- Promoter
The individual or group who champions the development of a concept in response to a perceived need. [D06508]
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- Proof of Concept
Evidence to support acceptance of a proposed solution. [D06175]
- Proposal
 An offer in response to a request for proposals. [D03551]
A document (sometimes accompanied by models) submitted to a prospective customer by an organization that describes work the organization is offering to do for the prospective customer. [D01540]
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A contractor's written reply to a request for proposal. Usually includes technical, management, cost, and basis of estimate volumes. [D04203]
- Proposal Form
A standard format, or layout, for the submission of a formal proposal in response to an invitation to tender. [D03201]
- Proposal Project Plan
Usually the first plan issued on a project and accompanies the proposal. It contains key analysis, procurement, and implementation milestones; historical data, and any client-supplied information. Usually presented in bar chart form or summary level network, and used for inquiry and contract negotiations. [D01541]
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- Proprietary Information
Selected experts organized for fact finding and evaluating proposals against predetermined criteria. Typically, there are separate teams for Technical, Cost, and Management Evaluation. [D04204]
- Proprietary Standard
A standard that is exclusively owned by an individual or organization, the use of which generally would require a license and/or fee. [D05706]
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- Prorated Cost
A cost that is incurred in increments over time as a task or project progresses. [D01542]
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- Prospectus
The assembly of evaluation profitability studies and all the pertinent technical data in an overall report for presentation and acceptance by the owner and funders of a project. [D01543]
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- Protection
Alternative meanings include:
- Covered or shielded from exposure, injury, or destruction. For example, by insurance.
- Maintenance of the status or integrity. For example, through financial or legal guarantees.
- Saved from contingent financial loss. For example, by setting aside an appropriate financial reserve.
- Shielded from infringement or restriction. For example, by copyright registration.
- Restricted competition. For example, by tariffs or trade controls.
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- Protest
A written objection, submitted by an interested party, to a solicitation for offers or to the award or proposed award of a contract. [D06176]
- Prototype
 A technical demonstration model. [D05459]
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An original or model on which a later item is formed or based. [D03680]
A release that is not necessarily subject to change management and configuration control. [D04753]
- Prototype Model
An original model on which something is patterned. A first full-scale and usually functional form of a new type or design of a construction or assembly of parts. May apply to both physical or notional objects such as software applications. [D03203]
- Prototype, software
An imprecise term, currently with multiple meanings:
- A "rapid prototype" is usually a software requirements demonstration model, which provides a simulated representation of the software functionality and operator interface. The model facilitates early buyer-developer agreement on the design approach.
- Alternatively, a technical demonstration model. Except for "Evolving Prototypes", the code is usually discarded once the model has served its purpose.
- Prototyping
The process of creating a prototype model. [D03204]
- Provisional Sum
A sum of money typically included in a fixed price contract as an allowance to cover a known expenditure item but for which insufficient detail is available at the time of tender to enable the bidder to estimate a firm price. However, the order of magnitude of the allowance does enable the bidder to estimate the management and supervision costs of such work. Release of the allowance is at the discretion of the supervising architect or engineer. Editor's Note: Sometimes referred to simply as an Allowance. However, note the distinction from Contingency Allowance, Contingency Reserve and similar terms. [D02257]
- Proximity of Risk
 How soon the risk is likely to occur, whether the threat or opportunity is stronger at a particular time, does it disappear at some time in the future, or does the probability or impact change over time? [D05830]
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See Risk, Proximity. [D06177]
See Product Realization Team
- PS
See Planned Start Date
See Professional Services Agreement
See Program Support Office
See Professional Services Provider
- Public
 The project's Public includes those who are:
- Internal - All personnel working directly or indirectly on the project and
- External - All those that are not directly involved in the project but who have an interest in its outcome.
This latter could include for example, environmental protection groups, equal employment opportunity groups, and others with a real or imagined interest in the project or the way it is managed. Editor's Note: More recently, those in item 1 are referred to as the project's "Stakeholders" and those in item 2 are referred to as the project's Constituents. [D01548]
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Individuals who have an interest in the project outcome, but who are not directly involved in it. [D01544]
- Public Relations
 An activity designed to improve the environment in which a project organization operates in order to improve project performance and reception. [D01547]
An activity designed to improve the environment in which an organization operates in order to improve the performance of that organization. [D01545]
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All functions and activities dedicated to:
- Maintaining, protecting, and enhancing the image of a concern or its products; or
- Maintaining or promoting reciprocal understanding and favorable relations with the public at large, or any segment of the public.
The term public relations includes activities associated with areas such as advertising, customer relations, etc. [D03552]
- Public Sources
Locations where things (typically information) are readily available to the public at large. Example, Internet web sites. [D03205]
- Public Speaking
The art of effective oral communication with an audience. The act or process of making speeches in public. [D03206]
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- Publications
Books, magazines, news papers, etc. that are available to the public for purposes of information, entertainment, advertisements, announcements, broadcast, proclamation, etc. [D03207]
- Public-Private Partnership
A contractual arrangement, sometimes referred to as a joint venture, between public and private sector partners. It can includes a variety of activities that involve the private sector in the developing, financing, ownership, and operation of a public facility or service. [D06178]
- Public-Private Partnerships ("P3s")
A cooperative venture between the public and private sectors, built on the expertise of each partner, that best meets clearly defined public needs through appropriate allocation of resources and rewards. There are a number of models, but those most common include:
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- Published Model [MOF]
A model which has been frozen, and becomes available for instantiating repositories and for the support in defining other models. A frozen model's model elements cannot be changed. [D04754]
- Punch List
A list made near to the completion of a project showing the items of work remaining in order to complete the project scope. [D01549]
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- Punishment of the Innocent
A humorous reference to what is perceived to happen when projects go wrong and scapegoats are found. [D03208]
- Punitive Damages
Monetary compensation, over and above actual damages, sought by a buyer to punish a seller for non-performance or other wrongful acts. [D06179]
- Purchase
Out-right acquisition of items, mostly off-the-shelf or catalog, manufactured outside the purchaser's premises. [D01550]
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- Purchase Order
 A standard document used to obtain supplies and non-personnel services when the total amount is relatively small. The issue of a Purchase Order creates a contractual commitment. [D03681]
A commitment document generally used only for the procurement of materials and equipment by the organization. Its use may be limited to a maximum value. The document is addressed to a supplier and commits the organization to the purchase according to the terms and conditions of the order. A Purchase Order is different from a change order, although it may be modified to double as such. [D01551]
- Purchasing
Buying. Typically, a carefully administered and controlled process for the acquisition of goods and service at the best possible price to meet the needs of a project. [D03209]
- Purchasing Plan
A detailed plan of the process for acquiring the proposed goods and services to support the delivery of the project's outputs. [D05460]
- Purchasing Strategy
To the extent that there may be alternative approaches, the determination of the most suitable means of obtaining goods and services to meet project requirements. For example, ranging from bulk purchases to Just-In-Time, etc. [D03210]
- Pure Risk
See Insurable Risk. [D01552]
- Purpose
An end to be obtained. [D03211]
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- PV
See Planned Value
See Price Variance
See Planned Value for Work Accomplished
See Planned Value for Work Scheduled
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