- Goodwill
An unidentifiable intangible asset, that originates under the purchase method of accounting for a business combination when the price paid by the acquiring company exceeds the sum of the identifiable individual assets acquired less liabilities assumed, based upon their fair values. [D03508]
- Governance
 The planning, influencing and conducting of the policy and affairs of an organization. [D02629]
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The exercise of authority, management and control. [D02810]
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The planning, influencing and conducting of the policy and affairs of the project. [D05652]
The processes by which decisions are made. [D05782]
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- Governance
In project portfolio management, the exercise of authority, management and control through the planning, influencing and conducting of the policy and affairs of an organization, department or project. [D06003]
- Governance Council
When associated with project portfolio management, refers to the body responsible for identifying and selecting the right mix of projects for optimum benefit to the organization, overseeing their collective progress, ensuring products are put into productive use and gathering feeding back on the harvesting of benefits to improve future decision-making. [D05783]
- Governance Model
The agreed upon processes, roles and responsibilities for governing the progress and direction of a project. [D05653]
- Government
The political authority responsible for governance. The direction and restraint exercised over the actions of people in communities, societies or national boundaries. [D02811]
Webster |
- Government Contract Quality Assurance
The various functions, including inspection, performed by the government to determine whether a contractor has fulfilled the contract obligations pertaining to quality and quantity. [D00766]
FAR 46.101 QMPP |
- Government Furnished Equipment ("GFE")
The same as customer furnished equipment in projects where the customer is a governmental entity. [D00767]
SPM 304-9 |
- Government Regulations and Requirements
Those laws, regulations, rules, policies, and administrative requirements imposed upon organizations by government agencies. [D00768]
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- Grade
 An indicator of category or rank related to features or characteristics that cover different sets of needs for products or services intended for the same functional use. [D00770]
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A category or rank used to distinguish items that have the same functional use (such as a "hammer") but do not share the same requirements for quality (i.e. different hammers may need to withstand different amounts of force). [D00769]
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See also Quality Grade. [D05654]
- Grapevine
Jargon for the informal or casual exchange of valuable information. A term used to denote a network of informal, unofficial and ad-hoc communications. It draws on the similarity with the way in which the grape vine grows in nature. [D02812]
- Graph
 A visual display showing the relationship between variables plotted against horizontal and vertical scales. [D06327]
In Quality Management, a visual comparison of variables that yield data in numerical facts. Examples include trend graphs, histograms, control charts, frequency distributions arid, scatter diagrams. [D00771]
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In Time Management, the display or drawing that shows the relationship between activities. Pictorial representation of relative variables. [D00772]
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- Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique ("GERT")
A network analysis technique that allows for conditional and probabilistic treatment of logical relationships (i.e., some activities may not be performed). [D00773]
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- Graphical User Interface ("GUI")
A type of interface that enables users to communicate with a program by manipulating graphical features rather than be entering commands. [D04838]
- Green-field Project
A project starting from the ground up, i.e. not a modification to an existing facility or product. [D05230]
- Ground Rules
Though it may refer to any form of play, it often refers to the set of guidelines covering the conduct of interpersonal relations in project team work. This is especially important for ensuring a safe and unthreatening environment for the discussion of difficult or controversial issues, and even more so in a multicultural setting. [D05655]
- Group
An assemblage of personnel organized to serve a specific purpose or accomplish a task. A group may vary from a single individual assigned part time, to several part-time individuals assigned from other organizations, to several individuals dedicated full-time. [D05184]
- Group Communication
The means by which the project manager conducts meetings, presentations, negotiations. and other activities necessary to convey the project's needs and concerns to the. project team and other groups. [D00774]
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- Group work
Work carried out in cooperation. [D00775]
- Groupthink
 A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive group, when members' striving for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action. [D05784]
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An undesirable condition in which all members of a group (e.g. a project team) begin to think alike or pretend to think alike. No members are then willing to raise objections or concerns about a project even though they are legitimate and based on hard data. [D02338]
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- Growth
A gradual increase in some way such as in size, quantity, value, etc. Editor's Note: Although modern economics finds growth essential, it should be noted that not all growth is good - see Scope Creep for example. [D02813]
- Guarantee
See contract guarantee. [D00776]
- Guaranteed Maximum
See Guaranteed Maximum Price. [D02814]
- Guaranteed Maximum Price
A form of contract in which compensation may vary according to the amount of work involved but in any case not more than an agreed total amount. [D02815]
See Graphical User Interface
- Guidance
The giving of direction, or otherwise influencing a person's or group's conduct and actions. [D02816]
- Guideline
 A recommended or customary method of working to accomplish an objective. A guideline is not enforced but is generally followed. [D00778]
 A statement providing guidance for interpretation and application of a policy. [D04988]
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A document that recommends methods to be used to accomplish an objective. [D00777]
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