- Supply Side
That part of an organization responsible for support and delivery of the products and services it sells. See also Market Side. [D05842]
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- Support
 To uphold or defend as valid or right, i.e. to advocate. To argue or vote for, assist, or help. To provide with substantiation, i.e. corroborate. To pay the costs of, or maintain. To keep something going. [D03317]
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Subsystems used to perform certain tasks in logistical support of a program. [D03316]
- Support Services
The class of tasks ancillary to analysis, design, and programming that are required to accomplish a software development effort; includes documentation (technical publications), quality assurance, test and integration, and the data center operations. [D01962]
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- Support Staff
Individuals who provide assistance to the project team in areas such as financial tracking and project administration. [D06296]
- Support Team
A term used to designate the personnel working on a project who do not report to the project manager administratively. [D01963]
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- Support Work
 A term used in IT shops, where project staff also have other duties such as short-run, project-like non-discretionary work necessary to keep normal operational work going, e.g. a discrete task of, say, less than 25 man-hours. [D06297]
 In project portfolio management, "Other Work" of an on-going service nature, rather than creating a deliverable, and typically requiring immediate attention such as recovery from a service failure. [D06298]
- Surety
An individual or organization that has agreed to be legally liable for the debt, default, or a failure of a principal to satisfy a contract obligation. [D06299]
- Surplus/Deficit
The current financial year budget allocation minus total anticipated expenditures. [D01964]
- Surprise
The surfacing of an unanticipated uncertainty, either opportunity or risk event. [D01965]
- Surveillance
A term used in Earned Value oversight to mean the monitoring of continued compliance with an approved/validated management control system. [D04662]
- Survey
An activity designed to either
- Collect comprehensive data for analysis, or
- Determine the form, extent, position and/or topography of land by taking measurements and using geometry or trigonometry.
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- Survey, Product Oriented
A review and evaluation to determine the adequacy of the technical requirements relating to quality and product conformance to design intent. [D01966]
- Suspension of Work
Two possible types:
- Constructive: An act or failure to act on the part of an owner which is not a directed suspension of work but which has the effect of delaying or interrupting all or part of the work
- Directed: An order or directive from the owner to the contractor to stop all or part of the work. [D05129]
- SV
See Schedule Variance
See Scientific Wild Anatomical Guess
- SWOT Analysis
A process whereby a group of people determine:
- What Strengths do we have? (How can we take advantage of them?)
- What Weaknesses do we have? (How can we minimize them?)
- What Opportunities are there? (How can we capitalize on them?)
- What Threats might prevent us from getting there? (Consider technical obstacles, competitive responses, values of people within the organization, etc.)
- For every obstacle identified, what can we do to overcome or get around it? (This helps to develop contingency plans.)
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- Synergy
Combined action or operation of two or more parties, systems, or parts, in which the results are greater than they would be acting separately. [D03319]
- Synthesis
The composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole. Also, deductive reasoning. [D03320]
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- System
 A methodical arrangement of activities or parts designed to achieve repetitive or reproducible results. [D01970]
A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole. This includes a set of ideas or principles grouped together for classification or analysis. [D01967]
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A methodical assembly of actions or things forming a logical and connected scheme or unit. [D01968]
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The complete technical output of the project including technical products. [D01969]
Either- A collection of connected units that are organized to accomplish a specific purpose. A system can be described by one or more models, possibly from different viewpoints. Synonym: physical system, or
- A top-level subsystem.
- System Acceptance
The act of taking custody based on satisfactory verification at factory or at site. [D04250]
- System Acceptance Letter
 A letter signed by the senior technical member of the project board after ensuring the project has completed system test requirements and is ready for user acceptance. [D01971]
Prepared by the project manager or stage manager for signature by the senior technical member of the project board after ensuring that the project has completed system test requirements and is ready for user acceptance tests. [D03956]
- System Analysis
The logical development of user requirements into system requirements, system concepts, and system specifications through the knowledgeable application of state-of-the-art technology and system evaluation criteria applied in analytical trade-off analysis. [D04251]
- System Analysis and Design
The process of evaluating alternative solution candidates against predetermined decision criteria to select a best value solution. [D04252]
- System Architecture
The manner in which hardware or software is structured, i.e. how the system or program is constructed, how its components fit together, and what protocols and interfaces are used for communicating and cooperating among the components, including human interaction. [D06300]
- System Architecture Development
The development of the top-level decomposition of a system concept. [D04253]
- System Concept Review ("SCR")
A buyer control gate which reviews and approves the recommended system concept configured to satisfy the system requirements document. The SCR is the decision point to proceed with the development of the system specification. [D01972]
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- System Decomposition
The hierarchical functional and physical partitioning of any system into hardware assemblies, software components, and operator activities that can be scheduled, budgeted, and assigned to a responsible manager. [D04254]
- System Deployment Procedures
Step-by-step instructions to deploy the project into its operational environment. [D04255]
- System Design
The design of a product in which the product is broken down into subsystems, where the intended performance of each subsystem is defined, and usually reflects a dominant technical competency (e.g. mechanical, electrical, electronic, software). Also, the interactions between the components that are defined in the form of specific inputs and outputs. The system design becomes the basis for estimating technical workloads by discipline, for assigning detailed design work, and for proving ultimate performance of the product. [D06536]
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- System Design Review ("SDR")
A seller control gate which reviews and approves the top-level system design solution and rationale. The SDR is the decision point to proceed with system specification flowdown to hardware and software configuration items. [D01973]
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- System Development
Converting user requirement into an operational system. [D04256]
- System Development Project
A project with a high percentage of new product design. [D04257]
- System Engineer
The person responsible for system integrity and the advocate for orderly, systematic technical development. The responsibility begins with the identification of the user needs and ends with validation that the user needs have been satisfied. The system engineer ensures that all appropriate technical and operational disciplines are applied to the system development process in the applicable phases and that the authorized tasks will satisfy the control gate requirements of each phase. [D04258]
- System Hierarchical Structure
A set of ranked terms defining the composition of a system. The terms and the corresponding level numbers from highest to lowest rank are:
- System
- Segment
- Element
- Subsystem
- Assembly
- Subassembly
- Part
For software projects, computer software components may reside at all levels below the segment level 2, and computer software units usually reside at the subassembly level 6. A configuration item can be specified at any level in the System Hierarchical Structure.
