- Association
In software, a relationship that models a bi-directional semantic connection among instances. [D04805]
- As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP")
An activity for which the application sets the early dates to be as soon as possible. This is the default activity type in most project management systems. [D00106]
- Assumption
 Something that is taken for granted, or is advanced as fact. An act of presupposing. [D05254]
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There may be external circumstances or events that must occur for the project to be successful. If you believe such an event is likely to happen, then it would be an assumption. (Contrast with the definition of a risk.) If an event is within the control of the project team, such as having testing complete by a certain date, then it is not an assumption. If an event has a 100% chance of occurring, then it is not an assumption since there is no "likelihood" or risk involved. (It is just a fact). Examples of assumptions might be that "Budgets and resources will be available when needed ..." or "The new software release will be available for use by the time the Construct Phase begins". [D04910]
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- Assumptions
 Factors that, for planning purposes, will be considered to be true, real or certain. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk and should be reflected in the Risk Management Plan. [D05255]
Statements taken for granted or truth. Editor's Note: Beware of assumptions that are not supported by evidence or analysis. [D00107]
- Assumptions Analysis
 An examination of the validity of project assumptions in terms of accuracy, consistency and completeness. [D06342]
An examination of the credibility and completeness of the assumptions used in planning and estimating and their associated risks. [D05609]
- Assumptions List
A key part of the risk register which lists the assumptions, both explicit and implicit, on which a RAMP analysis is based. It is updated as and when previous assumptions need to be modified or new assumptions have to be made. [D04911]
- Assurance
 A declaration or promise intended to provide confidence. [D05256]
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To examine with the intent to verify. [D00108]
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- Assurance Program
See Quality Assurance Program. [D02388]
See Acceptance Test Procedure
- Attainable
Achievable, not impossible [D05257]
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- Attitude
The way a person views a situation or condition and then behaves accordingly. An important consideration in Team Building. [D02390]
- Attribute
 A characteristic or property which is appraised in terms of whether it does or does not exist, (e.g., go or not-go) with respect to a given requirement. [D00109]
An attribute defined by a class represents a named property of the class or its objects. An attribute has a type that defines the type of its instances. [D04806]
- Attrition
The loss of a resource due to causes beyond the jurisdiction of the project manager such as the death or resignation of an employee, or spoilage, damage, or obsolescence of material. [D03986]
- Audit
 Systematic retrospective examination of the whole, or part, of a project or function to measure conformance with predetermined standards.
Note: Audit is usually qualified, for example financial audit, quality audit, design audit, project audit, health and safety audit. [D04570]
A formal inquiry into the progress, results, or some other aspect of a project or system. [D00110]
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The systematic examination of records and documents to determine:
- Adequacy and effectiveness of budgeting, accounting, financial and related policies and procedures
- Compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures
- Reliability, accuracy and completeness of financial and administrative records and reports
- The extent to which funds and other resources are properly protected and effectively used
A planned and documented activity performed by qualified personnel to determine by investigation, examination, or evaluation of objective evidence, the adequacy and compliance with established procedures, or applicable documents, and the effectiveness of implementation. [D00111]
- Audit committee
A body of independent directors who are responsible for monitoring the integrity of the financial statement of the company; the effectiveness of the company's internal audit function; and the external auditor's independence and objectivity; and the effectiveness of the audit process. [D05883]
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- Authoritarian
A form of Leadership in which the Leader, directs activities from a position of power and without consideration of the views of those being lead. [D02391]
- Authoritative
Having experience or other established grounds for the giving of information or directions. [D02392]
- Authority
 The legitimate power given to a person in an organization to use resources to reach an objective and to exercise discipline. [D03711]
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The sum of rights and powers assigned to a position or vested in a person, often specified in his or her job description. The authority to make financial commitments is an important aspect of managing projects. [D00112]
One who is vested with power to give final endorsement, which requires no further approval. [D00113]
The power to make and enforce a decision. [D02277]
The power to assign, command, commit, and judge. [D03987]
In a project, the right to direct and consume budgeted resources, including money, make appropriate decisions and/or give approval. [D05611]
- Authority for Expenditure ("AFE")
A formal document requesting the expenditure of capital funds on a defined business objective. Authorized by senior management or participants, depending on the funding level. [D04912]
- Authorization
 The decision that triggers the allocation of funding needed to carry on the project.
Permission, consent, sanction. [D05258]
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See Approval [D02393]
The process of approving, funding, and communicating the authority to start work on a project or component. [D05884]
- Authorize
To give final approval. A person who can authorize something is vested with authority to give final endorsement which requires no further approval [D00114]
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- Authorized Unpriced Work ("AUW")
 The effort for which contract cost adjustments have not been agreed, but for which authorization to proceed has been granted. [D03988]
Any scope changed for which authorization to proceed has been given, but for which the estimated costs are not yet settled. [D00115]
- Authorized Work
 An effort that has been approved by higher authority and may or may not be definitive. [D00116]
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The effort which has been defined, plus that work for which authorization has been given, but for which defined contract costs have not been agreed upon. [D00117]
Work tasks that have been approved by management. A Project Work Authorizing Agreement (PWAA) is used to authorize in-house work; contracts and subcontracts are used to authorize work with external organizations. [D03989]
- Authorized Works
Parts of a project that have been given Approval to Proceed. [D02394]
- Automated Data Processing ("ADP")
The application of electronic equipment, especially computers, to manage, manipulate, display, and store data. [D03990]
- Automatic Decision Event
Decision event where the decision depends only on the outcome of the preceding activities and that can be programmed or made automatic.
- Automatic Generation
Spontaneous creation. Typically applies to the generation of data by software programs, following the input of the requisite data and processing instructions. [D02395]
- Automatic Test Equipment
Equipment built to perform a test or sequence of tests. ATE ranges from simple devices to verify mechanical or electrical continuity to sophisticated computerized systems with automatic sequencing, data processing, and readout. Automatic Test Equipment may be stand alone test units or may be built into the operational equipment. If built in, it is referred to as BITE (Built In Test Equipment). [D03991]
See Authorized Unpriced Work
- Auxiliary Ground Equipment
System support equipment that provides power or environment normally provided by internal systems. [D03992]
- Availability
 Capable of being used. Usually refers to resources and/or funding [D02396]
The proportion of operational time that a system is not impaired by malfunction or maintenance. [D05259]
- Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ")
The average quality of outgoing product including all accepted lots, plus all rejected lots after the rejected lots have been effectively 100 percent inspected and all defectives replaced by non-defectives. [D00118]
- Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL")
The maximum of the average outgoing qualities for all possible incoming qualities for a given sampling plan. [D00119]
- Average Sample Size Curve
The curves that show the average sample sizes which may be expected to occur under the various sampling plans for a given process quality [D00120]
- Avoidance
Keeping away from. Typically used as a risk reduction strategy by adopting a Workaround. [D02397]
- Award
 The assignment of work under Contract. [D02398]
The notification to a bidder of acceptance of a bid. [D02399]
The legally binding contracting of resources to produce required results. [D04314]
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- Award Fee
A contract fee provision used to motivate a contractor to respond to issues that are assigned and measured periodically and subjectively. The contract specifies award fee periods, usually six to nine months long. The award fee criteria are negotiated prior to the start of the award fee period, providing the buyer flexibility to change the incentive emphasis as the project evolves. The determination is made unilaterally by the buyer and is not subject to the legal disputes clause provisions. [D03993]
- Award Letter
A letter sent in response to an offer that accepts that offer. [D00121]
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