- Discrete Milestone
 A milestone that has a definite scheduled occurrence in time. [D00544]
A milestone which has a definite, scheduled occurrence in time, signaling the start or finish of an activity. Synonymous with the term "objective indicator." [D04632]
- Discrete Task
A measurable activity with an output. [D04078]
- Discretionary Work
In IT project portfolio management, "Other Work" of a minor project-like nature that can be included in the prioritizing and scheduling processes. Examples: bug fixes, minor enhancements and small process improvements. [D05976]
- Discrimination
(Non-discrimination) The requirements imposed on the organization and the procedures implemented by the organization to assure fairness in hiring and promotion practices. [D00545]
PMK87 |
- Discussion
Dialogue explaining implications and impacts on objectives. The elaboration and description of facts, findings and alternatives. [D00546]
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- Dispersion
The degree to which the scatter of a statistical data population spreads away from the mean as measured by the variance. [D06409]
Costin |
- Display
A pictorial, verbal, written, tabulated or graphical means of transmitting findings, results and conclusions. [D00547]
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- Disposal of Materials
The getting rid of, usually by sale, of surplus materials no longer required for a project. Usually conducted only at the end of a project or major activity. [D02671]
- Dispute
Disagreements not settled by mutual consent which could be decided by litigation or arbitration. [D00548]
PMK87 |
- Disruption
A major interference with the orderly progress of a project or major activity. Usually on the part of a group or individuals who are dissatisfied with conditions as they are. [D02672]
- Disruptive
Individuals or forces with potential for or actually causing disruption. [D02673]
- Disruptive Technology
An emerging technology that promises to displace and eventually replace an existing and maturing technology. [D06410]
Costin |
- Dissemination
The distribution of information to as many people as possible. [D02674]
- Distinguishing Constraint
A dummy which distinguishes two activities which may have the same start and finish dates. [D00549]
CPMUSC p176-8 |
- Distributed
The results of allocation, division or otherwise spreading around of components such as allocable project overhead costs to their respective activities, or other information such as memos and directives to the parties concerned. [D02675]
- Distributed Computing Environment ("DCE")
An environment in which software function and data is distributed across multiple computing resources connected on a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) [D04826]
- Distributed Processing
An application or systems model in which function and data can be distributed across multiple computing resources connected on a LAN or WAN. See client/server computing. [D04827]
- Distribution List
A list of people receiving information for a particular purpose [D00824]
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- Distribution of Minutes
The circulation to attendees of meeting of a record of their discussion, conclusions and action items. [D02676]
- Distribution, of information
The dissemination of information for the purpose of communication, approval or decision-making. [D00550]
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- Diversity
Difference, distinctness, variety. [D02677]
Webster |
- Document
 Any record of information stored either as hard copy or electronically required as an input or an output of a project management process. See also Document Control. [D05636]
Any official or authoritative record containing instructions, information, evidence, facts and the like that can be stored permanently either on paper or electronically. [D02678]
Webster |
- Document Control
 A system for controlling and executing project documentation in a uniform and orderly fashion. [D00551]
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All documents, whether electronic or hard copy, need to be uniquely identifiable. In most cases, it is also necessary to track the changes that occur to the document and record its distribution throughout the document's development and subsequent revision(s).
Document control includes:
- Document Management
 The orderly and appropriate organization, distribution, storage and retrieval of project documents. [D02679]
See Information Management. [D03778]
- Documentary
A display of documented information typically in multi-media format. [D02680]
- Documentation
 The collection of reports, user information and references for distribution and retrieval, displays, back-up information and records pertaining to the project. [D00553]
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Any kind of written report, including such items as final reports, spare parts lists, instruction manuals, test plans, program code itself, all life cycle milestone documents, project history, and similar project information. [D00552]
SPM p304-9 |
All the data, information, knowledge and wisdom accrued during the project life span, especially that which concerns project configuration and changes and all the management documents. Documentation should be supported by a documentation system that specifies the kinds of documents needed for the project, where each kind of document is "fit for its purpose". For each kind of document, the system should also specify: the information that the document contains, the format of that information such as narratives, charts, source code, etc., and the form of the document such as paper, film or electronic. [D06411]
- Documentation Change Notice
A notification of change to holders of controlled documentation. [D04079]
- Documentation Requirements Description ("DRD")
Formerly Data Item Description. The required content of a document. [D04080]
- Dog and Pony Show
A project briefing which uses a number of viewgraphs, slides, flip charts, or similar aids, usually with a view to persuading the audience to a particular point of view. [D02310]
- Domain
 An area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems. [D04828]
A grouping of related items within a certain area of interest. [D05637]
071 |
See Documentation Requirements Description
- Driver
Some internal or external pressure or opportunity that is stimulating or driving the need for change. [D05977]
- DU
See Duration
- Dual Concern Model
A graphical display in which the five negotiating strategies are plotted with "Concern about Own Outcomes" (X-axis) against "Concern for Other Side's Outcomes" (Y-axis). [D02736]
PMH p345 |
- Dual Responsibility
The acceptance of functional responsibility from one person and project responsibility from another. [D03781]
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- Due Diligence
Reasonable steps taken by a person in order to satisfy a legal requirement, especially in buying or selling something. [D06412]
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- Dummy
An activity denoting a dependency, but not an action. [D00554]
- Dummy Activity
 In an activity on arrow network, an activity representing no actual work to be done but required for reasons of logic or nomenclature.
Note: There are three uses for a dummy activity in "activity-on-arrow network":
- Logic
- Time delay, and
- Uniqueness.
An activity in a network diagram that requires no work, signifying a precedence condition only. [D00555]
SPM p304-9 |
An activity of zero duration used to show a logical relationship in the arrow diagramming method. Dummy activities are used when logical relationships cannot be completely described with regular activity arrows. Dummies are shown graphically as a dashed line headed by an arrow. [D00556]
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An activity, always of zero duration, used to show logical dependency when an activity cannot start before another is complete, but which does not lie on the same PATH through the network. Normally, these dummy activities are graphically represented as a dashed line headed by an arrow. [D00557]
PMK87 |
- Duration ("DU")
 The length of time needed to complete an activity. [D00560]
- The number of time units (not including holidays or other non-working periods) required to complete an activity or other project element. Usually expressed as work days or work weeks, or
- Calendar elapsed time.
PMK96 |
The calendar time it takes to create a deliverable. [D02196]
PMMJ97 |
The actual amount of time that passes before a task is done. Duration equals work divided by resource effort. [D04970]
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The planned or actual elapsed time between two events, e.g. between the start and finish of an activity, between two milestones or the whole project. Duration may be measured in units of calendar time, or project calendar time. It can be misleading to measure it in days worked on an activity since calendar and working time may pass with no production. It is totally wrong to measure duration in man-hours or man-days which are units of work, not time. [D04971]
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- Duration Calculation
The calculation of time required to complete an activity. [D02681]
- Duration Compression
Shortening the project schedule without reducing the project scope. Duration compression is not always possible and often requires an increase in project cost. [D00559]
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- Duty and Tax Administration
Action taken to legally minimize duties and taxes applicable to the goods/services supplied. [D00561]
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- Dynamic Baseline Model© ("DBM")
A conceptual model framework for:
- Exploring the evolution of project management behaviors
- Establishing realistic levels of project complexity and expectations, and
- Providing a linkage, or matching, between the behavior and the project complexity level.
The model provides the context for discussion and asking the right questions to address the courses of action necessary for improving performance and for identifying learning requirements appropriate to the type of project.
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- Dynamic Classification
A semantic variation of generalization in which an object may change type or role. Contrast: static classification. [D04829]
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