- Project Communications Plan
A plan which may range from a formal Contact/Responsibility Chart with detailed instructions on a large project, to an informal list of contact names, telephone numbers and schedule of meetings on a small one. [D01382]
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- Project Completion
The point at which the results are handed over to the client, and the project group disbanded. [D01383]
- Project Complexity
The extent to which a project, or one of its components, involves a large number of parts, and/or a large number of people, to be coordinated and/or interfaced. In project management, project complexity is typically a reflection of the number of work packages involved and the number of different people required to carry them out. Editor's Note: The degree of project complexity may well have a bearing on the most appropriate style of management to be applied in the conduct of the project. [D00260]
- Project Concept Documentation
A concise gathering of the latest key project information prepared at the end of the Concept Phase and presented for approval to proceed to the next phase of project Definition. It incorporates the first stage of project Scope Definition. See also Project Vision Statement. [D01385]
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- Project Configuration Control Board
See Project Change Control Board. [D04195]
- Project Context
The background or environment in which the project is conducted. Also, the background that justifies the project in the first place. [D03192]
- Project Control
 A project management function that involves comparing actual performance with planned performance and taking corrective action (or directing or motivating others to do so) to yield the desired outcome when significant differences exist. See also commitment. [D00365]
Controlling a project's time, resources, quality, etc. [D01386]
- Project Control Budget
The approved plan of expenditures for a project at the outset of implementation. [D06486]
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- Project Control Cycle
The sequence of activities which are used to steer the project towards conformance with project requirements – see control. [D01387]
- Project Controller
The member of a project team that keeps daily, weekly or monthly cost records including project budgets and approved changes, contract commitments and purchase orders, labor charges, direct and indirect costs, project inventory and supplies, capital equipment disposition, and any other expenditures. May also include tracking financial forecasts and cash flows. [D05822]
- Project Coordination
Communication linking various areas of a project to ensure the transfer of information or hardware at interface points at the appropriate times and identification of any further necessary resources. [D04482]
- Project Co-ordination Procedure
Defines the parties relevant to the project and the approved means of communicating between them.
- Project Cost
 The actual costs of the entire project. [D01390]
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Any of the cost types (appropriation, commitment, expenditure or Estimate to Complete) associated with the total scope of work in a project, i.e. the sum of all cost classes forming the project. The project Cost should comprise all of:
- The cost of all work in the planning phases of the project
- The cost of all work in the implementation phases of the project
- Owner’s management and overhead costs during the implementation phase (e.g. Consultant Services, Corporate Overheads, Reserve for scope Changes, Land, Financing, etc.)
See also construction cost. [D01388]
The costs required for project implementation. [D01389]
- Project Cost Accounting System
A cost accounting system that accumulates actual costs for projects in such a way that total costs for all work in an organization can be allocated to the appropriate projects, normally providing monthly cost summaries; also used in cost planning to summarize the detailed task cost estimates. [D01391]
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- Project Cost Changes
The changes to a project and the initiating of the preparation of detail estimates to determine the impact on project costs and schedule. These changes must then be communicated clearly (both written and verbally) to all participants that approval/rejection of the project changes have been obtained (especially those which change the original project intent) [D01392]
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- Project Cost Management
 The process of placing responsibility on the designers and implementers to perform within their previously established budgets. Project costs are then collected and reported in a way that Actuals to Budget can be compared, and sound management and technical decisions can be made on the Project. Two simple but essential principles of the process must be clearly understood:
- There must be a basis for comparison, and
- Only future costs can be controlled.
