- Second Source
An acquisition strategy to approve two (or more) capable suppliers. [D04231]
- Secondary Float ("SF")
The difference between the CPM calculated early finish and the imposed finish date. [D01833]
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- Secondary Risk
 The risk that may occur as a result of invoking a risk response or fallback plan. [D04524]
The risk that can occur as a result of treating a risk. [D04517]
- Secondary Risks
Risks which arise from actions taken to mitigate other risks or from extensions to the original scope of the project. Secondary risks can sometimes be important and always need to be analyzed in their own right. [D05119]
- Secondment Matrix
An organizational structure whereby team members are seconded from their respective departments to the project and are responsible to the project manager. [D04525]
- Sector
May mean either
- A sociological, economic, or political subdivision of society, or
- A subdivision of a track on a computer disk.
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- Sectors
A breakdown structure of enterprises based on technology in the economic system, i.e. the industrial production of goods according to three classifications: consumer, durable and capital goods, extended to include software, infrastructure, etc. [D04331]
- Security
May mean any one of the following
- Freedom from danger, i.e. safety.
- Freedom from fear or anxiety, e.g. from the prospect of being laid off, i.e. job security.
- Something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation.
- An evidence of debt or of ownership (as a stock certificate or bond).
- Measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape.
- An organization or department whose task is security.
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- Security Acceptance Letter
A letter prepared by the executive after reviewing security aspects of the completed project. [D03946]
- Security Plan
A plan to abide by security measures related to the project. [D01834]
- Segment
A grouping of functionally related elements at a common location. Level 2 in the system hierarchy. [D04232]
- Selection
 The process of singling out from a number or group according to fitness or preference. [D03261]
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 In project portfolio management, the process of deciding on the components to be put forward from evaluation to prioritization based on their evaluation scores. [D06260]
- Self Directed Work Teams ("SDWT")
Teams whose members are sufficiently motivated and capable, and knowledgeable of their project objectives, that they are able to perform under self-supervision, or with minimal management supervision. [D03262]
- Self-Inspection
 A service by a company or organization that is responsible for inspection of its own work. Editor's Note: Where the results of the inspection are critical to public safety and confidence, self-inspection should be avoided because of the real or perceived conflict of interest and the consequent lack of credibility. [D03266]
The individual performing the task also conducts the measurements to ensure conformance to the requirements /specification. [D01835]
- Self-Insurance
A company's own insurance fund created to protect the company against claims upon it. [D03263]
- Seller
 The provider of goods or services to an organization. [D05590]
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The organization under contract to a buyer. [D04233]
- Seller's Market
A market that favors the seller. [D03264]
- Selling
 The process of getting someone to buy the product or service being offered by the organization. This can significantly affect the way a project is conceived and managed. [D03764]
The identification of a customer and closing a sale of an existing product. [D04304]
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- Semantics
The language used to achieve a desired effect on an audience. [D01836]
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- Semi-Time-Scaled Logic Drawing
A drawing in which the positioning of the activities is modified somewhat by some date. Unlike true time-scaled drawings in which all horizontal positions correspond to a point in time, semi-time scaled logic drawings simply group activities whose dates fall within a specific time period. [D01837]
- Senior Management
In project portfolio management, see "Executive". May also be referred to as Upper Management, Management Team, or Management and Leadership. [D06261]
- Senior Responsible Owner
A term used in many organizations equivalent to the "executive" role in PRINCE2 terms. [D05495]
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- Senior Supplier
The Project Board role that provides knowledge and experience of the main discipline(s) involved in the production of the project's deliverable(s). Represents the supplier(s) interests within the project and provides supplier resources. [D05496]
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- Senior Technical
The role on the project board that represents the interests of the development and operational organizations. [D03947]
- Senior User
 A member of the project board, accountable for ensuring that user needs are specified correctly and that the solution meets those needs. [D05497]
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The role on the project board representing the interests of users and other functions affected by the project. [D03948]
- Sensitivity
 The possible range or degree of response to an input. [D05498]
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The capacity of a system to respond to stimulation. Awareness of the needs and emotions of others to avoid hurt. [D03267]
- Sensitivity Analysis
 A method of testing the degree of sensitivity of a system, whether physical or notional, to incremental changes to its variables. This analysis enables the determination of those variables that are the most significant, and possibly the selection of the best or optimal settings or solution to a problem. [D03268]
A technique used to discover how sensitive the results from economic and financial models are to changes in the input values of the variables used to calculate the results. A high degree of sensitivity is a warning to interpret the results of the model with care and circumspection, especially because many of the input variables will themselves have been estimated and therefore be subject to error. Use of econometric models must not obscure awareness of their limitations and possible pitfalls, especially when they are being used for forecasting. [D05120]
An assessment of the impact that a change will have on the expected outcome of a process or project. Such change may involve modifying the value of one or more of the variables or assumptions used to predict the outcome. [D06262]
- Sequence
The order in which activities will occur with respect to one another. This establishes the priority and dependencies between activities. Successor and predecessor relationships are developed in a network format. This allows those involved in the project to visualize the work flow. [D01839]
- Service and Support Personnel
Those individuals working in functions such as personnel, accounting, maintenance, and legislative relations that are needed to keep the "primary functions" operating effectively. [D01840]
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- Service Contract
A Contract for a Contractor's time and effort rather than for a specific end product. [D03689]
- Service Level Agreement
An agreement on the level of service to be provided. Editor's Note: Not necessarily a project management term, but useful to express limitations on the amount of effort to be provided under a contract that might otherwise be open ended. Examples might be the extent of supervision or testing to be provided. [D06263]
- Service Liability
See Product Liability [D01292]
- Services
Useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity, typically professional or technical in the project environment. [D02872]
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- Setup
The assembly and arrangement of the tools and apparatus required for the performance of an operation. The preparation necessary for the commencement of a task. To put someone in a compromising position. A software executable program for the installation of a software application on some computer platforms. [D03269]
- Severance Pay
Payment, in addition to regular salaries and wages, to workers whose employment is being involuntarily terminated. Editor's Note: Such as might occur as a result of the premature closing of a project. [D06264]
- Severity
See Risk Severity. [D05838]
- SF
See Scheduled Finish
See Secondary Float
See Scheduled Finish Date
See Level Finish/Schedule
- Shall
The use of the word "shall" in contract language means that "you must". [D03569]
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