- G&A
See General and Administrative Costs
See General and Administrative
See Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- Gain Sharing Arrangements
Contractual arrangements under which two or more parties share the benefits of an asset, i.e. the project deliverable. [D02805]
- Game Plan
An overall approach to achieve a major objective. [D02329]
PPS&C p59 |
- Gantt
See Gantt Chart [D02177]
- Gantt Bar
A graphic element on a Gantt Chart representing the duration of a task. [D00752]
MSP98 |
- Gantt Chart
 A chart using time lines and other symbols that illustrates multiple, time-based activities or projects on a horizontal time scale. [D00753]
OTOB p271-4 |
A Gantt chart is a time-phased graphic display of activity durations. It is also referred to as a bar chart. Activities are listed with other tabular information on the left side with time intervals over the bars. Activity durations are shown in the form of horizontal bars. [D00751]
A graphic display of schedule related information. In the typical Gantt Chart, activities are listed down the left side of the chart, dates are shown across the top, and planned activity durations are shown as date-placed horizontal bars. Also called a "bar chart." [D00754]
PMK96 |
A view that includes a list of tasks and a graphical representation of those tasks using Gantt bars. [D00755]
MSP98 |
A graphic display of activity durations. Activities are listed with other tabular information on the left side with time intervals over the bars. Activity durations are shown in the form of horizontal bars. Editor's Note: Also referred to as a Bar Chart. [D03598]
- Gantt Charts
See Bar Charts [D00756]
- Gantt, Henry
The inventor of the Gantt Chart. [D00757]
- GAP Analysis
 An evaluation of the differences between what is and what could or should be. [D05367]
An analysis of three views of a project's expected products, i.e. Good, Average, Poor. For example: What are we really expecting? What might we achieve if things go well? And what is the "worst-case" scenario? [D05366]
PRNC2 2002 |
In project portfolio management, an evaluation of the differences between what is and what could or should be, e.g. the difference between the current state and future vision of an organization. It is used to assess the amount of work involved in making the change. [D06000]
- Gate Review
A formal end of stage, or phase, assessment where a decision is made whether or not to continue with the project. [D05368]
PRNC2 2002 |
- Gates
See Control Gate. [D02806]
- Gateway Review
An independent assurance review that occurs at a key decision point within the lifecycle of a program or project. [D06001]
MoR-UK |
- GC
See General Contractor
- General Accounting System
The financial management system used to categorize and apportion fiscal matters. [D04104]
- General and Administrative ("G&A")
 A form of indirect expenses incurred for the administration of a company, including senior executive expenses. Such expenses are spread over the total direct and burden costs for the company. [D04637]
- General and Administrative Costs ("G&A")
Expenses for the general management and administration of the business unit. For example, includes insurance, legal fees, bid and proposal, independent research and development, and interest expenses. [D04105]
- General Conditions
General definition of the legal relationships and responsibilities of the parties to the contract, and how the contract is to be administered. They are usually standard for a corporation and or project. [D00758]
PMK87 |
- General Contractor ("GC")
An organization that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for carrying out construction work. See also Prime Contractor. Editor's Note: The labels General Contractor and Prime Contractor are virtually synonymous but are typically used for work in different industries. [D06002]
SU |
- General Management
The overall flavor, tone, and direction provided by the senior managers and directors of an enterprise. [D06426]
- General Management Skills
Skills that are appropriate to general management as distinct from those skills that are appropriate to project management. Generally, such skills are more in depth and narrower while project management required skills cover more ground but are in less depth. [D02807]
- General Manager
A executive level position responsible for integrating all projects with the corporate strategic plans. He or she has overall responsibility for a multifunctional division or an entire company.
038 |
- General Project Alignment
Activities that are required to bridge the gap from an organization's strategic objectives to specific project objectives and which include project sponsorship, prioritization, risk management, organizational balance, and project office support. See also Strategic Projects, Product and Market-related Projects, Capital Expansion Projects, and Operational Projects. [D04347]
- General Provisions
The mandatory clauses (by law or regulation) for contracts of a type, sometimes called boilerplate. Unique clauses are called Special Provisions. [D04106]
- General Requirements
Non-technical specifications defining the scope of work, payments, procedures. implementation constraints, etc. pertaining to the contract, [D00759]
PMK87 |
- General Sequencing
An overview of the order of performing activities. [D00760]
PMK87 |
- Generalization
The reverse of specification. A taxonomic relationship between a more general element and a more specific element. The more specific element is fully consistent with the more general element and contains additional information. An instance of the more specific element may be used where the more general element is allowed. [D04837]
- Generalized Activity Network
A form of network which includes probabilistic dependencies between activities. [D03849]
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP")
Principles established by a Financial Accounting Standards Board that provide a foundation for "acceptable" accounting practices. The GAAP represent a set of guidelines and, as a practical matter, necessitate subjectivity in their application. [D03304]
- Generation
Final release at the end of a cycle. [D04730]
- Geographical Separation
Conditions under which the several parts of a project team are separated geographically. [D02808]
See Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique
See Government Furnished Equipment
- Go/No-go
 The opportunity to decide whether or not to proceed. Usually associated with a major program or project milestone and typically the responsibility of senior management. [D02320]
Often a type of measurement that quickly tells a reviewer if an object's dimension is within certain limits. In the case of project management, this can be any monitoring or observation that allows a manager to decide whether to change, terminate, or continue an activity or a project. [D00761]
OTOB p271-4 |
- Go/No-go Decision
A major decision point in the project life cycle, typically marking the transition from planning to accomplishment. [D00762]
- Goal
 Something one wishes to accomplish. Broader, more timeless than an objective. Expressed as a desired and targeted happening. [D00764]
TML p218 |
A specific result or purpose that is determined for a project. [D00763]
MSP98 |
A one sentence definition of specifically what will be accomplished, while incorporating an event signifying completion. [D00765]
- Goal Setting Theory
The view that when a manager sets clear, specific goals, performance will increase, and setting a challenging goal is more effective than saying to project team members "Do your best." See also Control Theory, Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory, and Reinforcement Theory. [D02639]
PMH p316 |
- Goals
 Broad statements of aims or results sought by an organization or individual, more specific than mission or purpose, but less specific than objectives. [D06427]
asae |
The aggregate result achieved by the effective implementation of the common features of a key process area. The goals signify the scope and intent of each key process area. [D05183]
- Goods
Articles, commodities, wares, etc of value. [D02809]
Webster |
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