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A subset of project management that includes resource planning, cost estimating, cost control and cost budgeting in an effort to complete the project within its approved budget. [D01393]
- Project Cost Systems
The establishment of a project cost accounting system of ledgers, asset records, liabilities, write-offs, taxes, depreciation expense, raw materials, pre-paid expenses, salaries, etc. [D01395]
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- Project Cost Target
The sum of the individual project task cost targets plus any non-task cost targets. [D03784]
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- Project Culture
The general attitude towards projects within the business. Most projects do not operate in isolation. They have to operate within a business environment that should be complementary to the requirements of good project management. [D03915]
- Project Data Document ("PDD")
A summary of the project plan for the business office. [D01397]
- Project Data Gaps
Identification of data gaps in available information in reference to a particular procurement. [D01398]
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- Project Data Review
Review of qualification data to determine its adequacy. [D01399]
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- Project Data Verification
Verification of qualification data to check its accuracy. [D01400]
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- Project Definition
 The clarification of a project in terms of its need, objectives, and the scope of its deliverables. The definition may or may not include the project's timing, cost, benefits expected and similar related information. [D06330]
The definition of a project in terms of objectives, organization, required resource inputs, etc. [D01401]
The process of exploring more thoroughly all aspects of the proposed project and to explore the relations between required performance, development time and cost. [D03679]
A report that defines a project i.e. why it is required, what will be done, how when and where it will be delivered, the organization and resources required, the standards and procedures to be followed. [D04484]
- Project Definition Phase
The second major phase of project delivery, involving the complete feasibility assessment of a business opportunity or problem and its designation as a project ready for approval to implement. Editor's Note: The result of this phase may also be a rejection of the project. See also Development Phase. [D06487]
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- Project Developer
The person assigned responsibility and accountability for the project during the Concept Phase and is given the necessary authority to undertake that responsibility. The project developer reports to the project sponsor. Editor's Note: This work is often undertaken by a Business Analyst. [D01402]
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- Project Development Life Cycle ("PDLC")
The defined sequence of events that constitute a project. This may vary based on the size of the project but is always based on the same principles. [D04365]
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- Project Direct Cost Contingency
The sum of the contingencies estimated for individual tasks. These contingencies represent the project manager's views of the uncertainty of the costs of the tasks resulting from anticipated issues which cannot be reasonably estimated. Editor's Note: Without the application of probability, there is a danger that this type of contingency aggregation will lead to an excessive contingency value. [D03785]
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- Project Director
 One of the following:
- The manager of a very large project that demands senior level responsibility.
- The person at the board level in an organization who has the overall responsibility for managing projects.
- The owner's representative who provides overall direction to the project manager.
Editor's Note: In North America, the senior person responsible for the collective management of projects is typically at the vice president level. [D01403]
- Project Directory
A file containing a record for each project maintained by the system. [D01404]
- Project Discovery Phase
The first major phase of project delivery, involving the investigation of a business opportunity or problem and its designation as a project needing further development. The result of this phase may also be a rejection of the opportunity. Editor's Note: Also called Project Identification Phase or Concept Phase. [D06488]
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- Project Documentation
Description of the results of the project. [D01405]
- Project Duration
The elapsed time from project start date through to project finish date. [D01406]
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- Project Engineer
A title that usually indicates that a person who is responsible for a significant technical role on the project has also been given the "part time" role of project manager. [D03918]
- Project Environment
 The internal and external environments in which the project is conducted. It may encompass political, ecological (often termed environmental), economic, technological, regulatory, organizational, etc. These environments, or contexts, shape the issues that face project management and may assist or restrict the attainment of the project objective. [D03747]
See also Environment. [D01407]
Surroundings, conditions, circumstances, and influences affecting a project. [D01408]
The context within which the project is formulated, assessed and realized. This includes all external factors that have an impact on the project. [D01409]
The context within which the project is formulated, assessed and realized. It covers the external influences that are brought to bear on a project including geophysical, ecological, social, cultural, political, economic and aesthetics. [D03919]
The combined internal and external forces, both individual and collective, which assist or restrict the attainment of the project objectives. [D05692]
- Project Evaluation
 A documented review of the project's performance, produced at project closure. It ensures that the experience of the project is recorded for the benefit of others. [D01410]
Checking how effectively the project has been conducted and the group has functioned. [D01411]
An appraisal of the progress and performance of a job compared to what was originally planned. [D02335]
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