- Approve
To accept as satisfactory. Approval implies that the thing approved has the endorsement of the approving agency-, however, the approval may still require confirmation by somebody else. In management use, the important distinction is between approve and authorize. Persons who approve something are willing to accept it as satisfactory for their purposes, but this decision is not final. Approval may be by several persons. The person who authorizes has final organization authority. This authorization is final approval. [D00087]
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- Approved Bidders List
A list of contractors that have been prequalified for purposes of submitting competitive bids [D00088]
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- Approved Changes
Changes that have been approved by higher authority. [D00089]
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- Approved Project Requirements
A statement of realistic requirements, approved and signed off by the Stakeholder(s). [D00090]
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See Acquisition Plan Review
See Acceptable Quality Level
- Arbitrary
Something done without apparent logic. [D02378]
- Arbitration
A formalized system for dealing with grievances and administering corrective justice as part of collective bargaining agreements. [D00091]
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- Arc
The line connecting two nodes or representing precedence in a PERT or CPM network. [D00092]
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- Architectural Baseline
The baseline at the end of the Elaboration phase, at which time the foundation structure and behavior of the system is stabilized. [D04801]
- Architectural View
A view of a software system architecture from a given perspective focusing primarily on structure, modularity, essential components, and the main control flows. [D04802]
- Architecture
 The way in which parts or constituents are related in an organized whole. [D05252]
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The organization or structure of significant components interacting through interfaces, those components being composed of successively smaller components and interfaces. [D04803]
The design and interconnection of the main components of a hardware/software system. [D02275]
The framework and interrelationships of elements of a system. [D03983]
- Architecture, executable
See Executable Architecture. [D04804]
- Archive
A repository for infrequently used or historic records. Editor's Note: A suitably assembled and accessible archive is an important part of an organization's estimating and forecasting capability, and a project manager's store of experience. See also Corporate Memory. [D02379]
- Archive Plan
A function of some computer programs that allows versions of a plan to be archived. [D00093]
- Area of Project Application
See Area of Project Management Application [D00094]
- Area of Project Management Application ("APMA")
The environment in which a project takes place, with its own particular nomenclature and accepted practices e.g. facilities, products or systems development projects (to name a few.) [D00095]
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- Arrow
 Directed connecting line between two nodes in a network.
Note 1: It symbolizes an activity in "activity-on-arrow"
Note 2: It symbolizes a dependency relationship in "activity-on-node" [D04569]
The graphic presentation of an activity. See also arrow diagramming method. [D00096]
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The graphic presentation of an activity. The tail (see I-Node) of the arrow represents the start of the activity. The head (see J-Node) of the arrow represents the finish. Unless a time scale is used, the length of the arrow stem has no relation to the duration of the activity. Length and direction of the activity are usually a matter of convenience and clarity. [D00097]
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An activity in an arrow diagram network. Activity duration usually shown next to the arrow (above or below). Used in both CPM and PERT scheduling systems. [D00101]
- Arrow Diagram
See Activity Arrow Net [D00032]
- Arrow Diagram Method ("ADM")
One of two conventions used to represent an activity in a project. Also known as Activity on Arrow method. [D00098]
- Arrow Diagramming
 A technique that may be used in both CPM and PERT to display the network sequence and timing of activities. The technique is event oriented in that the connecting arrows represent the activities. It is simple to understand and display straight forward networks. Its flexibility is limited in comparison with precedence diagramming. [D03047]
A technique used in CPM or PERT. [D00099]
- Arrow Diagramming Method
A network diagramming technique in which activities are represented by arrows. The tail of the arrow represents the start and the head represents the finish of the activity (the length of the arrow does not represent the expected duration of the activity). Activities are connected at points called nodes (usually drawn as small circles) to illustrate the sequence in which the activities are expected to be performed. See also precedence diagramming method. [D00100]
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- Artifact
A piece of information that:
- Is produced, modified, or used by a process
- Defines an area of responsibility, and
- Is subject to version control.
An artifact can be a model, a model element, or a document. A document can enclose other documents. [D04686]
- Artificial
Not genuine or real, as in conditions created for running tests, or in postulating possible risk scenarios. [D02381]
- AS
See Actual Start Date
See As-Soon-As-Possible
- As-built Design
The documentation that describes the ultimate "As-built" configuration to provide for future replication. It includes design changes implemented for manufacturing improvements and integration and verification corrective actions. The "As-built" baseline becomes the "Build-to" baseline for new builds. In construction, "As-built" drawings are referred to as the "record" drawings. [D03984]
- As-built Documentation
Drawings and diagrams that provide an accurate representation of how the product or facility is actually built. [D03619]
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- As-Built Records
See As-Built Documentation. [D02382]
- As-Built Schedule
 A reconstruction of the Project Schedule to reflect the sequence and durations in which the project work was actually accomplished. A process frequently used in developing or analyzing contractor claims for extra money by high-lighting delays to progress. [D02383]
The final project schedule which depicts actual Completion (Finish) dates, actual duration dates and start dates. [D00102]
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- As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP")
An activity for which the application sets the early dates as late as possible without delaying the early dates of any successor. [D00103]
- As-Needed
Delivery or consumption of resources or information just as and when required. [D02384]
- As-of Date
See Data Date. [D00104]
- As-Performed Schedule
The final project schedule which depicts actual completion (finish) dates, actual durations, and start dates. [D00105]
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- Assembly
A functional unit designed and managed as an entity. Examples include electronic boxes, mechanical assemblies, and software components. Level 5 of the system hierarchy. [D03985]
- Assembly Sequence
Two or more parts or subassemblies joined together in the correct order to form a complete unit, structure, or other element. [D02385]
- Assess
To judge something with respect to its worth. [D05253]
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- Assessment
A determination of value, usually in dollar terms, of an asset, situation or condition that requires some action. Most often used in connection with some form of damages or valuation for insurance, taxation, etc. [D02386]
- Assets
 Anything owned that has a monetary value, e.g. property, both real and personal, including notes, accounts and accrued earnings or revenues receivable and cash or its equivalent. Assets may be subdivided into current, fixed, etc. [D02441]
Property: real, i.e. physical or intangible, hence including anything from real estate, to knowledge, systems, practices and documents. [D04322]
- Assignment
The transfer of some power such as Authority, Responsibility, Accountability, etc. [D02387]
- Associated Revenue
That part of a project cost that is of a revenue nature and therefore charged as incurred to the profit and loss account.
Note: Associated revenue differs from the capital element of the project in that the capital element is taken as an asset to the balance sheet and depreciated over future accounting periods.
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