- T&M
See Time and Material Contract
- T&E
See Test and Evaluation
See Total Allocated Budget
- Tactics
A mini-plan or method micro focused on action steps. [D01982]
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See Total Anticipated Expenditures
- Tailor
To modify a process, standard, or procedure to better match process or product requirements. [D05216]
- Takeoff
A term used for identifying and recording from drawings the material and quantities required for estimating the time and cost for the completion of an activity. [D01983]
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- Talent
A person's natural aptitude, mental or physical, e.g. creative, artistic, analytical, etc. [D03323]
- Target
A goal to be achieved, a mark to shoot at. [D03324]
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- Target Completion Date ("TC")
 An imposed date which constrains or otherwise modifies the network analysis. [D01985]
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A date which contractors strive toward for completion of the activity. [D01984]
- Target Cost
 A goal set for the final total cost which the project team should aim to keep within. [D03325]
See Contract Target Cost and/or Contract Budget Base. [D04663]
- Target Date
 Date imposed on an activity or project by the user. There are two types: target start dates, and target finish dates. [D01986]
The date an activity is desired to be started or completed; accepted as the date generated by the initial CPM schedule operation and resource allocation process. [D01987]
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- Target Finish Date
 The date planned to finish work on an activity. [D04540]
The user's imposed finish date for an activity or a project as a whole. A target finish date is used if there are pre-defined commitment dates. Most PM software will not schedule a late finish date later than the target finish date. Your favorite PM software may alert you to negative float which occurs when a late finish date is later than a target finish date. This is caused by the duration of predecessors which makes it impossible to meet the target finish date. The negative float can be eliminated by reducing the duration of predecessors, increasing parallelism, or extending the target finish date. [D01988]
- Target Finish, activity
The user's imposed finish date for an activity. A Target Finish date is used if there are pre-defined commitment dates. [D04539]
- Target Finish, project
A date imposed on a project as a whole, usually by the user. [D04541]
- Target Outcomes
The measurable benefits that are sought from undertaking a project. [D05520]
- Target Plan
The plan prioritized by critical total float taken from the current schedule. [D01989]
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- Target Reporting
A method of reporting the current schedule against some established baseline schedule and the computation of variances between them. [D01990]
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- Target Schedule
See Baseline. [D01991]
- Target Start Date
 The date planned to start work on an activity. [D04544]
An imposed starting date on an activity. Most PM software will not schedule an early start date earlier than the target start date. [D01992]
- Target Start, activity
An imposed starting date on an activity. [D04542]
- Target Start, project
An imposed starting date on a project. [D04543]
- Target, for test
A build that is an object for testing. See build. [D04778]
- Task
 A cohesive, individual unit of work that is part of the total work needed to accomplish a project. [D01993]
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A small part of a project. [D01994]
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A subdivision of an activity. [D01995]
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Also called an activity. Tasks take place over a period of time and generally consumes resources. [D01996]
The term usually used to refer to a piece of work contained within a work package. While it is an identifiable piece of work, its extent is less than that which qualifies it as a work package. See also activity. [D01997]
An activity that has a beginning and an ending. Projects are made up of tasks. Editor's Note: In this definition, a task is a specific form of activity. [D05130]
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- Task Force
 A team of experts tasked to investigate a problem and to develop and implement the necessary corrective action. [D04273]
An ad hoc group designated to cope with a project, similar to a project organization although frequently staffed with personnel on part-time assignment, usually adopted by a functional organization having only one project or at most a few projects at any given time. [D01998]
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- Task Manager
A member of the functional organization who has accepted responsibility for accomplishing project tasks for a project manager. Thus, the task manager has functional (competence and performance) responsibilities to his/her normal line manager and project (task) responsibilities to the project manager. [D03791]
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- Task Type
Characterization of task S by resource requirement, responsibility, discipline, jurisdiction, function, etc. [D01999]
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See To Be Advised
See To Be Determined
- TC
See Target Completion Date
See Transfer of Care, Custody and Control
See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
See To Complete Performance Index
- Team
 A group of people with a high degree of interdependence geared toward the achievement of a goal or the completion of a task. [D05843]
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Two or more people working interdependently toward a common goal and a shared reward. [D02000]
- Team Building
 The process of influencing a group of diverse individuals, each with their own goals, needs, and perspectives, to work together effectively for the good of the project such that their team will accomplish more than the sum of their individual efforts could otherwise achieve. [D02002]
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The ability to gather the right people to join a project team and get them working together for the benefit of a project. [D02001]
A vital soft skill for project managers who need to understand team dynamics and the individual characteristics that make up a high performance team. According to Tuckman and Jensen the stages are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. [D03960]
- Team Decision Making
The process by which the project manager and his team determine feasible alternatives in the face of a technical, psychological, or political problem, and make a conscious selection of a course of action from among these available alternatives. [D02003]
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