- Project Plan Development
The process of putting the results of other planning processes into a consistent document. [D01485]
- Project Plan Execution
The act of carrying out activities as stated in the project plan. [D01486]
- Project Planning
 The identification of the project objectives and the ordered activity necessary to complete the project, including the identification of resource types and quantities required to carry out each activity or task. [D01489]
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Developing the basis for managing the project, including the planning objectives, procedure, organization, routines, finance and chain of activities. [D01487]
The development and maintenance of the project plan. [D01488]
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- Project Policies
General guidelines/formalized methodologies on how a project will be managed. [D01490]
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- Project Portfolio
 A set of projects and/or programs, not necessarily related, brought together for the sake of control, coordination and optimization of the portfolio in its totality. Unlike the projects and programs that exist for a limited time, the portfolio may remain in existence. [D06500]
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The projects included in a particular program. [D03923]
The constituent projects within a program, which will deliver the products needed to move the business forward from the current business operations to those described in the blueprint. [D05079]
Projects that are relatively independent of one another, but have a common theme, are grouped together. Typically, the theme is not related to the corporate strategy, but rather to the use of common resources and, through coordination, for the improvement of overall project performance. [D05451]
065 |
A collection of projects for which more senior management has responsibility for orchestrating. [D06093]
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In project portfolio management, a collection of projects or programs and "Other Work" that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives. The projects or programs of the portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or directly related. [D06094]
A collection of projects to be managed concurrently; each project may be related to or independent of one another but all fall under a single management umbrella. [D06157]
All the programs and stand-alone projects being undertaken by an organization, a group of organizations or an organizational unit. [D06158]
- Project Portfolio Management ("PPM")
 A methodical approach to managing a portfolio of corporate programs, projects and initiatives of whatever type designed to ensure that the available resources are all used effectively and efficiently such that the resulting products realize measurable benefits for the organization, all consistent with corporate strategy. PPM is a distinct discipline, different from project management. [D06159]
A decision-making process to choose the right mix of projects to achieve the desired risk/benefit profile; then executing to deliver those benefits. [D05700]
078 |
A process designed to ensure that individual projects, initiatives, and the required resources are all aligned with corporate strategy, thereby ensuring the most value and least risk for the invested resources. In addition, the process allows the corporate strategy to be communicated throughout the organization, better equipping it to choose and execute those projects and initiatives that support the strategy, while eliminating those that do not. [D05080]
059 |
The management of a collection of relatively independent projects grouped together to meet some business need such as overall management strategy, shared resources and/or funding, and/or relative risk assessment. [D05699]
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A structured process that helps managers select, prioritize, and manage all projects based on their relative importance and contribution to the organization's overall strategic and operational strategies. [D05701]
079 |
A set of processes supported by people and tools to guide an enterprise in selecting the right projects, and in the right number, to form a portfolio of projects that maximizes the enterprise's strategic goals, efficient use of resources, stakeholder satisfaction, and the bottom line. [D05826]
097 |
- Project Portfolio Management Success
The situation in which the actually measurements of the benefits realized demonstrate that the projects made money for the organization or otherwise improve the organizations products and services. [D06160]
- Project Portfolio Management System ("PPMS")
A system of project portfolio management that ensures the most value for least risk for the invested resources; allows corporate strategy to be communicated throughout the organization; enables only those projects that support the strategy; and feeds back benefit realization data to enable continuous improvement of the PPM process. Thus the total PPM system must encompass:
- 1. A need and opportunity collection system, with findings reported as a Business Case (justified)
- A selection process to limit projects to available resources, and a weeding out of inappropriate projects (no overload)
- A prioritization process to get the projects done in the right order (smooth sailing)
- A people resource planning process, to ensure the availability of the right skills (competence)
- A product creation process (project management)
- A feedback mechanism for "continuous improvement" (proof of value)
- Project Portfolio Plan
A plan within the program definition statement that defines a schedule of work that includes the timing, resourcing and control for the programs projects. Editor's Note: This definition presumes that a project portfolio is the equivalent of the subprojects of the program, whereas current interpretation is the management of a collection of projects at a higher level that may or may not encompass a program. [D01491]
- Project Pre-Selection Meetings
Meetings held to supplement and/or verify qualifications, data and specifications. [D01492]
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- Project Priorities
The order of importance between adding more scope than required, completing the project earlier than the deadlines, or coming in under the budget limits. [D02203]
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- Project Priority Class
A system designed to aid management in selecting from competing projects under conditions of limited resources. [D01493]
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- Project Problem
A situation in which it appears that:
- A project objective (i.e. scope, quality, time or cost target) cannot be achieved, or
- The probability of achieving a project's objective(s) has decreased significantly.
