- Postmortem
See Post-Project Appraisal, Post-Project Evaluation, and Post-Project Review. [D03146]
- Post-Project Review
One or more reviews held after project closure to determine if the expected benefits have been obtained. Also known as post-implementation review. [D05411]
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- Potential Portfolio Component
See Portfolio Component, Potential [D06104]
- Power
 The ability to get someone to do something you want done. [D06105]
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Ability to act or produce an effect. Capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect. Legal or official authority, capacity. Possession of control, authority, or influence over others. [D03147]
Webster |
See Preliminary Project Definition
See Project Products List
See Project Portfolio Management
See Project Portfolio Management System
- Practice
 The exercise of a professional activity. [D06351]
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The usual, traditional, or commonly recommended way of doing things. [D03148]
A mode of behaving or doing something established by custom. [D05412]
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See Product Requirements Document
- Pre Award Meetings
Meetings to aid ranking of prospective suppliers before final award determination and to examine their facilities or capabilities. [D01226]
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- Pre Award Survey
An evaluation of a prospective contractor’s capability to perform under the terms of a proposed contract. [D01227]
- Pre Bid Conference
A meeting used, generally in complex acquisitions, as a means of briefing prospective bidders and explaining complicated specifications and requirements to them as early as possible after the invitation for bids (IFB) has been issued and before the bids are opened. [D03544]
- Pre Commissioning
That work which is carried out prior to commissioning in order to demonstrate that commissioning may be safely undertaken.
- Pre Planned Product Improvement
Designed-in provision for future enhancement. This may require the initial version to have excess capability to accommodate later enhancement. [D04177]
- Pre Proposal Conference
A meeting hosted by the buyer contracting organization to assist prospective bidders in understanding the Request for Proposal. [D04179]
- Pre Tender Estimate
See Definitive Estimate. [D02175]
- Precedence
When one task must be completed before another task can be started, the first task is said to have precedence over the other. [D01228]
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- Precedence Diagram
 A notation of a network which places the activity on a single node. See also Activity Node Net. [D01229]
CPMUSC p176-8 |
- Precedence Diagram Method ("PDM")
 A method of constructing a logic network using nodes to represent the activities and connecting them by lines that show dependencies. [D01230]
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One of the two methods of representing project as networks, in which the activities are represented by nodes and the relationships between them by arcs. Editor's Note: The other method, Arrow Diagram Method, is now rarely used. [D01231]
- Precedence Diagram Method Arrow
A graphical symbol in PDM networks used to represent the lag describing the relationship between work activities. [D01232]
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- Precedence Diagramming
 An activity oriented system in which activities are displayed in uniform boxes complete with activity number, start duration and finish dates. The logical relation between activity boxes is shown by logic connector lines. Lead and lag times can also be shown. The display is more effective than Arrow Diagramming and is also easier to revise, update, and program on computer. See also CPM and PERT. [D03082]
A technique used in CPM and PERT [D01233]
- Precedence Diagramming Method
A network diagramming technique in which activities are represented by boxes (or nodes). Activities are linked by precedence relationships to show the sequence in which the activities are to be performed. [D01234]
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- Precedence Network
A multiple dependency network. An activity-on-node network in which a sequence arrow represents one of four forms of precedence
relationship, depending on the positioning of the head and the tail of the sequence arrow. The relationships are:
- Start of activity depends on finish of preceding activity, either immediately or after a lapse of time
- Finish of activity depends on finish of preceding activity, either immediately or after a lapse of time
- Start of activity depends on start of preceding activity, either immediately or after a lapse of time
- Finish of activity depends on start of preceding activity, either immediately or after a lapse of time.
- Precedence Notation
The means of describing project work flow. It is sometimes called Activity on Node notation. Graphically, precedence networks are represented by using descriptive boxes and connecting arrows to denote the flow of work. [D01235]
- Precedence Relationship
The term used in the precedence diagramming method for a logical relationship. In current usage, however, precedence relationship, logical relationship, and dependency are widely used interchangeably regardless of the diagramming method in use. [D01236]
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- Preceding Event
In an activity-on-arrow network, an event at the beginning of an activity.
- Precision
 The degree to which a measurement is reproducible. See also Accuracy. [D06106]
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Consistency, i.e. the value of repeated measurements that are clustered and have little scatter. Editor's Note: See also Accuracy. Precise measurements are not necessarily accurate. [D06107]
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- Predecessor
An activity that must be completed (or be partially completed) before a specified activity can begin is called a predecessor. The combination of all predecessor and successor relationships among the project activities forms a network. This network can be analyzed to determine the critical path and other project scheduling implications. [D01237]
- Predecessor Activity
 Either- In the arrow diagramming method, the activity which enters a node.
- In the precedence diagramming method, the "from" activity.
PMK96 |
Any activity that exists on a common path with the activity in question and occurs before the activity in question. [D01239]
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In the precedence diagramming method it is the "from activity," or the activity which logically precedes the current activity. [D01240]
- Predecessor Task
A task that must start or finish before another task can start or finish. [D01241]
MSP98 |
- Predecessor Work Item
A work item that directly precedes one or more work items in the logic sequence of a precedence network. [D01242]
- Preferred Alternative
The solution, amongst several, to an opportunity, need, or problem before or after project launch that is most likely to be successful. [D03149]
- Preliminary
Something that precedes or is introductory or preparatory. Coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else. [D03150]
Webster |
- Preliminary Design
 The portion of the development process where systems are subdivided into elements of the system and the concepts, behavior, performance, interactions and interfaces of the elements are specified. [D05413]
The design prepared in the planning stage of a project and submitted as part of the project brief. The drawings and specifications that comprise the Preliminary Design should be clearly specified as a matter of policy and provide the basis for the Appropriation estimate. [D01243]
- Preliminary Design Documentation
"Design-to" specifications, verification plan, concept drawings, analyses, flow diagrams, data sheets, pictorials, schematics, etc. that convey the technical and operational requirements of the system or entity of the system. [D04178]
- Preliminary Design Review
A series of control gates at which the Buyer reviews and approves the Provider's proposed Design-to baseline as evidenced by lower level performance specifications and associated test plans and authorizes the Provider to proceed with detail design. All hardware, software, handling equipment, test equipment, and tooling should be sequentially reviewed in the descending order of system to assembly. [D01244]
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- Preliminary Economic Criteria
The early determination of economic conditions established as a prerequisite to the approval of a project, usually one of several alternatives. [D03151]
- Preliminary Estimate
See Estimate Class B [D02223]
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- Preliminary Project Definition ("PPD")
The documentation of the pre-feasibility investigation of the project concept during the project discovery phase. It is used to request funding authorization by the sponsor for resources to fully elaborate project concept in the next phase of project delivery, termed project definition. [D06473]
Costin |
- Preliminary Technical Criteria
The early determination of technical criteria established for purposes of project design development, often as part of a feasibility study. [D03152]
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