- Tracking
 Collecting actual time, cost and resource information and feeding them back into the project plan. Editor's Note: See also Monitoring. [D02080]
The process of collecting actual time, cost and resource information and feeding this back into the project plan. When there is a significant number of activities to assess, the process of tracking the Earned Value may be much simplified by adopting one of the following assumptions:
- 0/100 Tracking - all the Baseline cost of an activity is accepted when the activity is completed.
- 100/0 Tracking - all the Baseline cost of an activity is accepted when the activity is started.
- 50/50 Tracking - 50% of the Baseline cost of an activity is accepted when the activity is started and the remainder when it is completed.
- Trade-Off
 Allowing one aspect to change, usually for the worse, in return for another aspect of a project getting better. [D02081]
OTOB p271-4 |
In an economic analysis or assessment of design alternatives, certain products or certain input resources are interrelated so that increasing one reduces the others. Between such products or resources there is a "trade-off" cost or revenue as one is substituted for another.
In preparing a building design, for example, there is a relationship between heating capacity and amount of thermal insulation installed. This can be translated into a set of "trade-off" costs that vary over the range of feasible heating capacity values for any given temperature range. See also Value Management. [D02082]
- Trades
The workers in various construction skill groups such as plasterers and painters. [D05747]
- Training Program
The set of related elements that focuses on addressing an organization's training needs. It includes an organization's training plan, training materials, development of training, conduct of training, training facilities, evaluation of training, and maintenance of training records. [D05218]
- Training, in project management
Project management training may be defined as the passing on of procedural skills to enable repetition in the future of what has been taught in the past. The knowledge is essentially prescriptive. The benefit is in "How to do it." For example, upon returning to his or her job function, that individual can quickly put into practice the skills that have just been learned. (See also Education.) [D02083]
- Tranche
A block of work within the program, identified to facilitate the program's management. Editor's Note: It may also refer to a block of funding for a program or large project. This term is not commonly used in North America. [D05135]
- Transaction
A unit of processing consisting of one or more application programs initiated by a single request. A transaction can require the initiation of one or more tasks for its execution. [D04886]
- Transfer of Care, Custody and Control ("TCCC")
The transfer of a project's completed deliverable into the hands of the user together with responsibility for its care, usage and maintenance. [D03364]
- Transformation Project
A project devised to move an organization to a new level or to introduce a new product or service that will dominate the market place. [D05848]
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- Transit Time
Dependency link that requires time and no other resources. It may be a negative time. [D04556]
- Transition
 Passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another. [D03365]
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The fourth phase of the Unified Process, in which the software product is moved to the care, custody and control of the user community. The four phases of the Unified Process are Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition. [D04887]
- Transition Plan
 A component of the program definition statement, describing how the transition is to be managed from the current business operation to the new blueprint environment. [D03968]
Part of the program definition statement that describes how the transition from the current business operation to the new environment of the blueprint will be managed. [D02084]
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ("TCP/IP")
A protocol used over the Internet to control connectivity. [D04888]
- Transmit
To send or convey from one person or place to another. [D02085]
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- Transportation
Means of conveyance or travel from one place to another. Public conveyance, e.g. public transit, of passengers or goods especially as a public or commercial enterprise. [D03366]
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- Trend
A general tendency (of events, etc.) [D02086]
- Trend Analyses
Mathematical methods for establishing trends based on past project history allowing for adjustment. refinement or revision to predict cost. Regression analysis techniques can be used for predicting cost/schedule trends using data from historical projects [D02087]
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- Trend Analysis
See Trending. [D05748]
- Trend Line
A line on a schedule or chart showing the pattern of progress that is being set over time, i.e. from measurement period to measurement period. [D03367]
- Trend Monitoring
A system for tracking the estimated cost/schedule/resources of the project vs. those planned. [D02088]
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- Trend Reports
Indicators of variations of project control parameters against planned objectives. [D02089]
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- Trend Schedules
Schedules which are used during the implementation of the project to record factors which could change the future risk profile of a project. [D05137]
- Trending
 A review of current progress compared to last reported progress which, when displayed graphically, shows whether a course correction is necessary to achieve the baseline plan [D01852]
Analysis of trends. [D02090]
The review of proposed changes in resources allocation and the forecasting of their impact on budget. To be effective, trending should be regularly performed and the impacts on budget plotted graphically. Used in this way trending supports a decision to make a course correction, or seek an authorized a change. [D02091]
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- Trial Balloon
A tentative plan offered to test the reaction of a particular audience. [D03579]
- Triangular Distribution
A statistical distribution in which the parameter is estimated using minimum, maximum, and most likely estimates. [D06543]
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- Trigger
See Risk Trigger [D05594]
- Triple Constraint
The term used to describe the three key project objectives that must be simultaneously accomplished, namely, the performance specification, the time schedule, and the monetary budget. Editor's Note: An obsolete term. There are four fundamental and interrelated project management objectives or variables, namely: scope, quality, time and cost. [D02092]
SPM p304-9 |
See Test Readiness Review
- Turbulence
Disturbance, agitation or tumult. [D03368]
- Turnaround Report
A report created especially for the various responsible managers to enter their progress status against a list of activities that are scheduled to be in progress during a particular time window. [D02093]
- Turnkey
A form of contract in which a facility or equipment is to be designed, built, supplied, or installed complete and ready for operation. [D03369]
A contract whereby the sponsor confers design-build responsibility to a third party through a performance specification. The project sponsor may, in addition, assign responsibility for project financing to the turnkey contractor. See also Design Build. [D06544]
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- Type
Description of a set of entities which share common characteristics, relations, attributes, and semantics. [D04889]
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