- Baseline Control
See Configuration Control [D00278]
- Baseline Cost
The amount of money an Activity was intended to cost when the Baseline Plan was established. [D03591]
- Baseline Dates
Original planned start and finished dates for an activity. Used to compare with current planned dates to determine any delays. Also used to calculate budgeted cost of work scheduled in earned value analysis. [D00137]
- Baseline Finish Date
See Scheduled Finish Date. [D00138]
- Baseline Management
The planning, organizing and control of baseline documentation. See, for example, Configuration Management. [D02406]
- Baseline Plan
 The original plan (for a project, a work package, or an activity), plus or minus approved changes. Usually used with a modifier, e.g., cost baseline, schedule baseline, performance measurement baseline, etc. [D01853]
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The initial approved plan to which deviations will be compared as the project proceeds. [D00139]
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- Baseline Review
A customer review conducted to determine with a limited sampling that a contractor is continuing to use the previously accepted performance system and is properly implementing a baseline on the contract or option under review. [D00140]
- Baseline Schedule
A fixed project schedule that is the standard by which project performance is measured. The current schedule is copied into the baseline schedule which remains frozen until it is reset. Resetting the baseline is done when the scope of the project has been changed significantly, for example after a negotiated change. At that point, the original or current baseline becomes invalid and should not be compared with the current schedule. [D00141]
- Baseline Start Date
See Scheduled Start Date. [D00142]
- Baseline, budget
A reference base that includes the time phased budget, total funding, time phased funding profile, and management reserve [D03996]
- Baseline, business
A reference base that includes the Acquisition Plan, Contract, Subcontracts, Project Master Schedule, Implementation Plan, System Engineering Management Plan, Contract Deliverable(s) List, and the Contract Documentation Requirements List. [D03997]
- Baseline, cost estimate
The estimated cost to perform all work defined by the project baseline based on the defined conditions, for example, without overtime. [D03998]
- Baseline, technical
A reference base that includes the User Requirements Document, System Requirements Document, Concept Definition Document, System Specifications, "Design-to" specifications, "Build-to" documents, and "As built," "As tested," "As accepted" and "As operated" configurations. [D03999]
- Basis of Estimate
The justifications for arriving at a particular cost estimate. This can include the estimating methods, approach taken, prices used, etc. Editor's Note: It is essential, as with all estimates, that the estimating assumptions are also clearly stated. [D04000]
- Batch
See Lot. [D00143]
- Batch Operation
A routine performed by the computer without the need for any user intervention. [D00144]
- Bathtub Curve
A horizontal line graph that looks like a bathtub in that it descends almost vertically at the left end then remains more or less flat until it rises steadily at the right end. [D05261]
See Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement
- Bayes Theorem
A formula that revises probabilities on the basis of new information. [D06369]
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See Business Change Manager
See Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
See Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
- Behavior
 The inherent actions, reactions, and the responses to external events that describe the dynamics of a system. [D05262]
A combination of an event and an action. Editor's Note: A term used in software; When something happens, something else happens automatically. Although the term is used in software, it is a useful concept in risk management. [D04917]
- Behavior Analysis
See Functional Analysis. [D04001]
- Behavioral Trap
A psychological phenomenon that occurs when rational activity later becomes undesirable and from which it is difficult to escape. [D06370]
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- Benchmark
A standard by which something can be measured or judged. [D04918]
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- Benchmarking
 A review of what others are doing in the same area. For those who appear to be particularly successful, what they do and how they do it are taken to be examples that should be emulated, i.e. used as "benchmarks". [D02407]
The search for industry best practices that lead to superior performance. [D04919]
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- Beneficial Occupancy/Use
Use of a facility or project deliverable in whole or in part by the owner for its intended purpose. This may occur even though some portion of the contract scope remains unfinished. [D04920]
- Beneficiaries
People who will feel or experience the value of a benefit. [D05890]
- Benefit
 In project portfolio management, an outcome of change that is perceived as beneficial by a stakeholder. [D05891]
The quantifiable and measurable improvement resulting from an outcome which is perceived as positive by a stakeholder and that will normally have a tangible value, expressed in monetary or resource terms. Benefits are expected when a change is conceived. Benefits are realized as a result of activities taken to effect the change. [D05892]
- Benefit Facilitator
A person who supports programs and projects with benefit realization activities, yet challenges benefit claims and Business Cases. [D05893]
- Benefit Owner
A person responsible for the realization of a benefit. [D05894]
- Benefit Profile
A comprehensive description of a single benefit, including all its attributes and dependencies. [D05895]
- Benefits
 The positive outcomes, quantified or unquantified, that a project is being undertaken to deliver, and that justify the investment. [D05263]
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The enhanced efficiency, economy and effectiveness of future business operations to be delivered by a program. [D00145]
The measurable improvement to existing business operations and services. [D05550]
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The measurable improvement resulting from an outcome perceived as an advantage by one or more stakeholders. [D05896]
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- Benefits Framework
 An outline of the expected benefits of the program, the business operations affected and current and target performance measures. [D00146]
A component of the Program Brief which sets out in outline a description of the expected benefits of the program, the business operations affected and current and target performance measures. [D04922]
- Benefits Management
 The identification of potential benefits, their planning and tracking, the assignment of responsibilities and their actual realization. See also Benefits Realization Management. [D04924]
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A formal process in Program Management for planning, managing, delivering and measuring the set of benefits which the Program is designed to provide. [D03592]
- Benefits Management Plan
 A project statement of who is responsible for achieving the benefits, and how they will be measured, managed and monitored. [D00147]
A component of the Program Definition Statement, which specifies who is responsible for achieving the benefits set out in the Benefits Profiles and how achievement is to be managed, measured and monitored. [D03593]
- Benefits Management Regime
The activities, roles and outputs of program management for ensuring that the program will deliver expected business benefits. The regime is described by the benefits management plan as set out in the program Definition Statement. [D04926]
- Benefits Management Strategy
The definition of how the program will identify, deliver and realize the expected benefits from the program. [D05551]
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- Benefits Manager
An optional role for assisting the business change manager. [D05552]
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