- Process View
An architectural view that describes the concurrent aspect of the system: tasks (processes) and their interactions. [D04869]
- Processor
A type of node which possesses the capability to run one or more processes. Generally this requires a computational capability, memory, input-output devices, and so on. See also node, process, and device. [D04870]
- Procurement
 A process for establishing contractual relationships to accomplish project objectives. The assembly, tendering and award of contracts or commitment documents. Specific procedures should be established for the Procurement Process. [D01264]
See Contract/Procurement Management. [D01265]
All stages involved in the process of acquiring supplies or services, beginning with the determination of a need for supplies of services and ending with contract completion or closeout. [D03548]
The act of buying goods and/or services. [D03674]
The process of acquiring new services or products. It covers the financial appraisal of the options available, development of the procurement or acquisition strategy, preparation of contract documentation, selection and acquisition of suppliers, pricing, purchasing, and administration of contracts. It may also extend to storage, logistics, inspection, expediting, transportation, and handling of materials and supplies. It may cover all members of the supply chain. For example, operations and maintenance needs to be supported through a supply chain management process. [D03739]
The obtaining of best value for money from suppliers of goods and/or services to the project. The work to be performed by the suppliers and organizations involved must be formalized, clearly defining what is expected from them, the control to be exerted by the receiving organization and the obligations of each party. This responsibility is typically conducted by specialists familiar with legal requirements in forming a contract, the availability of the goods and/or services, and current market conditions. [D06477]
- Procurement Addendum
A supplement to bidding documents issued prior to the receipt of bids, for the purpose of clarifying, correcting, or adding to the bid documents issued previously. [D01266]
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- Procurement Advertising
Method of procurement where a contract results from the solicitation of competitive BIDS through the media. [D01267]
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- Procurement Cost Considerations
A reckoning of a supplier's approach, realism, and reasonableness of cost. forecast economic factors affecting cost and cost risks used in the cost proposal. [D01268]
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- Procurement Environment
The combined internal and external forces, both individual and interacting with one another which assist or restrict the attainment of the objective. These could be business or project related or may be due to political, economic, technological or regulatory conditions. See also macro procurement environment, micro procurement environment. [D01269]
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- Procurement Identification
The identification of the different categories of procurement of which one or more may be required during project execution. [D01270]
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- Procurement Invitation
A method of procurement where a contract results from the selected invitation of competitive BIDS. [D01271]
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- Procurement Management
 The management of the procurement and contracting process. [D05687]
The process by which products are sourced from preferred suppliers. This also includes the process of managing each preferred supplier relationship on an ongoing basis. [D06117]
- Procurement Management Plan
See Contract/Procurement Management Plan. [D05688]
- Procurement Method
A particular manner adopted for obtaining the goods and services for a project. Could be highly dependent upon how much detail is known about the project's scope and deliverables and the type of contract to be adopted as a consequence. [D03179]
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- Procurement Performance Evaluation
A comprehensive review of the original specification, statement of work, scope and contract modifications, for the purpose of avoiding pitfalls in future procurements. [D01272]
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- Procurement Planning
 The determination of what to procure (i.e. buy or otherwise obtain), when and how. [D01273]
The process of identifying, describing and quantifying the products to be sourced externally to a project. [D06118]
- Procurement Pre-Qualifications
The experience, past performance, capabilities, resources and current work loads of the potential sources. [D01274]
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- Procurement Qualifications
See Qualifications, Contractor. [D01275]
- Procurement Ranking
Qualitative or quantitative determinations of prospective supplier's capabilities and qualifications in order to select one or more sources to provide proposed material/service. [D01276]
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- Procurement Relationship with CWBS
The relationship of services or items to be procured with the overall work, and their interface with any other project activities. [D01277]
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- Procurement Response
Communications, positive or negative from prospective suppliers in response to the request to supply material/ services. [D01278]
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- Procurement Source Evaluation
Overall review of capabilities and ranking of prospective suppliers either to request proposals or to enter into negotiations for the award of the contract. [D01279]
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- Procurement Strategy
