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- Stage Manager
The person responsible for the management and successful completion of the stage. [D01889]
- Stage Payment
Payment part way through a project at some predetermined milestone. [D04530]
- Stage Plan
A subset of the project plan, developed in more detail for the conduct of the next stage in the project. Hence it is developed closer to the events taking place, is for a much shorter duration and, except for the first stage plan, is based on a knowledge of actual performance of earlier stages. [D05505]
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- Stage Resource Plan
A plan with all of the details of the required resources for a stage. [D01890]
- Stage Teams
A team built to complete a stage. [D01891]
- Stage Technical Plan
A plan that states all of the technical products, activities and quality controls of a stage. [D01892]
- Staged Completion Projects
See Projects, Staged Completion. [D06278]
- Stakeholder
 One who has a stake or interest in the outcome of the project. [D01894]
Anyone who has a vested interest in the project. [D02325]
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A person or group of people who have a vested interest in the success of an organization and the environment in which the organization operates. [D04531]
An individual who is materially affected by the outcome of the system. [D04775]
Any individual, group or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by, an initiative (program, project, activity or risk). Editor's Note: Parties that are only affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by an initiative (program, project, activity or risk) are better referred to as "Constituents". [D06279]
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Any individual, group or organization who will be affected by, or have influence over the proposed investment, normally including customers and suppliers both internal and external. [D06280]
- Stakeholder Expectations
Those products, functionality, benefits, etc. resulting from the project that stakeholders look forward to with some degree of certainty, rightly or wrongly. Discrepancies between stakeholder needs, specified requirements, expectations and actual results can be a significant source of dissatisfaction with final project results. Hence the importance of good stakeholder communication throughout the project. [D03297]
- Stakeholder Management
 The process involved in identifying, analyzing and managing the expectations of stakeholders and their particular interests and needs. [D05592]
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Action taken by the project manager or project team for curtailing stakeholder activities that would adversely affect the project. Editor's Note: This appears to be a very negative attitude and presumes that the "stakeholders" are all external. [D06281]
- Stakeholder Map
A matrix showing each stakeholder against their particular interest and need. [D05593]
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- Stakeholder Need
The business or operational problem (opportunity) that must be fulfilled in order to justify purchase or use. [D04776]
- Stakeholder Request
A request of any type - for example, Change Request, enhancement request, request for a requirement change, defect - from a stakeholder. [D04777]
- Stakeholder Requirements
Those products, functionality, benefits, etc. resulting from the project that stakeholders have identified as essential, necessary and/or desirable. [D04363]
- Stakeholder Satisfaction
The measure of satisfaction with project results on the part of stakeholders is a measure of project success. Satisfaction is subjective, tends to vary with time and hence is difficult to measure effectively. For example, users of new software and faced with a new learning curve tend to be apprehensive with a consequent low level of satisfaction. After some time, the software is either abandoned, the ultimate in dissatisfaction, or is used extensively with varying degrees of praise. [D03298]
- Stakeholders
 Entities or persons who are or will be influenced by or exert an influence directly or indirectly on the project. Editor's Note: See also Constituents [D06527]
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- Stakeholders
Individuals and organizations who are involved in or may be affected by project activities. (See also Stakeholder and Project Stakeholder.) [D01893]
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The people who have a vested interest in the outcome of the project. [D01895]
Specific people or groups who have a stake in the outcome of the project. Normally stakeholders are from within the company, and could include internal customers, management, employees, administrators, etc. A project may also have external stakeholders, including suppliers, investors, community groups and government organization. [D05122]
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Those parties whose interests are affected by decisions about the operation of an asset in which they do not necessarily own or enjoy property rights. For example, stakeholder interests in a local factory would, as well as the owner, include the local community, workers, investors, bank, consumers etc. all of whom are liable to be affected by decisions made concerning the operation of the factory. [D05123]
Parties with an interest in the execution and outcome of a project. They would include business streams affected by or dependent on the outcome of a project. [D05506]
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A person or group of persons, who are influenced by or able to influence the project. [D06526]
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- Stakeholders
People or organizations that have a vested interest in the environment, performance and/or outcome of the project. [D06528]
- Stand Alone
A system which performs its function requiring little or no assistance from interfacing systems. [D03694]
- Standard
 A document that establishes engineering and/or technical requirements for products, processes, procedures, practices, and methods that have been decreed by authority or adopted by consensus. [D05737]
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A basis for the uniformity of measuring performance. Also, a document that prescribes a specific consensus solution to a repetitive design, operating, or maintenance problem. [D01896]
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A specific statement of the rules and constraints governing the naming, contents, and operations of deliverables. The rules and constraints are designed to support specific objectives. [D01897]
A term applied in work measurement to any established or accepted rule, model, or criterion against which comparisons are made. [D04658]
Mandatory requirements employed and enforced to prescribe a disciplined uniform approach to software development or acquisition. [D05212]
A publicly available document that defines specifications for interfaces, services, processes, protocols, or data formats and that is established and maintained by group consensus. [D05507]
- Standard Construction Technologies
Those materials, systems, methods, etc. that have been in use in the industry for some time and have become well established and accepted. [D03299]
- Standard Cost
 The normal expected cost of an operation, process, or product including labor, material, and overhead charges, computed on the basis of past performance costs, estimates, or work measurement. [D04659]
A level of cost that is predetermined based upon standards and price. Standard cost implies a norm: what costs should be; standard costs are used as the benchmark for gauging good and bad performance; and usually not changed until technology changes or labor and materials change. [D03300]
- Standard Costing
Product costing using standard costs rather than actual costs. [D03301]
- Standard Definitions
Adoption of a uniform set of definitions throughout a program or project organization and which may or may not be a published standard. Editor's Note: Many attempts have been made to establish standard definitions, including this one. However, the nuances of language and the practices and usage in different industries have so far precluded such a goal. [D03302]
- Standard Deviation
 A measure of the dispersion of possible outcomes. (Mathematically, the root mean square of variances of probability distribution.) [D02230]
A measure representing the accuracy of an estimate. If the SD is large the estimate accuracy is poor and the probability is high that variations from the base estimate will be significant. The accuracy of an estimate should improve as the project progresses through its life span and this should be reflected by the SD becoming smaller. [D05738]
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- Standard Operating Procedure
Detailed step-by-step instructions for repetitive operations. Examples are aircraft takeoff and landing procedures. [D04242]
- Standard Procedure
Prescribes that a certain kind of work be done in the same way wherever it is performed. [D01898]
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- Standard Project Cost Accounting
The standards associated with a project cost accounting system. Unlike the "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" (GAAP) of corporate accounting, no such general public standard currently exists in the world of project cost accounting. [D03303]
- Standard Proposal Schedule
A pre-established network on file, [D01899]
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- Standard Time
 A measure of the time it should take a qualified worker to perform a particular task. [D03575]
 The amount of time allowed for the performance of a specific unit of work. [D04660]
- Standards
 Established or accepted rules, models or criteria against which comparisons are made. [D03695]
A set of recognized values serving as an example, or principle, to which members seek to conform, or are judged by; a specific level of excellence. [D04332]
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