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- Project Procedures
The methods, practices and policies (both written and verbal communications) that will be used during the project life. [D01494]
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- Project Procedures Manual
A collected set of the management and administrative procedures needed for the project. [D04492]
- Project Processes
Those processes that collectively form project management's tools and techniques and the use of which enable project success. [D03198]
- Project Procurement Management
A subset of project management that includes procurement planning, solicitation and solicitation planning, source selection, contract administration and contract closeout in an effort to obtain goods and services from outside organizations. [D01495]
- Project Procurement Strategy
The relationship of specific procurement actions to the operating environment of the project. [D01496]
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- Project Products List ("PPL")
A summary of all deliverable and non-deliverable versions and quantities of all hardware, software, support equipment, tooling, support services, and documentation. The PPL is the baseline for Work Breakdown Structure development and for planning, budgeting, and scheduling. [D04199]
- Project Products List Fact Sheets
A narrative description of each entry of the project products list. The narrative should be written by the most knowledgeable expert and should include sufficient information to facilitate planning, estimating, and scheduling. [D04200]
- Project Progress Report
Formal statement that compares the project progress, achievements and expectations with the project plan. [D04493]
- Project Quality
The fulfillment of the requirements agreed for the project. Optimum project quality is achieved when all the people, the project teams and resource providers involved in the project management, are competent to carry out their work and take individual responsibility. [D06501]
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- Project Quality Management
A subset of project management that includes quality planning, quality assurance and quality control in an effort to satisfy the needs and purpose of the project. [D01497]
- Project Quality Plan
A plan defining the key quality criteria, quality control and audit processes to be applied to project management and specialist work in a PRINCE2 project. It will be part of the text in the project initiation document. [D05452]
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- Project Records
A collection of all approved management, specialist and quality products and other material, which is necessary to provide an auditable record of the project. NB This does not include working files. [D05453]
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- Project Records Management
The system and procedures established by the Company for the consistent and effective storage and retrieval of all project information for the efficient use by the project manager and his/her project Team. [D01498]
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- Project Recovery
A process of identifying, executing, monitoring, and controlling specific actions or alternatives to reduce or eliminate the significant variances relative to project time, cost, and technical performance. Editor's Note: If the significant variances are severe, mot likely the actions required are complete re-planning, even a new mandate for a modified product scope. [D06162]
- Project Reporting
A planning activity involved with the development and issuance of (internal) TIME management analysis reports and (external) progress reports. [D01499]
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- Project Requirements
An expression of customer needs driven by opportunities and threats. [D06502]
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- Project Resource Plan
A top-level management resource plan produced at the beginning of the project. It covers all products within the project boundary. [D03925]
- Project Responsibility
A table to help define tasks. [D01500]
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- Project Review
An evaluation of current project results or procedures. [D01501]
- Project Review Calendar
Calendar of project review dates, meetings and issues of reports set against project week numbers or dates. [D04494]
- Project Risk
See Risk, Project. [D06163]
- Project Risk Analysis
Analysis of the consequences and probabilities that certain undesirable events will occur and their impact on attaining the contract/procurement objectives. [D01503]
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- Project Risk Characterization
Identifying the potential external or internal risks associated with procurement actions using estimates of probability of occurrence. [D01504]
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