- Milestone Chart
A scheduling technique used to show the start and completion of milestones on a time-scale chart. Normally, planned events are expressed using hollow triangles, and completed events are shown as solid triangles. Rescheduled or slipped events are usually displayed as hollow diamond symbols. When the late milestones are completed, the diamonds are filled in. Also called an Event Chart. [D06059]
- Milestone Dictionary
A description of exactly what is required to satisfy each milestone. [D04145]
- Milestone Payments
The milestones on which payments fall due. [D01023]
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- Milestone Plan
 A plan containing only milestones which highlight key points of the project. [D01025]
Plan of project phasing, showing main project events. [D01024]
- Milestone Schedule
 A summary level schedule which identifies the major milestones. See also Master Schedule. [D01026]
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See Summary Schedule. [D01027]
- Milestones for Control
Interim objectives, points of arrival in terms of time for purposes of progress management. [D01028]
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- Milestones, for progress measurement
A contractual arrangement whereby progress payments are made on the basis of milestones achieved rather than on the basis of measured quantities of work completed. [D03019]
- Military Time
Time measured on a twenty-four-hour clock. [D01029]
See Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
- Mind Map
A diagram used to represent ideas, activities, risks, or other items linked to a central theme. In a mind map, the ideas related to the main theme radiate from the central image as branches. [D06457]
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- Minor Defect
 A departure from established standards that has minimal impact on the effective use or operation of the unit. [D06060]
A defect that is not likely to reduce materially the usability of the unit of product for its intended purpose, or is a departure from established standards having little bearing on the effective use or operation of the unit. [D01030]
- Minute Taking
The making of a record of the items discussed at a meeting and/or the consequent action items that are expected as a result. [D03020]
See Management Information System
- MIS Quality Requirements
The process of organizing a project's objectives, strategies and resources for the (quality) data systems. [D01032]
- Misrepresentation
Factual information which is false or misleading, whether intentional or not, and would have made a difference in the performance of the work if known to both parties at the time of contract execution. May also refer to information known to one party during bidding but not the other, either intentionally or unintentionally. [D05022]
- Mission
 The purpose for which the organization exists. [D06061]
A concise statement of a program or project's overall purpose and reason for existence. See also Vision. [D05023]
A stretching, guiding and reinforcing statement of intent and commitment. [D01033]
TML p220 |
The objective or task, together with the purpose, which clearly indicates the action to be taken. Editor's Note: Usually expressed at a high or overview level to provide overall direction. [D03659]
Derived from the project vision, an action plan that is feasible in time and place and compatible with the pursuit of the vision. [D04328]
The specific purpose that all or part of the organization is dedicated to achieving. [D06062]
- Mission Statement
 Brief summary, approximately one or two sentences, that sums up the background, purposes and benefits of the project. [D01034]
A document that answers these three questions:
- What do we do?
- For whom do we do it?
- How do we go about it?
PPS&C p54 |
- Mitigation
 A risk response that reduces either or both the probability or impact of a risk. [D05394]
Taking steps to lessen risk by lowering the probability of a risk event's occurrence or reducing its effect should it occur. [D01035]
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The act of revising the project's scope, budget, schedule or quality, preferably without material impact on the project's objectives, in order to reduce uncertainty on the project. [D01036]
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Working to lessen risk by lowering its chances of occurring or by reducing its effect if it does occur. [D01037]
Action either to reduce the probability of an adverse event occurring or to reduce the adverse consequences if it does occur. [D05024]
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- Mitigation of Damages
The legal responsibility of both parties to a contract to minimize damages (time and cost) to the other party. [D05025]
- Mitigation of Risk
Steps taken or to be taken to avoid or reduce the impact of risk events. [D03022]
- Mixed Organization
This organizational structure includes functional groups, pure project groups, and perhaps a matrixed group, in its hierarchy. It is similar to a matrix organization. [D01038]
OTOB p271-4 |
See Memorandum of Agreement
- Mobilization
Organizing people, resources, etc. for starting up a project or an activity. [D01039]
See Managing Organizations by Projects
- Mock-up
A physical demonstration model, built to scale, to verify proposed design fit, critical clearances, and operator interfaces. [D04146]
- Model
 A way of looking at reality, usually for the purpose of abstracting and simplifying it to make it understandable in a particular context. [D01041]
OTOB p271-4 |
A schematic description of a system, theory, or phenomenon that accounts for its known or inferred properties and may be used for further study of its characteristics. [D01040]
VPM p19 |
A reduced representation of the real thing. Used to investigate some sort of risk. User requirements, technical feasibility, physical fit, field operation, interface complexity, etc. [D04147]
- Modeling
The creation of a physical representation or mathematical description of an object, system or problem that reflect the functions or characteristics of the item involved. Model building may be viewed as both a science and an art. [D03023]
- Modeling Conventions
How concepts will be represented, restrictions on the modeling language that the project team management has decided upon; that is, dictums such as "Do not use inheritance between subsystems."; "Do not use extend or include associations in the Use Case Model."; "Do not use the friend construct in C++.". Presented in the Software Architecture Document. [D04739]
- Modeling Time
Refers to something that occurs during a modeling phase of the software development process. It includes analysis time and design time. Usage note: When discussing object systems, it is often important to distinguish between modeling-time and run-time concerns. See analysis time, design time. Contrast: run time. [D04740]
- Modern Project Management ("MPM")
 A term used to distinguish the current broad range of project management (scope, cost, time, quality, risk, etc.) from narrower, traditional use that focused only on cost and time. [D01042]
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See also Enterprise Project Management. [D04342]
- Modification
 The making of a limited change in something or the result of such a change. [D03024]
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Changes to an existing product, item, document, or design. [D04148]
- Modification Procedure
The procedure by which a modification is to be achieved. [D03025]
- Modular Design
A design characterized by:
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