function. [D03820]
The work of ensuring that costs fall within budgeted estimates by monitoring actual costs against control estimates, flagging actual or potential deviation, preparing forecasts and recommending actions to be taken to keep costs in line with target. [D04953]
Oversight of changes to the project budget. Includes influencing the factors that cause changes to the cost baseline, determining that the cost baseline has changed, ensuring that the changes are beneficial, and managing actual changes when and as they occur. [D05957]
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