- O&M
See Operations and Maintenance
See Quality Assurance Representative
- Object
An entity with a well-defined boundary and identity that encapsulates state and behavior. State is represented by attributes and relationships, behavior is represented by operations, methods, and state machines. An object is an instance of a class. See class, instance. [D04860]
- Objective
 A statement of purpose that is specific and carries clear intent. [D06070]
Something one wants to get done. A specific statement of quality, quantity and time values. [D01096]
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In Contract/Procurement Management, to define the method to follow and the service to be contracted or resource to be procured for the performance of work. [D01097]
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In Time Management, a predetermined result, toward which effort is directed. [D01098]
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A concrete statement describing what the project is trying to achieve. The objective should be written at a low level, so that it can be evaluated at the conclusion of a project to see whether it was achieved or not. A well-worded objective will be Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Realistic and Time bound (SMART). [D05031]
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The quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered successful. Objectives must included, at least, cost, schedule, and quality measures. Unquantified objectives (for example "customer satisfaction") increase the risk that the project won't meet them. [D05032]
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A specific, time-limited and preferably quantifiable outcome sought to successfully achieve goals. [D06462]
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- Objective Probability
A probability based on a comprehensive assessment of the evidence, including an understanding of all random properties of the system. See also Subjective Probability. [D06461]
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- Objective Quality Evidence
Any statement of fact, either quantitative or qualitative, pertaining to the quality of a product or service based on observations, measurements, or tests which can be verified. (Evidence will be expressed in terms of specific quality requirements or characteristics. These characteristics are identified in drawings, specifications, and other documents which describe the item, process, or procedure.) [D01099]
- Objectives
Predetermined results toward which effort is directed. [D01100]
- Object-Oriented Analysis
Analysis based on considering the system as a collection of objects (entities, relationships, and attributes). [D04158]
- Obligation
 A duty to make a future payment of money. The duty is incurred as soon as an order is placed, or a contract is awarded for the delivery of goods and/or the performance of services. The placement of an order is sufficient. An Obligation legally encumbers a specified sum of money which will require outlay(s) or expenditures in the future. [D03660]
Includes all anticipated expenditures which reporting personnel believe that the authority is obliged to pay, i.e. "cannot get out of". [D01101]
See Organizational Breakdown Structure
- Observation
The recognizing, noting and recording of facts or occurrences, often involving measuring with instruments. [D03039]
- Observation Units
Either - A group of people set up for purposes of recognizing, noting and recording facts or occurrences, often involving measurement with instruments, or
- The units of measurement used in making observations.
- Obsolete
No longer current. [D04159]
- OC Curves
See Operating Characteristic Curves
See Other Direct Costs
- Off the Shelf Item
An item produced and placed in stock by a contractor, or stocked by a distributor, before receiving orders or contracts for its sale. [D03537]
- Offer
 A response to a solicitation or invitation to bid that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resulting contract. [D03661]
A response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract. A response to an invitation for bids or a request for proposals is an offer. A response to a request for quotations is a quote not an offer. [D03538]
- Offeror
A contractor who submits a proposal in response to a solicitation package. [D05194]
- Offset
See Resource Offset. [D01102]
- Offsite Fabrication
The assembly of materials, components, systems and parts away from the site of the project. For example, the parts of fixed furnishings for a building may be pre-assembled in a manufacturing plant. [D03040]
- Off-Specification
Something that should be provided by the project, but currently is not (or is forecast not to be) provided. This might be a missing product or a product not meeting its specification. [D05395]
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See On-the-job Training
- One Hundred Percent Inspection
Inspection in which specified characteristics of each unit of product are examined or tested to determine conformance with requirements. [D01104]
- One on One
A direct encounter or meeting between one person and another. [D03041]
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- On-site Assembly
The assembly of materials, components, systems and parts on the site rather than offsite. [D03042]
- On-the-job Training ("OJT")
Training by acquiring direct experience in the job environment. Usually implemented by a team or mentor approach. [D04160]
- Open Projects
Projects that are not yet completed, or are completed but the project's accounts remain open for the acceptance of outstanding or late disbursements. [D03043]
- Open Standards
Standards that are widely used, consensus based, published and maintained by recognized industry standards organizations. [D05675]
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- Open-door Policy
A management approach that encourages employees to speak freely and regularly to management regarding any aspect of the business or project. Adopted to promote the open flow of communication and to increase the success of business operations or project performance by soliciting the ideas of employees. Tends to minimize personnel problems and employee dissatisfaction. Editor's Note: This does not necessarily mean that anyone can go into a manager's office at any time. [D06071]
- Operating
Performing a function to produce an appropriate effect. [D03044]
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- Operating Budget
See Project Operating Budget. [D05803]
- Operating Characteristic Curves ("OC Curves")
The curve of a sampling plan which shows the percentage of lots or batches which may be expected to be accepted under the specified sampling plan for a given process quality. [D01105]
- Operating Expense
All money an organization spends to turn its investment into throughput, including all annual expenses, all labor costs, depreciation expenses and supplies consumed during the year. [D05804]
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- Operating Manuals
Books of technical instructions that describe the appropriate procedures for using and maintaining the corresponding systems or equipment. [D03045]
- Operating System
A system that performs a particular function. [D03046]
- Operating System, Computer
The software programming that provides the platform interface for running application software programs. [D03098]
- Operation
 The carrying out of a process, or work. [D05537]
The operation of a new facility is described by a variety of terms, each depicting an event in its early operating life. For example:
- Initial operation: the project milestone date on which material is first introduced into the system for the purpose of producing products.
- Normal operation: the project milestone date on which the facility has demonstrated the capability of sustained operations at design conditions and the facility is accepted by the client.
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A service that can be requested from an object to effect behavior. An operation has a signature, which may restrict the actual parameters that are possible. [D04861]
- Operation Phase
Period when the completed deliverable is used and maintained in service for its intended purpose. Editor's Note: The Operation Phase is part of the product life cycle as distinct from the project life cycle. [D04465]
- Operational Acceptance
The official act of transferring responsibility for system operation to the final user. [D04161]
- Operational and Maintenance Acceptance
Acceptance by the person or group who will support the product during its useful life that it is accepted into the operational environment. The format of the acceptance will depend on the product itself - it could be in the form of an acceptance letter signed by the appropriate authority, or a more complex report detailing the operational and maintenance arrangements that have been put in place. [D05805]
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