- Critical Sequence Analysis
A process of calculating a critical sequence of activities while taking into account resource limits that reflect an activity's flexibility. [D03826]
- Critical Subcontractor
A contractor or supplier performing a decisive portion of a project which generally requires close oversight, control, and reporting. Critical subcontractors are designated as a result of customer negotiation or by management direction. [D04630]
- Critical Success Factor ("CSF")
Something that needs to be in place to achieve a project objective. Factors that focus on the value in deliverables or end results. Editor's Note: This definition is in the context of corporate management rather than project management. See also Key Performance Indicators. [D06396]
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- Critical Success Factors ("CSF")
 Those measurable factors, listed in order of importance, that when present in the project's environment are most conducive to the achievement of a successful project. Examples include: Project objectives aligned with corporate mission; Top management support; A culture of open communication, etc. See also Key Success Indicators (KSIs) Editor's Note: In general, CSFs are those factors in the project's environment that cannot be influenced directly by the project manager. [D00462]
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The key factors which are deemed critical to the success of the project. The nature of these factors will govern the response to conflicts, risks and the setting of priorities. [D03827]
- Critical Task
A task that must finish on time for the entire project to finish on time. If a critical task is delayed, the project completion date is also delayed. A critical task has zero slack time. A series of critical tasks make up the project’s critical path. [D00463]
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- Critical Work Item
See Critical Activity [D00442]
- Criticality Index
 A measure of how often an activity appears on the critical path during a Monte Carlo simulation [D03828]
Used in risk analysis, the criticality index represents the percentage of simulation trails that resulted in the activity being placed on the critical path. [D00464]
- Cross Organizational
Across the hierarchy of a line organization. [D00376]
- Cross References
An annotation signifying a connection to another item elsewhere. [D02594]
- Cross-Stage Plan
A detailed plan showing activities that span more than one stage in the project life cycle. [D03829]
See Computer Software Configuration Item
See Critical Success Factor
See Critical Success Factors
See Contract Target Cost
See Contract Target Price
See Cost-Time Resource Sheet
- Culture
 A person's attitudes arising out of their professional, religious, class, educational, gender, age and other backgrounds. [D02628]
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 In project management, the combined effect of the values, beliefs, attitudes, traditions, and behaviors of the members of a group, e.g. a project team. [D05960]
The integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon people’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Editor's Note: See also Social Factors. [D00465]
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The framework that provides people with their identity. [D04957]
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Socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, work habits, and thoughts. [D05309]
A set of characteristics that sets one group of people apart from another. [D05959]
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- Culture, organizational
The underlying beliefs, values and principles that serve as a foundation for an organization's management system as well as a set of management practices and behaviors that both exemplify and reinforce those basic principles. [D04958]
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- Cumulative Cost-to-Date
See Total Expenditure to Date [D02595]
- Cumulative Probability
The probability that the project's final cost or duration will be equal to or less than a given value. [D05630]
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- Cumulative S Curve
See S Curve. [D02598]
- Currency Conversion
The exchange of one international currency for another. Most rates of conversion fluctuate daily and impact the final cost of imported or exported goods supplied to a project unless the price is tied to a particular currency by prior agreement. [D02599]
- Current Budget
 The current approved allocation of funds to budgetary accounts on a project. [D06397]
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That valid budget at a point in time. [D00466]
- Current Date Line
A vertical line in a Gantt Chart or Resource Graph indicating the current date. [D00467]
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- Current Estimate
An estimate of the expenditures as they will actually be incurred over time. [D06398]
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- Current Finish Date
The current estimate of the calendar date when an activity will be completed. [D00468]
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- Current FY Budget Allocation
Includes all dollars allocated to the project in the current financial year. [D00469]
- Current Start Date
The current estimate of the calendar date when an activity will begin. [D00470]
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- Current Status
A report that compare actual progress with planned progress as of the last reporting date. See also Status Report. [D02600]
- Current Year
The fiscal year in progress. [D02301]
- Custom Duty and Tax
The levies made by governments on goods being imported across an international border. [D02601]
- Customer
 The person or group that is/are the recipient(s) of a product or service, the direct beneficiary(ies) of a project's product or service. The people for whom the project is being undertaken. Editor's Note: The individual, group or organization that receives the project deliverables is not necessarily the user of those deliverables. [D04959]
 In project portfolio management, the person or group that commissions a work; takes financial responsibility; and will be responsible for acceptance. [D05961]
Any person who defines needs or wants, justifies or pays for part or the entire project, or evaluates or uses the results. Editor's Note: In some environments, e.g. in Information Technology, the term "Customer" is reserved for those recipients who are external recipients of the products of projects, i.e. typically under contract, while "Client" is used to refer to those internal to the organization producing the product. [D00471]
The ultimate consumer, user, client, beneficiary or second party who will be responsible for acceptance of the project's deliverables. Editor's Note: It is vitally important for the project manager to find out who is the real customer. [D03487]
Every project should have a Customer who is responsible for acceptance of deliverables. The role may be external or internal to the organization. [D03830]
A person or organization, internal or external to the producing organization, who takes financial responsibility for the system. In a large system this may not be the end user. The customer is the ultimate recipient of the developed product and its artifacts. See also stakeholder. [D04712]
The person or group who commissioned the work and will benefit from the end results. [D05311]
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Those who will use the project's outputs to generate the targeted (operational) outcomes (benefits). Editor's Note: Those who will use the project's product(s) are not necessarily those who pay for it and therefore may not be the "customer". [D05312]
- Customer Acceptance Criteria
The criteria that the customer will use to determine if he/she is satisfied with the final deliverables. [D02193]
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- Customer Focus
An attitude that always asks the question: "What is right for the customer?" [D05962]
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- Customer Furnished Equipment
(CFE) Equipment provided to the contractor doing the project by the customer for the project and typically specified in the contract. [D00473]
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- Customer Perspective
The view that displays how the customers are to be satisfied in order to achieve the project or program mission successfully. [D04960]
- Customer Quality Expectations
A statement from the customer of the quality expected from the final product. [D05772]
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- Customer/Client Personnel
Those individuals working for the organization that will assume responsibility for the product produced by the project when the project is complete. [D00474]
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- Cutoff Date
The ending date in a reporting period. [D00475]
- Cutover
The event or action that takes place when the product, service, or project element contracted for by the client is placed in operation or turned over to the client (i.e. transferred to the ‘care, custody and control’ of the users.) [D00476]
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- CV
Also means Curriculum Vitae or Resume. [D02240]
See Cost Variance
See Contract Work Breakdown Structure
- Cybernetics
The study of man-machine relationships to optimize output performance. Generally given inadequate attention on projects. See also Method Study. [D03056]
- Cycle
One complete pass through the four phases: inception, elaboration, construction and transition. The span of time between the beginning of the inception phase and the end of the transition phase. Editor's Note: Also known as Project Life Cycle PLCP or Project Life Span (PLS). [D04713]
- Cycle Time
The time it takes to create a deliverable – includes staff effort time and time spent on other projects or processes. [D02194]
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