- System Integration
The successive combining and testing of hardware and software system components in a prescribed manner to prove compatibility and performance. [D04260]
- System Integration and Testing
The successive combining and testing of hardware and software system components in a prescribed manner to prove compatibility and performance. The activity of the right leg of the Vee model. [D04261]
- System Integration Plan
A document that describes the intended approach to system integration from the hardware assembly level or software unit level up to the system level. [D04262]
- System Library
A library containing all the configuration items in the project. [D03957]
- System O&M Project
A project to deliver the operations and maintenance of an existing system. [D04263]
- System Performance Report
The summary and rating of system performance by operations personnel as compared to the Operations and Maintenance Document requirements. [D04264]
- System Requirement
A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy a condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem. [D05215]
- System Requirements Document
The document that states what the system must do to satisfy all or a part of the user's requirements. System requirements must be traceable to user requirements. This document is the basis for developing the System Concept and the associated System Specification. [D04265]
- System Requirements Review ("SRR")
The buyer control gate at which the system requirements document is reviewed and approved determines which needs of the total user requirements statement will be satisfied by the proposed project. The SRR is the decision point to allow the project to proceed with the in-depth analyses and tradeoffs necessary to select a preferred system concept with associated budget and schedule estimates. [D01974]
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- System Specification
Defines the system baseline in terms of system description, functional requirements, quantitative technical parameters, design constraints and the criteria for acceptance. It must be formulated in terms that are quantifiable and verifiable. [D04266]
- System Test Plan
A document that describes the approach to all system development, integration, qualification, and acceptance testing. Usually part of the System Engineering Management Plan [D04267]
- System User
The individual or group responsible for delivery, operations, and maintenance of the system. [D04268]
- System Validation
The process of developing evidence in accordance with the user validation plan and system validation procedures to prove that the system meets user's needs. [D04269]
- System Validation Procedures
10/2/99 [D04270]
- System Verification
Proof of compliance with system specifications. Verification may be determined by test, analysis, inspection, or demonstration. [D04271]
- System Verification Procedures
Step by step instructions that implement the inspection, demonstration, testing, and analysis required by the verification plan. They include equipment to be used, calibration requirements, facility requirements, etc. [D04272]
- Systems Administration
The organizational department responsible for selection, implementation, maintenance and upgrading of systems in support of the organization's main activities. [D03321]
- Systems Analysis
The study of the management systems required to be put in place to accomplish the project. Before establishing any system, especially those to be computerized, it is essential to establish who needs and who wants the information output, why, when and at what level. Only then can the best system for the purpose be established. More often than not on a project, systems "happen" ad-hoc because of some urgent need and without the knowledge or participation of others who may be affected. Systems analysis often provides the opportunity both to improve performance on the project and to eliminate wasted or marginal effort. See also Contribution Analysis. [D03093]
- Systems Analyst
The computer person responsible for analyzing users' needs and defining the functional requirements of the computer and procedural solutions to meet those needs. [D01975]
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- Systems and Procedures
 A document or manual detailing the standard methods, practices and procedures for handling frequently occurring events within the project. These will cover management approvals, controls and technical requirements, etc. Systems will also cover methods of handling information transfer and storage. Such systems are sometimes called methodologies. Every project should have a set of systems and procedures. [D03958]
The standard methods, practices and procedures for handling frequently occurring events within the project. [D01976]
- Systems Approach
A wide-ranging method for addressing problems that considers multiple and interacting relationships. This approach is often contrasted with the analytic approach. project management is a systems approach to managing projects. [D01977]
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- Systems Architect
Job category of computer software personnel responsible for the high level systems design; the allocation of basic functions across applications and systems software and hardware. [D01978]
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- Systems Documentation
Documentation in support of the organization's systems. [D03322]
- Systems Management
 Management that includes the prime activities of systems analysis, systems design and engineering and systems development. Editor's Note: "Development" in this context means the implementation of the design and engineering. [D01979]
The elaboration of the specification for the technical, organizational, cost, time and other parameters of a system and the subsequent management of the planning, design/engineering, procurement, implementation and testing areas of the work needed to realize the system concept. Systems management comprises the prime activities of systems analysis, systems design and engineering and systems development. Editor's Note: "Development" in this context means the implementation of the design and engineering. [D03959]
- Systems Programmer
Programmer whose primary responsibility is to write or modify operating systems, usually to customize them to the particular hardware used and software running at an installation for the application programmers' use. [D01980]
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- Systems Scope Description
A description of the entire set of systems required to satisfy the approved, affordable stakeholder requirements as agreed with the stakeholders and justified at the conclusion of the project’s concept Phase 1. This description includes the scope and technical performance of each system. [D01981]
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