- Subproject
 A small project within a larger one. [D03730]
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A group of activities represented as a single activity in a higher level of the same. [D01939]
A distinct group of activities that comprise their own project which in turn is a part of a larger project. Sub-projects are summarized into a single activity to hide the detail. [D03615]
- Subproject Work Breakdown
The breakdown of the project into subprojects. Also includes the deliverables to be produced by each subproject. [D02227]
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- Subsequent Application Review ("SAR")
A review by customer personnel to determine whether the contractor has properly applied the C/SCSC to a new contract. [D01940]
- Substantial Completion
The point in time when the work is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended and is so certified. [D01941]
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- Substantial Performance
Is considered to be reached when:
- The work or a substantial part of it is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended
- The work to be done under the contract can be completed or corrected at a cost of not more than (say) 1% to 3% of the contract price depending on the size of the contract, and
- Is so certified by a certificate of substantial performance issued by the supervising consultant.
- Subsystem
 A system that is secondary or subordinate to the main system. [D03308]
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A major portion of a system that performs a specific function in the overall operational function of a system; a major functional subassembly or grouping of items or equipment that is essential to operational completeness of a system. [D03314]
A combination of hardware, software, facilities, personnel, data, and services to perform a designated function with specified results. Level 4 in the system hierarchy. [D04249]
A model element which has the semantics of a package, such that it can contain other model elements, and a class, such that it has behavior. The behavior of the subsystem is provided by classes or other subsystems it contains. A subsystem realizes one or more interfaces, which define the behavior it can perform. [D04882]
- Subtask
A task that is part of a summary task. [D01943]
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- Subtier Contractor
The subcontractor's subcontractor or vendor. [D04248]
- Success Criteria
 Criteria to be used for judging if the project is successful. [D04536]
See also Key Success Indicators. [D03309]
- Success Factors
Critical factors that will ensure achievement of success criteria. Editor's Note: Success factors of themselves are unlikely to "ensure achievement of success..." They should, however, improve the chances of success. [D04537]
- Success, project
 The achievement of stakeholder satisfaction. [D01944]
If the project meets the technical performance specifications and/or mission to be performed, and if there is a high level of satisfaction concerning the project outcome among key people in the parent organization, key people in the client organization, key people in the project team and key users or clientele of the project effort, the project is considered an overall success. Editor's Note: That's a very tall order. Stakeholders' individual objectives are often at cross purposes. No wonder so many projects fail. [D05128]
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- Successful Project
A project is successful when:
- The objectives of the project have been achieved to the full satisfaction of the users,
- All closeout activities have been completed, and
- All designated interests, including the project's sponsor and/or initiator officially accept the project results or products and close the project.
Editor's Note: A successful project should not be confused with a successful product! Based on this definition, there have been many successful projects but the product has been a dismal failure. Of course one may argue that this cannot be a successful project either. Conversely there have been, to a more limited extent, very successful products arising our of less than well-run projects. [D03790]
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- Successor
An activity whose start or finish depends on the start or finish of a predecessor activity. Refer to Predecessor for related information. [D01945]
- Successor Activity
- In the arrow diagramming method, the activity which departs a node.
- In the precedence diagramming method, the "to" activity.
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Any activity that exists on a common path with the activity in question and occurs after the activity in question. [D01947]
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- Successor Task
 A task that cannot begin until another task has started or finished. [D01948]
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- Successor Work Item
A work item that directly follows one or more work items in the logic sequence of a precedence network. [D01949]
- Summary Activity
See Hammock. [D05740]
- Summary Level Variance Analysis Reporting ("SLVAR")
The analysis of performance variances from plan, done at a summary level by the amalgamation of related cost accounts with homogeneous effort, and common problems causing such variances. [D04661]
- Summary Schedule
A single page, usually time-scaled, project schedule. Typically included in management level progress reports. Also known as milestone schedule. [D01950]
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- Summary Task
A task that consists of a logical group of tasks, called subtasks, and usually represents a phase. [D01951]
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- Summative Quality Evaluation
The process of determining what lessons have been learned after the project is completed. The objective is to document which behaviors helped determine, maintain or increase quality standards and which did not (for use in future projects). [D01952]
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- Sunk Costs
 Expenditures that cannot be recovered by cancellation of activities. [D05517]
Unavoidable costs. [D01953]
Costs which could not be avoided even if the project were to be terminated. [D03955]
- Super-Critical Activity
An activity that is behind schedule is considered to be super-critical. It has been delayed to a point where its float is calculated to be a negative value. The negative float is representative of the number of units an activity is behind schedule. Term is synonymous with hypercritical. [D01954]
- Supervision
Critical watching and directing (as of activities or a course of action). Superintendence, oversight. [D03310]
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- Supervisor
Person in charge of an activity. [D01955]
- Supplemental Agreement
A bilateral written amendment to a contract by which the owner and the contractor settle price and/or performance adjustments to the original contract. [D03698]
- Supplementary Agreement
Contract modification which is accomplished by the mutual action of parties. [D01956]
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- Supplementary Conditions
Modifications, deletions and additions to standard general conditions developed for particular goods/services. [D01957]
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- Supplementary Information
Identification and collection of additional information from supplementary sources and its review and analysis. [D01958]
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- Supplier
 Anyone who makes goods and/or services available for use on a project, usually at a price. See also Seller. [D03311]
Any organization, including contractors and consultants, that supplies services or goods to the customer. [D04538]
The group or groups responsible for the supply of the project's specialist products. [D05518]
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The group that provides specialist resources and skills to the project or is providing goods and services to create the project outcome required by the customer and user(s). [D05841]
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- Supplier Default
Failure on the part of a supplier to meet technical or delivery requirements of the contract. [D01959]
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- Supplier Expediting
Actions taken to ensure that the goods/services are supplied in accordance with the schedule documented in the contract. [D01960]
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- Supplier Ranking
Qualitative and/or quantitative determinations of prospective suppliers' qualifications relative to the provision of the proposed goods/services. [D01961]
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- Supplier's Risk
The probability of delivering an unacceptable lot, because of a better than average quality in the sample. [D06535]
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- Supplies
All property, other than land or interest in land, needed for a project. [D03699]
- Supply
The amount of goods producers make available for sale. [D03312]
- Supply Chain
The chain of companies through which goods pass on their way from raw materials to the ultimate purchaser. [D03315]
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