- Timebox
A fixed amount of time in which to get work done, i.e. "boxed" in by an end-date. [D06542]
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- Time-Limited Resource Scheduling
 The assigning of resources to projects while maintaining a specific project end date. Time-limited scheduling allows one to see where available resources fall short of the requirements needed to complete a project on time. [D03350]
The production of scheduled dates in which resource constraints may be relaxed in order to avoid any delay in project completion. [D02049]
- Time-Limited Scheduling
The scheduling of activities so predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded unless the further delay will cause the project finish to be delayed. Activities can be delayed only until their late start date. However, activities will begin when the late start date is reached, even if resource limits are exceeded. networks with negative total float time should not be processed by time-limited scheduling. [D02050]
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- Time-Phased Budget
The sum of budgets time-phased in accordance with the baseline schedule. When summed at selected higher level elements of the Work Breakdown Structure, this should include both direct and indirect budgets. [D02270]
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- Time-Scaled Logic Drawing
A drawing that allows you to display the logical connection between activities in the context of a time scale in which each horizontal position represents a point in time. [D02051]
- Time-Scaled Network Diagram
 Any project network diagram drawn in such a way that the positioning of the activity represents its expected start and finish date. Essentially, it is a Gantt Chart that includes network logic. [D02052]
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Any project network diagram drawn so that the positioning of the activity represents schedule. [D02053]
- Timing
Selection, or the ability to select for maximum effect, of the precise moment for beginning or doing something. Observation and recording (as by a stopwatch) of the elapsed time of an act, action, or process. [D03361]
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- To Be Advised ("TBA")
Usually appearing as the acronym "TBA", a term inserted in a document indicating that information is not currently available but is expected to be available in the future. [D03362]
- To Be Determined ("TBD")
Plan content such as dates, specifications, or criteria that have yet to be defined. [D02054]
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- To Be Resolved
Plan content such as dates, specifications, or criteria that are not final, and are to be resolved by the provider or by the customer as part of the development effort. [D02055]
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- To Complete Performance Index ("TCPI")
The projected performance which must be achieved on all remaining work in order to meet some financial goal set by management. [D02056]
See Theory of Constraints
- Tolerability
The level of risk which is acceptable in order to achieve certain benefits. [D03965]
- Tolerance
 The permissible deviation above and below a plan's estimate of time and cost without escalating the deviation to the next higher level of management. Separate tolerance figures should be given for time and cost: There may also be tolerance levels for quality, scope, benefit and risk. Tolerance is applied at project, stage and team levels. Editor's Note: Also used as a technical term to specify acceptable limits of accuracy. [D05523]
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The permitted cost and time scale limits set by the executive committee for the project or set by the project board. [D02057]
- Tool
A physical or notional instrument used in performing an operation as a means to an end, e.g. as used in managing a project. [D03363]
- Top Down
The approach to a project whereby it is planned and estimated in increasing levels of detail one level at a time. [D03966]
- Top Down Cost Estimating
 The preparation of a cost estimate by using judgment and experience to arrive at an overall total amount, usually done by an experienced estimator or manager making a subjective comparison of the project with similar previous projects. [D02059]
The approach to making a cost estimate or plan in which judgment and experience are used to arrive at an overall amount, usually done by an experienced manager making a subjective comparison of the project to previous, smaller projects. [D02058]
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The total project cost subdivided for individual activities based on historical costs and other project variables. [D02060]
The total project cost is estimated based on historical costs and other project variables and then subdivided down to individual activities. See also parametric cost estimating. [D04555]
- Top Down Estimating
See Parametric Cost Estimating. [D02061]
- Top Management
From the viewpoint of the project manager, Top Management includes the individual to whom he or she reports on project matters and other managers senior to that individual. [D02062]
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- Top Management Support
The support of the senior management of the executing organization. An essential factor in successful project achievement.. [D03122]
- Topical Review
Any kind of project review devoted to a single topic, such as a final design review or a manufacturing review. [D02063]
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- ToR
See Terms of Reference
- Total Allocated Budget ("TAB")
 The sum of all budgets allocated to a contract. Total Allocated Budget consists of the performance measurement baseline plus all management or contingency reserves. The TAB will reconcile directly to the Contract Budget Base. [D04665]
The sum of all budgets allocated to the contract. This value is the same as the Contract Budget Base (CBB) unless an Over Target Baseline (OTB) has been established. [D02064]
- Total Anticipated Expenditures ("TAE")
The sum of work-to-date plus obligations plus planned future expenditures, all in the current fiscal year. [D02065]
- Total Certainty
All information is known. [D02066]
- Total Cost
The calculated cost of a project, task or resource over the life of a project. [D02067]
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- Total Expenditure to Date
The sum of all costs, direct and indirect, for a particular activity, work package or whole project, up to the most recent cutoff date. See also Expenditure to Date. [D02596]
- Total Float ("TF")
 The excess time available for an activity to be expanded or delayed without affecting the rest of the project - assuming it begins at its earliest time. It is calculated using the following formula: Total Float = Latest Finish - Earliest Start- Duration. [D03616]
The amount that an activity can be lengthened without delaying the project completion, assuming that all other activities are done in their normal time. [D02068]
The maximum number of work periods by which an activity can be delayed without delaying project completion or violating a target finish date. [D02069]
See also Float. [D02070]
The amount of time (in work units) that an activity may be delayed from its early start without delaying the project finish date. Total float is equal to the late finish or the late start minus the early start of the activity. [D02071]
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- Total Network
Network plan, comprising all project activities. [D02072]
- Total Performance
Is achieved when all work, including all deficiencies listed at the time of the substantial performance inspection is complete, accepted, and a certificate of total performance is issued by the supervising consultant. [D02073]
- Total Quality Management ("TQM")
 A broader, more ambitious system (philosophy) than Quality Management for identifying what the client really wants, defining the organization's mission, measuring throughout the whole process how well performance meets the required standards, and involving the total organization in the implementation of a deliberate policy of continuous improvement. [D03773]
The consistent integrated orchestration of the total complex of an organization's work processes and activities to achieve continuous improvement in the organization's processes and products. [D02074]
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A common approach to implementing a quality improvement program within an organization. [D02075]
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A strategic, integrated management system for customer satisfaction that guides all employees in every aspect of their work. [D02076]
- Total Slack
The amount of time a task can slip without affecting the project’s finishing date. When the total slack is negative, the duration for a task is too long for its successor to begin on the date required by its constraint. [D02077]
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- Total Uncertainty
No information is available and nothing is known. By definition, total uncertainty cannot be envisaged. [D02078]
See Total Quality Management
- Traceability
 The ability to trace the history, application or location of an item or activity, or similar items or activities, by means of recorded identification. [D02079]
The management and mapping of the parent child relationships of all requirements. Includes from user to system requirements; system requirements to lower level requirements; requirements to design; design to implementation; design to verification; and requirements to validation. [D04286]
The ability to trace a project element to other related project elements, especially those related to requirements. [D04784]
The ability to trace, in both the forward and backward directions, the lineage of a requirement from its first level inception and subsequent refinement to its implementation in a software product and the documentation associated with the software product. [D05217]
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