- Change Control
 The process of accepting or rejecting changes to the project's baselines. Lack of change control is one of the most common causes of scope creep. [D02460]
The review, approval/disapproval, implementation, tracking, closure, and status reporting of proposed changes to an item. (See also Change Management). [D05167]
The process of implementing procedures which ensure that proposed changes are properly assessed and, if approved, incorporated into the project plan. Uncontrolled changes are one of the most common causes of delay and failure. [D03807]
The risk abatement process of accepting or rejecting changes to the project's baselines, based on predetermined criteria or "Trigger Points". Of particular value in avoiding scope creep. [D04317]
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The procedure to ensure that the processing of all project issues is controlled, including the submission, analysis and decision making [D05276]
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- Change Control Board ("CCB")
 A formally constituted group of stakeholders responsible for approving or rejecting changes to the project baselines. [D00216]
A board established to review all proposed changes to an approved baseline. The scope includes all technical and program changes to the project. The project manager is chairperson of the Change Control Board. [D00215]
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Same as the Configuration Control Board, but the scope includes all technical and programmatic changes to the project. See also Configuration Control Board, Project Control Board. [D04017]
A group of people responsible for providing a central control mechanism to ensure that every change request is properly considered, authorized and coordinated. [D04809]
- Change Control System
 A defined process for reviewing and approving, or rejecting, proposed changes to the project or product scope. [D06344]
A formal documented process that describes when and how official project documents may be changed. It also describes the people authorized to make changes, the paperwork required, and any automated or manual tracking systems the project will use. A change control system often includes a Change Control Board, configuration management, and a process for communicating changes. [D05760]
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- Change Documentation
The official, authoritative records of changes both accepted and rejected. [D02461]
- Change in Scope
 See Scope Change. [D00217]
A change in objectives, work plan, or schedule that results in a material difference from the terms of an approval to proceed previously granted by higher authority. Under certain conditions (normally so stated in the approval instrument), change in resources application may constitute a change in scope. [D00218]
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- Change Log
A record of all project changes, proposed, authorized or rejected.
- Change Management
 The formal process through which changes to the project plan are approved and introduced.
The activity of controlling and tracking changes to artifacts. See also scope management. [D04703]
The administration of project scope changes. [D06363]
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A formal, proactive process embracing everything that results from a required change or new opportunity identified. It includes agreement on the change decision process, agreement on the need for the change, and the decision to accept, or reject, the change and its implementation. The direct and indirect effects on the whole project must all be taken into account. This includes its deliverables, configuration, time schedule, cost, finance plan and the risks involved. The extent of the change is determined by comparison with the original project baseline. Once the change has been accepted, the project plan must be adjusted accordingly and all parties notified. [D06379]
- Change Management Plan
A defined process for making changes to a project plan. [D02188]
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- Change Notice
An approved document of change to an AFE or project expense which does not itself authorize funds, but only reallocates funds within an AFE or project budget. [D04941]
- Change Order
 A unilateral written order to a contractor to modify a contractual requirement within the scope of contract and consistent with the terms of that contract. [D02282]
See Variation Order. [D00220]
A form issued to a construction contractor to change the scope of work and contract price, and hence a commitment document. [D00219]
A written order, signed by the organization's contracting officer, directing the contractor to make a change that the changes clause authorizes the contracting officer to order without the contractor's consent. [D03467]
A document that authorizes a change in some aspect of the project. [D03713]
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- Change Order/Purchase Order Amendment
 Written order directing the contractor to make changes according to the provisions of the contract. [D00221]
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- Change Request
 A request needed to obtain formal approval for changes to the scope, design, methods, costs or planned aspects of a project. Change requests may arise through changes in the business or issues in the project. Change requests should be logged, assessed and agreed on before a change to the project can be made. [D04399]
Request arising through changes in the business or issues in the project. Change requests should be logged, assessed and agreed on before a change to the project can be made. Changes may affect the scope, quality, time and/or cost of the project and/or other planned aspects of the project. [D00222]
A general term for any request from a stakeholder to change an artifact or process. Documented in the Change Request is information on the origin and impact of the current problem, the proposed solution, and its cost. See also enhancement request, defect. [D04704]
- Changed Conditions
(in Contract) A change in the contract environment. physical or otherwise, compared to that contemplated at the time of bid. [D00223]
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- Chaordic Organization
An organizational structure designed to be open enough to support the chaos of creativity and spontaneity yet orderly enough to support coordinated and clear functioning. [D05761]
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- Characteristic
 A physical, chemical, visual, functional or any other identifiable property of a product or material, [D00224]
Something that marks or sets apart. [D05277]
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- Chart
A graphical display of quantitative or qualitative data. [D02462]
- Chart of Accounts
Any numbering system used to monitor project costs by category (e.g., labor, supplies, materials). The project chart of accounts is usually based upon the corporate chart of accounts of the primary performing organization. See also code of accounts. [D00225]
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- Chart Room
A room filled with planning documents displayed as charts, typically hung on the walls, used on large projects, and usually marked to indicate current status. [D00227]
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- Charter
See Project Charter [D00228]
- Checking
The process of verifying that an activity or object conforms to a given standard. [D02463]
- Checklist
A list of items to help in the process of checking. Usually implies that the checklist is complete to be effective. [D02464]
- Checkpoint
 A team-level, time-driven review of progress, usually involving a meeting. [D05279]
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A regular technical and managerial control point. [D03808]
A set of conditions that well-formed artifacts of a particular type should exhibit. May also be stated in the form of questions which should be answered in the affirmative. [D04705]
- Checkpoint Report
A progress report of the information gathered at a checkpoint meeting, which is given by a team to the Project Manager and provides reporting data as defined in the Work Package. [D05280]
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- Chief Executive Officer
A company's most senior manager, responsible and accountable for a company's performance. [D04018]
- Chief Project Officer
The person responsible for the overall direction and management of projects through designated project managers, to ensure consistency with corporate strategy, consistency of process across projects and customer satisfaction with the products. [D05762]
- Child
A lower-level element in a hierarchical structure. [D00229]
- Child Activity
Subordinate task belonging to a "parent" task existing at a higher level in the Work Breakdown Structure. [D04400]
- CI
See Configuration Item
- Claim
 A demand by the supplier for compensation from the purchaser. Typically issued in the last stages of a contract or after contract completion, when normal contractual change order procedures to obtain fair compensation will have been exhausted, or have proved fruitless in the eyes of the supplier. [D06380]
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The term "claim" should be reserved for extra payment sought by a construction contractor for work allegedly not included in the scope of its contract, or otherwise for damages or loss suffered because of actions or omissions by the Owner. Thus a claim is a legitimate request for additional compensation (cost and/or time) due to a change in the terms of the contract. The term "claim" would also apply to demands arising from a contractual dispute. [D00230]
The assertion of one of the contracting parties against the other seeking financial adjustment or interpretation with financial implications of an existing contract, subject to the terms of the contract's dispute clause. [D02284]
A written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or interpretation of contract terms, or other relief arising under or relating to the contract. [D03468]
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