- Incentive Scheme
A formal program of incentives, typically associated with pay scales and conditions of employment. [D02832]
- Incentive Schemes
See Bonus Schemes. [D03064]
- Inception
The first phase of the Unified Process, in which the seed idea, request for proposal, for the previous generation is brought to the point of being (at least internally) funded to enter the elaboration phase. [D04732]
- Inch Pebbles
A diminution of milestones. Implies planning activities at a very detailed level. [D06555]
- Inclusion
A way of terminating a project by incorporating the project operations and team into the organization as a separate, ongoing entity. [D00815]
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- Inclusive OR relationship
Logical relationship indicating that at least one but not necessarily all of the activities have to be undertaken.
- Income
Receipts or benefits, usually in the form of money, regularly accruing from labor, business, or property. [D02833]
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A set of international terms defining conditions for delivery and shipping of equipment and materials.
- Increment
The difference (delta) between two releases at the end of subsequent iterations. [D04733]
- Incremental
 A small increase, implying one of several progressive steps. [D02834]
Qualifies an iterative development strategy in which the system is built by adding more and more functionality at each iteration. [D04734]
- Incremental Cost
Costs added to an existing total as a result of a particular decision or action. [D05154]
- Incremental Development
A hardware/software development process that produces a partial implementation and then gradually adds preplanned functionality or performance in subsequent increments. [D04115]
- Incurred Cost
Total cost to date (i.e. including liabilities for all goods, service, work.) See also Total Expenditure to Date [D02835]
- Incurred Costs
 A graphical tool that shows the relationship among decisions, chance events, and consequences for a decision problem. [D06431]
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Sum of actual and committed costs, whether invoiced/paid or not, at a specified time.
- Indemnify
To make or promise to make proper payment for damage, injury or loss. [D05372]
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- Independent
Someone who is not subject to the control of another, or something that is not subordinate to, or does not rely on, anything else. [D02836]
- Independent Cost Analysis
An analysis of program cost estimates conducted by an impartial body disassociated from the management of the program. [D04638]
- Independent Cost Estimate
An estimate of program cost developed outside normal channels which generally includes representation from cost analysis, procurement, production management, engineering and project management. [D04639]
- Independent Float
 The degree of flexibility which an activity has which does not affect the float available on any preceding or succeeding activities. [D03860]
The delay possible for an activity if all preceding activities start as late as possible whilst all subsequent activities start at their earliest time. The significance of independent float is that it is associated solely with one activity and not with a chain of two or more activities. [D05000]
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- Independent Verification and Validation
The process of proving compliance to a specification by using personnel that are technically competent and managerially separate from the development group. The degree of independence of the IV&V team is driven by product risk. [D04116]
- Index
Table of Contents. Also, a published measure of change, such as indices representing the cost of living, inflation, and relative labor and material rates, etc. [D02837]
- Indicators
Generally, information in a consistent format that points to a current status, trend or need for action. [D02838]
- Indirect
Roundabout, not open or straight forward. In project management, "Indirects" typically refer to costs that cannot be identified directly with any one activity. See Indirect Cost. [D02839]
- Indirect Cost
 Costs associated with a project that cannot be directly attributed to an activity or group of activities, i.e. Resources expended which are not directly identified to any specific contract, project, product or service, such as overheads and general administration.
Resources expended which are not directly identified to any specific contract, project, product or service, such as Overhead and G&A. [D00816]
Any cost not directly identified with a single, final cost objective, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or an intermediate cost objective. See also Burden [D03511]
- Indirect Cost Pools
A grouping of indirect costs identified with two or more cost objectives but not specifically identified with any final cost objective. [D04640]
- Indirect Costs
 The costs for common or joint objectives that cannot be specifically identified with a particular project or activity; however, they may be allocated to projects on a prorated basis. Also known as Overhead or Burden. [D02264]
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Contractor allowable costs that cannot be directly attributable to a specific project such as management salaries, employee fringe benefits, holiday pay, taxes, utilities and facility costs, and similar expenses. Indirect costs can vary between companies according to their cost accounting standards. Also called Overhead Cost. [D04117]
- Indirect Project Cost
All costs which do not form a part of the final project, but which are nonetheless required for the orderly completion of the project and which may include, but not necessarily be limited to field administration, direct supervision, incidental tools and equipment, startup costs, contractor’s fees, insurance, taxes, etc. [D00817]
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- Individual
One indivisible entity such as one single person. [D02840]
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- Individual Activity Cost
The separate cost of a single activity. [D02841]
- Individual Development Plan
The development plan for an individual project, work package or major activity. [D02842]
- Individual Work Plan
The lowest level of the technical plan which defines the tasks and responsibilities of an individual team member. [D03861]
- Industrial Relations
 An organizational function that deals with the relationship that exists between management personnel and the unions within an organization. [D02845]
A broad area of responsibility within an organization that includes human resources management activities and the administration of union agreements and seeks to maintain a positive image for the organization through public relations type activities. [D02844]
- Industry
 A recognized sector of the economy employing a significant number of people. Also, hard work. [D02846]
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All concerns primarily engaged in similar lines of activity, as listed and described in the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual. [D03512]
- Inefficiency
A level of production which is less than that accomplished under normal working conditions. [D05001]
- Inexcusable Delays
Project delays that are attributable to negligence on the part of the contractor which lead in many cases to penalty payments. [D03720]
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- Inflation
 The proportionate rate of change in the general price level, as opposed to the proportionate increase in a specific price. Inflation is usually measured by a broad-based price index, such as the implicit deflator for the consumer price index. [D03513]
See also Escalation. [D00819]
- Inflation/Escalation
A factor in cost evaluation and cost comparison that must be predicted as an allowance to account for the price changes that can occur with time and over which the project manager has no control (for example: cost of living index, interest rates, other cost indices, etc.) [D00820]
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- Influence
An ability or power sufficient to produce some affect. [D02847]
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- Influence Diagram
The value of work rendered to date, usually recorded by work package, being the sum of expenditures billed and paid plus expenditures billed but unpaid plus expenditures unbilled but incurred all up to the cost report date. [D06432]
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- Influencers
A subset of Stakeholders. See Constituents. [D05658]
- Informal
Not according to official, conventional, or customary form. Without ceremony. [D02848]
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