- Computer Cost Applications
The computer assisted techniques to handle analysis and store the volume of data accumulated during the project life that are essential to the cost management function. The areas associated with cost management are: cost estimating data base, computerized estimating, management reports, economic analysis. analysis of risk and contingency, progress measurements, productivity analysis and control, risk management, commitment accounting, and, integrated project management information systems. [D00263]
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- Computer Hardware
Devices capable of accepting and storing digital data, executing a systematic sequence of operations on that data, and producing outputs. Such devices can perform substantial interpretation, computation, communication, control, or other logical functions. They include peripheral equipment such as storage devices. [D04030]
- Computer Modeling
A technique for establishing past project results as an interactive mathematical computer program. By selectively modifying data on models of similar projects, it is possible to anticipate the affects on related dependencies in projects proposed or in progress. This technique is useful for determining the optimum choice, e.g. where a complex series of options, each with their own interdependent cost and schedule impacts, are available for achieving almost the same objective. When programmed, a schedule network containing Network Branching becomes such a Computer Model [D03051]
- Computer Program Configuration Item
See Computer Software Configuration Item. [D04032]
- Computer Software
 Computer programs, applications, data bases, together with their respective documentation. [D03472]
Programs used to run a computer system. [D03282]
- Computer Software Component
A distinct part of a Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI). [D00264]
VPM p291-4 |
- Computer Software Configuration Item ("CSCI")
 A term denoting a software component of a system, which is designated for configuration management to ensure configuration integrity. It may exist at any level in the hierarchy where interchangeability is required. [D04031]
A major software component of a system that is designated by the Buyer for configuration management to ensure the integrity of the delivered product. It, therefore, may exist at any level in the hierarchy, where interchangeability is required. Each CSCI is to have (as appropriate) individual design reviews, individual qualification certification, individual acceptance reviews, and separate user manuals. [D00265]
VPM p291-4 |
- Computer Software Documentation
Technical data, including computer listings and printouts, which document the requirements, design, and/or coding details of computer software, explain the capabilities and limitations of the software, and/or provide operating instructions for using or supporting computer software during the software's operational life. [D04033]
- Computer Software Unit
The lowest group of software code created to perform a specified function or functions. An element of a Computer Software Component (CSC) that is separately testable. [D04034]
- Computer-Aided
Done with the assistance of a Computer. For example, see CAD. [D02502]
- Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval
The larger and more complex a project, the more difficult it is for managers to find the information they require from the mounting volume of documents, studies, reports, contracts, specifications, drawings, changes, proposed changes and progress reports. Even simplified computerized cross referencing of these documents can help considerably. It should all be part of the project's Records Management program. [D03050]
- Concept
 An imaginative arrangement of a set of ideas. See also Concept Phase. [D00266]
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What exists in the mind as a representation. The formulation of an idea. [D05284]
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- Concept Definition Document
A document describing the concept selected for development and the results of investigating alternative system concepts. It is used to derive the System Specifications and the Statement of Work. Also known as System Concept Document. [D04035]
- Concept Mapping
A technique for graphically representing concepts, knowledge or information that are linked in some way. Nodes represent the concepts while the links represent the relationships. Labels on the links, when used, describe the nature of the respective relationships. The links may be uni- or bi-directional. [D05768]
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- Concept Phase
 The first phase of a project in which the need is examined, alternatives are assessed, the goals and objectives of the project are established and a sponsor is identified. [D00268]
The first of four sequential phases in the generic project life cycle. Also known as Idea, Economics, Feasibility or Pre-Feasibility Phase. [D00267]
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- Concept Study
 Consideration of an idea that includes a review of its practicality, suitability, cost-effectiveness, etc. usually followed by a recommendation whether or not to proceed with a/the project. [D02503]
A broad-scale plan that takes place well before a project begins; the recognition of a need for a project and a study to decide whether it is practical or not. Editor's Note: This definition assumes that a project does not really begin until its actual implementation. [D02504]
- Conception Phase
The phase that triggers and captures new ideas or opportunities and identifies potential candidates for further development in the feasibility phase.