 A macro view of the manner or approach to securing the necessary resources for carrying out the work of the project. Procurement strategy should be established early on in the project planning phase, since procurement strategy decisions will affect the design of the work breakdown structure. Procurement strategy may range from completing all of the work in-house, or a single complete contract to a number of separate trade contracts under the direction of a coordinating (e.g. construction) manager. [D02551]
The relationship of specific procurement actions to the operating environment of the project. [D01280]
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A document prepared very early in the project and often stemming from a policy defined externally to the project, for example its urgency. The procurement strategy may also be a function of the state of the project definition, and of the supplier market. It could include potential sources of supply, terms and types of contract/procurement, conditions of contract, the type of pricing, and method of supplier selection. [D03738]
- Procurement Supplier Valuation
Assessment of suppliers’ qualifications in order to identify those from whom proposals/bids are to be requested or those who are to be invited to enter negotiations for the award of a contract. [D01281]
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- Procurement Technical Considerations
Suppliers technical competency, understanding of the technical requirements and capability to produce technically acceptable material or services. Generally this evaluation ranks highest among all other evaluations. [D01282]
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- Procurement, Other Considerations
Includes an evaluation of staff and financial resources, facilities, performance record, responsiveness to contract terms and conditions and a general willingness to perform the work. [D01285]
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- Procurement/Contract Negotiations
A process of communication, discussions, and agreement between the parties for supply of goods/services in support of the procurement objectives. [D01283]
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- Procurement/Tender Documents
The documents issued to prospective suppliers when inviting BIDS/quotations for supply of goods/services. [D01284]
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- Producer
This role represents the creator(s) of a product that is the subject of a quality review. Typically, it will be filled by the person who has produced the product or who has led the team responsible. [D05419]
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- Producibility
 The ease with which a product can be manufactured or otherwise created or developed. [D05423]
The composite of characteristics which, when applied to equipment design and production planning, leads to most effective and economic means of fabrication, assembly, inspection, test-installation, checkout, and acceptance of systems and equipment. [D03180]
- Product
 The output from a Process in tangible or intangible form. Examples include the Project Brief as an output from the planning phases, or the completed facility as an output from the producing phases. Editor's Note: Also called Deliverable or End Item, which see. [D01288]
Software that is the result of development, and some of the associated artifacts (documentation, release medium, training). [D04747]
Any input to or output from a project. In PRINCE2 a distinction is made between management products (i.e. made as part of the management or quality processes of the project) and specialist products (i.e. products that make up the final deliverable). A product may itself be a collection of other products. Results of projects can vary enormously from physical items, such as buildings and machinery, to intangible things such as culture change and public perception. [D05420]
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- Product Acceptance Review
A control gate to ascertain verification and acceptance. [D04184]
- Product and Market Related Projects
Projects that depend on fixing product targets, creating product portfolios and monitoring market opportunities. See also General Project Alignment, Strategic Projects, Capital Expansion Projects, and Operational Projects. [D04349]
- Product Assurance
The function responsible for achieving the required quality performance. Includes inspectability, testability, process control, and related factors. [D04185]
- Product Breakdown
The project's product or objectives consists of components, at several levels of breakdown, each of which deliver parts of the functionality of the project's deliverables. [D02623]
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- Product Breakdown Structure ("PBS")
 A structure that identifies the Products that are required and that must be produced. It displays the system in the form of a "family tree".. Editor's Note: See also Work Breakdown Structure. [D03893]
A project's product components or elements that make up the overall deliverable assembled into some hierarchical arrangement that facilitates project management tracking and control. [D01289]
A product orientated hierarchical breakdown of the project into its constituent items without the tasks/work packaging being developed. See also Work Breakdown Structure. [D03740]
The structured decomposition of the product into entities of the product. The WBS without the verbs. [D04186]
A hierarchy of deliverable products which are required to be produced on the project. It forms the base document from which the execution strategy and product-based work breakdown structure may be derived. It provides a guide for configuration control documentation.
A hierarchy of all the products to be produced during a plan. [D05421]
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