See Management by Politics
See Management by Rules
See Management by Values
See Management by Walking Around
- Mean Time Between Failures ("MTBF")
 The functional life of an item divided by the total number of failures during that time. [D03651]
A measure of maintainability derived by dividing total time between system failures by the number of samples over a selected time frame, usually one year. [D04141]
- Measurable
Anything wherein the amount can be quantified. [D03010]
- Measure
To ascertain the characteristics or features (extent, dimension, quantity, capacity, and capability) of something, especially by comparing with a standard. [D05190]
- Measure of Effectiveness
A quantifiable comparison of results obtained under specific external conditions and decisions. Examples include profit, quality, and customer satisfaction. [D04142]
- Measurement
The determination of the dimensions, capacity, quantity, or amount, in whatever types of units, of an object, product, or process. [D03012]
- Measures
Steps taken, usually to ward off some impending or potential event. [D03013]
- Measuring and Test Equipment
All devices used to measure, gauge, test, inspect, diagnose, or otherwise examine materials, supplies and equipment to determine compliance with technical requirements. (Proposed DODD on Management of Metrology) [D01007]
- Mechanics Lien
The legal right for anyone who performs any labor or work or furnishes any material to an owner, prime contractor or subcontractor in performing or completing any improvement to real property, to get paid for his/her labor, work and/or materials. In order to secure payment for such improvements, anyone providing labor, work and/or materials has the right to create a legal encumbrance (known as a Mechanics Lien) against real property for the amounts due and unreasonably with-held from payment for said labor work and/or materials by the owner, prime contractor or sub-contractor. [D05671]
- Median
Given a set of sample observations that have been ranked by value, the median is the value for which one half of the observations will lie above that value and one half will lie below that value. When the number of values in the sample is even, the median is computed as the average of the two middle values. [D06455]
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- Mediation
 The process of resolving a dispute through an independent and impartial go-between. [D05391]
A process of bringing together parties engaged in a dispute or disagreement to settle their differences through a meeting with a disinterested party, the mediator. Unlike binding arbitration, the mediator has no authority to force a settlement. [D06055]
- Medium Term
Anything occurring over or involving an intermediate period of time, i.e. between long term and short term. [D03014]
- Meeting
Any exchange between two or more people, usually formalized in some way such as the issue of a prior agenda and subsequent minutes or notes of the meeting. [D03016]
- Meeting of the Minds
Mutual assent of the parties to a contract, agreement, or course of action. [D06056]
- Mega project
A project that costs more than US$1 billion and attracts a lot of public attention because of substantial impacts on communities, environment, and budgets. May also be an initiative that is physical, very expensive, and public. [D06456]
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- Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA")
A document that describes the background, assumptions, and agreements between two parties. In a contractual agreement, the buyer and seller often create a MOA at the conclusion of contract negotiations. [D04143]
- Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU")
 Any written agreement-in-principle describing how a commitment will be administered. [D03655]
A document that describes an agreement for cooperative effort between two separate organizations. [D04144]
- Mentoring
The use of experts to coach others. [D05392]
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- Merge Node
In a network diagram, a node at which two or more activities precede the start of the subsequent activity. [D01008]
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- Merit Rating
Another way of providing incentive but on an individual basis. A systematic assessment of a person's worth compared to others. Factors should include productivity and quality of work, time keeping, loyalty, and general contribution to the team effort. Impact is often only marginal because large differences between people, when known by others, can be counter productive. See also Job Evaluation. [D03073]
- Messaging
A communication model whereby the distributed applications communicate by sending messages to each other. A message is typically a short packet of information that does not necessarily require a reply. Messaging implements asynchronous communications method. A fragment of Java code within a class that can be invoked and passed a set of parameters to perform a specific task. [D04856]
- Method
 A reasonably complete set of rules and criteria that establishes a precise and repeatable way of performing a task and arriving at a desired result. [D05191]
The manner or way in which work is done. When formalized into a prescribed manner of performing specified work, a method becomes a procedure. [D01009]
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A prescribed way for performing a given task, given adequate consideration to the objectives, facilities available and total expenditure of effort, time and money. [D05020]
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- Method Study
By systematically studying a repetitive task, it is often possible to identify parts that do not contribute usefully, or can be improved to reduce the labor, material and/or time required for their performance. Can be applied to almost any type of work. Has particular application to improving cost and schedule performance on long duration project activities containing highly cyclical tasks. Examples are continuous sliding formwork, tunneling, track laying and so on. Time study is usually necessary to measure the increment of time required for each individual movement making up the total task. [D03074]
- Methodology
 A set of working methods and rules for people working in a discipline. [D05802]
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See Project Methodology. [D03870]
A process that documents a series of steps and procedures to bring about the successful completion of a project. [D05801]
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- Methods Study
 A systematic recording of all activities performed in a task or sequence of work including standard time for the work performed. Opportunities for simplification or improvement are noted during the study or as a result of subsequent analysis. [D03656]
A systematic recording of all activities performed in a job, position of work, or a process, including standard times for the work performed. The objective is work simplification for which notes are kept during the study. [D03017]
- Metric
A standard of measurement. [D05393]
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- Metrics
 Units of measurement used to assess, calculate, or determine progress performance in terms of monetary units, schedule, or quality results. [D06057]
A theory or system of measurement. [D03657]
- M-H/M/Y
See Man-Hour/Month/Year
- Micro Environment
Consideration of company, project or client imposed policies and procedures applicable to project actions. [D01011]
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- Micro Procurement Environment
Consideration of firm, project or client imposed policies and procedures applicable in the procurement actions. [D01012]
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- Micromanagement
Management or control with excessive attention to minor details thereby undermining the trust of the managed. [D06058]
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- Micro-Management
The notion, perceived or real, of closely detailed scrutiny of one's activities by one's superiors. Tends to usurp authority or responsibility. [D03658]
- Micro-Managing
The perception or reality that senior management is bypassing the line organization and getting involved directly with the details at the working level. [D01013]
- Micro-Scheduling
The scheduling of activities with duration less than one day (in hours or fractional days). [D03599]
- Mid-Stage Assessment ("MSA")
An assessment in the middle of a project that can be held for several reasons:
- at the request of the project board;
- to authorize work on the next stage before current one is completed;
- to allow for a formal review in the middle of a long project; or
- to review exception plans.
- Milestone
 A point in time representing a key or important intermediate event in the life of a project. A milestone should be capable of validation by meeting all of the items prescribed in a defining checklist as agreed with the stakeholders. [D01022]
A clearly identifiable point in a project or set of activities that commonly denotes a reporting requirement or completion of a key component of a project. [D01015]
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A key or important intermediate goal in the network. A major milestone typically requires senior management approval before proceeding further. [D01016]
A major event in a project, typically one requiring the customer or upper management to approve further work. [D01017]
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A significant event in the project (Key Item or Key event.) [D01018]
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A significant event in the project, usually completion of a major deliverable. [D01019]
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A significant event that marks progress in a project, such as completion of a phase. [D01020]
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An important project event, often the end of a major project phase. [D01021]
An activity with zero duration (usually marking the end of a period). [D03600]
The point at which an iteration formally ends; corresponds to a release point. [D04738]
A scheduling event that signifies the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverables. A milestone, by definition, has a duration of zero and no effort. There is no work associated with a milestone. It is a flag in the work plan to signify that some other work has been completed. Usually a milestone is used as a project checkpoint to validate how the project is progressing and revalidate work. Milestones are also used as high-level snapshots for management to validate the progress of the project. [D05021]
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A scheduled event for which some individual is accountable and that is used to measure progress. [D05193]
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