- Conceptual
See Concept. [D02505]
- Conceptual Budgeting
Budgeting based on an Order of Magnitude Estimate. [D02506]
- Conceptual Design
An early stage in the life of a project that should result in the preparation of a document containing a functional program, sketches and outline drawings, a concept estimate and a set of design standards. [D00269]
- Conceptual Development
 A cognitive exercise leading from the project vision through the identification of real needs into a mission-oriented physical reality using a technology with a satisfactory probability of achievement. [D04323]
A process of choosing/documenting the best approach to achieve project objectives. [D00270]
PMK87 |
- Conceptual Estimate
A cost estimate based on a first level work breakdown structure, in which each work element is associated with a summary quantitative parameter, such as square feet, cubic feet of air per minute, kilowatt hours, module scope definitions. Editor's Note: See also Order of Magnitude Estimate. [D06389]
Costin |
- Conceptual Project Planning
The process of developing broad-scope project documentation from which the technical requirements, estimates, schedules, control procedures and effective project management will all flow. [D00271]
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- Concession
 The official acceptance of components, materials or workmanship that do not meet exact specified requirements. [D06303]
Written authorization to use or release a quantity of material, components or stores already produced but which do not conform to the specified requirements. Also Waiver [D00272]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
An off-specification that is accepted by the project board without corrective action. [D05285]
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- Concession Making, in negotiating
A negotiating strategy that provides less benefit to you and more benefit to the other side. [D02730]
PMH p343 |
- Conciliatory
Willing to compromise to bring to a satisfactory or friendly conclusion. [D02507]
- Concluding
The last part, or bringing to an end, arriving at a conclusion or final judgment. [D02508]
- Conclusions
The logical results, typically of a discussion, meeting, or negotiations. [D02509]
- Concurrency
The degree to which Phases, Stages, or Activities may be overlapped. [D02287]
- Concurrent
Happening at the same time such as activities carried out in parallel. [D02510]
- Concurrent Delays
Two or more delays that take place or overlap during the same period, either of which occurring alone would have affected the ultimate completion date. In practice it can be difficult to apportion damages when the concurrent delays are due to the owner and contractor respectively. See also Excusable Delays Excusable Compensable Delays; Excusable Non-compensable Delays; and Non-Excusable Delays. [D03424]
- Concurrent Engineering
 The development of new products using multi-functional teams who work in unison from the initial concept until completion of the product. This process is sometimes called multi-functional or integrated product development teams. [D04618]
A systematic approach to the simultaneous, integrated design of products and their related processes, such as manufacturing, testing and supporting. [D00274]
A systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and their related processes, including manufacture and support. This approach is intended to cause the developers, from the outset, to consider all elements of the product life cycle from conception through disposal, including cost, quality, schedule, and user requirements. It is characterized by focus on the customer's requirements and priorities, a conviction that quality is the result of improving a process, and a philosophy that improvement of the processes of design, production, and support is a never ending responsibility of the entire enterprise. [D03734]
PPS&C p22 |
- Concurrent Tasks
Tasks in a project that can be worked on at the same time. [D00275]
OTOB p73 |
- Conditional Risk
Risk that occurs under certain conditions or is accepted provided that certain conditions are met. [D02511]
- Conditions
The existence of, or setting of, certain requirements before agreement can be reached or work can begin, etc. [D02512]
- Conducting
The carrying out of such things as audits, inquiries, reviews, etc. [D02513]
- Confidence Level
A level of confidence, stated as a percentage, for a budget or schedule estimate. The higher the confidence level, the lower the risk. [D00276]
OTOB 271-4 |
- Configuration
 A collection of an item's descriptive and governing characteristics, which can be expressed:
- In functional terms, i.e. what performance the item is expected to achieve, and
- In physical terms, i.e. what the item should look like and consist of when it is completed
The technical description needed to build, test, accept, operate install, maintain and support a system. [D00277]
A collection of items with descriptive and governing characteristics. [D02514]
The complete technical description required to build, test, accept, install, operate, maintain and support a System. [D03813]
Functional and physical characteristics of a product as defined in technical documents and achieved in the product.
Note: In a project this should contain all items that can be identified as being relevant to the project and that should only be modified after authorization by the relevant manager. [D04574]
Either- In general, the arrangement of a system or network as defined by the nature, number, and chief characteristics of its functional units. Applies to both hardware or software configuration, or
- The requirements, design and implementation that defines a particular version of a system or system component. See also Configuration Management.
An arrangement of parts or elements. Outward appearance. [D05286]
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The combined set of assets represented by the project's products that are developed and have to be managed. [D05287]
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