See Variance at Completion
- Validate
To make sure something is the right thing to do whether or not it is done right. To contrast, see Verify. [D05849]
- Validate Contract
To verify that a contract is legally binding on both parties. [D03382]
- Validation
 As in Project Validation, the process of providing evidence that a system meets the needs of the user, i.e. "Are we building the 'Right Thing'?" (For contrast, see Verification) [D02107]
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The approach to proving the user is satisfied. [D04293]
A term used in Earned Value to mean "approval" or compliance with the criteria. [D04669]
- Valuation
An assessment of market value of property; determination of value in terms of cost or price, typically for replacement or insurance purposes. [D03383]
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- Value
 Benefit divided by cost. [D04292]
A standard, principle or quality considered worthwhile or desirable. [D02108]
Worth or performance divided by cost. [D03776]
The ratio of functionality to cost. [D06547]
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- Value Analysis
 An activity devoted to optimizing cost performance. It is the systematic use of techniques which identify the required functions of an item, establish values for those functions and provide the functions at the lowest overall cost without loss of performance (optimum overall cost). [D02109]
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See also Value Management. [D03096]
- Value Engineering
 A structured approach designed to determine 'how' changes should best be undertaken to improve performance at least cost. Examples of objectives include: eliminating waste, saving fuel, reducing harmful emissions, reducing costs, speeding production, improving deliveries, improving performance, improving design, streamlining procedures, cutting overheads, increasing functionality, and/or increasing marketability. A subset of Value Management. [D06548]
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See also Value Management. [D03095]
An organized effort to analyze the functions of systems, equipment, facilities, services, and supplies for the purpose of achieving the essential functions at the lowest life cycle cost consistent with required performance, reliability, quality, and safety. [D03580]
The structured approach to optimizing project value through examination of the project's design. It is concerned with optimizing the design, engineering and configuration aspects of value. [D03774]
A technique for analyzing qualitative and quantitative costs and benefits of component parts of a proposed system. [D04559]
A creative approach used to optimize life-cycle costs, save time, increase profits, improve quality, expand market share, solve problems, and/or use resources more effectively. [D05595]
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- Value Enhancing Project Strategies
Strategies designed to add value to the project deliverable by improving cost effectiveness or features or functionality, often accomplished as part of Value Management. [D03384]
- Value Improvement
See Value Enhancing Project Strategies. [D03385]
- Value Improvement Practices
See Value Management. [D05850]
- Value Management
 A structured approach designed to address the question of 'what' should or could be done to improve performance at least cost. [D06549]
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A structured means of improving business effectiveness that includes the use of management techniques such as value engineering and value analysis. [D02110]
A structured means of improving effectiveness in line with the organization's goals. It refers to the overall process of identifying key issues and setting targets; identifying the teams and processes necessary to achieve these; and implementing these to obtain successful results.
It is concerned with the broader optimization of strategic issues, encompasses the value engineering process at the project's strategic definition stage and is generally done via a structured workshop. [D03775]
A technique for optimizing cost and/or performance. [D02111]
A creative, organized approach designed to optimize the total cost and/or performance of the project. Usually applied only to the most significant elements of a project by analyzing their contribution and identifying functionally acceptable substitution.
VM often results in improved performance and/or appearance and simplification at a payoff many times the cost of the VM program. It is best applied in the earliest stages of a project. VM is not popular because of its "real" front end cost compared to "notional" downstream savings. Also because it is seen by designers as a threat to their credibility. See also Brainstorming. [D03094]
An organized effort aimed at analyzing the function of a system or systems, equipment, facilities, and supplies, for purposes of achieving at the lowest overall cost the same required function and/or performance, including reliability, maintainability, delivery and human factors. [D03625]
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- Value Management Program
A program of required Value Management focused on design and delivery of whole facilities, systems, supplies and materials with essential characteristics at lowest overall costs. It includes the identification of high cost areas for study, the evaluation of function-cost-worth, application of a VM job plan, and a systematic interdisciplinary study of selected areas concurrent with Design Development. [D03626]
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- Value Management Study
A function-oriented appraisal of all elements of an item, system, or process to achieve essential characteristics at minimum overall cost. The procedure encompasses a number of steps or stages as follows:
- Information gathering
- Function analysis
- Creative solution generation
- Judgmental solution evaluation
- Development of alternatives
- Presentation of recommendation and approval
- Implementation of changes
- Follow-up reporting of results
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- Value Planning
A technique for assessing, before significant investment is made, the desirability of a proposal based on the value that will accrue to the organization from that proposal. [D04560]
- Value Study Proposal
A formal recommendation for change as a result of a Value Management exercise. [D03629]
- Value-Added
See Added Value [D02559]
- Values
 Qualities in the culture of an organization that are considered to be important such as honesty, integrity, being ethical and forthright, etc. In the project context, values include supportive of team work, productivity, self-direction, and so on. [D03386]
Behavior that supports the mission and strategy of the organization. [D06550]
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- Variable
 A factor that can assume different numerical values representing different conditions. [D05150]
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In software programming
- A storage place within an object for a data feature. The data feature is an object, such as number or date, stored as an attribute of the containing object.
- A bean that receives an identity at run time. A variable by itself contains no data or program logic; it must be connected such that it receives run-time identity from a bean elsewhere in the application.
- Variable Cost
 A cost that changes with the production quantity or the performance of services. This contrasts with fixed costs that do not change with production quantity or services performed. [D03706]
A cost that changes over time, such as an hourly rate, for resources that rises as the resource continues to work. [D02112]
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- Variables
A quantity that may assume any one of a set of values. [D03387]
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- Variance
 In common usage, the difference between a pre-established measure and an actual measure. [D03581]
A discrepancy between the actual and planned performance on a project, either in terms of schedule or cost. [D02113]
Any actual or potential deviation from an intended or budgeted figure or plan. A variance can be a difference between intended and actual time. Any difference between the projected duration for an activity and the actual duration of the activity. Also, the difference between projected start and finish dates and actual or revised start and finish dates. [D02114]
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The difference between an actual or estimated cost and an authorized appropriation for the scope of work in a cost class. Variances can be negative (under-run) or positive (over-run). [D02115]
The difference between the baseline and scheduled task or resource information. Variances occur when you set a baseline plan and begin entering actual information into your schedule or cost spreadsheet. [D02116]
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Either:- The value minus mean all squared for a point on a distribution curve, or
- The difference between an actual or forecast value and its corresponding reference or baseline value.
Any deviation of project work from what was planned. Variance can be around costs, time, performance, or project scope. [D03733]
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- Variance Analysis
The analysis of the following:
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- Variance at Completion ("VAC")
The budget at completion less the estimate at completion. A negative result indicates that the project is over budget. [D02118]
- Variance Reports
Documentation of project performance about a planned or measured performance parameter. [D02119]
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