- Team Development
 Developing skills, as a group and individually, that enhance project performance. [D02004]
See also Team Building. [D03961]
- Team Development Plan
A description of a training program for project team members for enhancing their skills both in the work required for the project as well as in working together as a project team. [D03326]
- Team Leader
 Person in charge of a group responsible for carrying out a specific task. [D05149]
Person responsible for managing a stage team. [D02005]
The team leader is the interface between project management and developers. The team leader is responsible for ensuring that a task is allocated and monitored to completion. The team leader is responsible for ensuring that development staff follow project standards, and adhere to project schedules. [D04779]
- Team Leadership
Leadership may be subdivided into ‘Leadership Techniques’ i.e. methods used for motivation and ‘Leadership Styles’ i.e. the manner in which the leader applies those methods. [D02006]
- Team Management
 The direction of a group of individuals that work as a unit. Effective teams are results-oriented and are committed to project objectives, goals and strategies. [D03328]
The successful management of a project team. [D03327]
- Team Manager
A role that may be employed by the project manager or a specifically appointed alternative person to manage the work of project team members. [D05521]
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- Team Meeting
A formal assembly of the members of the project team, at which progress reports may be presented, directions given, or problems reviewed and solved. A record, or "minutes of meeting" should be issued following any such meetings. [D03329]
- Team Members
 The individuals reporting either part-time or full-time to the project manager who are responsible for some aspect of the project's activities. [D02008]
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See Project Team Members. [D02007]
- Team Membership Reassessment
The initial project team determines if they have the right people on the team. If not, they recommend changes to membership. [D02205]
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- Team Motivation
The process by which the project manager influences his project team to initiate effort on the project tasks, expend increasing amounts of effort on those tasks, and to persist in expending effort on these tasks over the period of time necessary for project goal accomplishment. [D02009]
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- Team Reward System
The process by which the project team receives recognition for their accomplishments. [D02010]
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- Teaming Arrangement
 An arrangement between two or more companies, either as a partnership or joint venture, to perform on a specific contract. The team itself may be designated to act as the prime contractor; or one of the team members may be designated to act as the prime contractor, and the other member(s) designated to act as subcontractors. When the characteristics of joint control (i.e. joint property, joint liability for losses and expenses, and joint participation in profits) are evident, then the teaming arrangement is a joint venture. When these characteristics are not present then the arrangement may more closely resemble that of a prime contractor/subcontractor. [D05845]
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An agreement of two or more firms to form a partnership or joint venture to act as a potential prime contractor; or an agreement by a potential prime contractor to act as a subcontractor under a specified acquisition program; or an agreement for a joint proposal resulting from a normal prime contractor-subcontractor, licensee-licensor, or leader-company relationship. [D05844]
- Teamwork
 Groups of people who work together to achieve specific objectives as a result of leadership, team building, operating together, and engaging in positive group dynamics. [D06537]
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Work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole. [D03330]
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Joint action by a group of people, in which individual interests are subordinated to group unity and efficiency. A coordinated effort. [D03331]
- Technical
 Pertaining to the application of specific principles and/or reasoning to the resolution of project management issues or problems. Editor's Note: See also "Technological". [D03524]
Relating to specified solution performance as opposed to cost and schedule. [D04274]
- Technical Assurance
 The monitoring of the technical integrity of products. [D02011]
The responsibility of planning, monitoring and reporting on the coordination and technical integrity of a project's products. (Carried out by the technical assurance coordinator (TAC), within the project assurance team (PAT). [D05131]
- Technical Assurance Coordinator
A member of the project assurance team who is responsible for reporting the technical assurance aspects of a project. [D02012]
- Technical Authority
The project's technical authority has the authority and technical expertise to arbitrate on if, and how, a change request is to be implemented. The technical authority defines change tasks, and estimates the effort of engineering the work tasks, corresponding to a change request. [D04780]
- Technical Base Management
The process of ensuring that:
- Technical Committee
A committee that administers the technical aspects of the project. [D05741]
- Technical Description
An textual account, usually detailed, of the mechanics of all or part of the technology vested in the project. [D03332]
- Technical Documentation
User information and references in support of all or part of the technical aspects of the project [D03333]
- Technical Exception
Unplanned situations relating to an end product. [D02013]
- Technical Feasibility
An assessment of the capability of the proposed project technology to work, and its efficiency, viability, cost effectiveness, etc. [D03334]
- Technical File
A file that holds all of the end products to be delivered at the end of a project. [D02014]
- Technical Guide
A document that guides stage managers, team leaders and technical assurance coordinators on planning the production of products. [D02015]
- Technical Management
The management of design, production & hand-over [D03769]
- Technical Manual
 Written technical operating and maintenance information for the user. [D04275]
A manual providing detailed treatment of specific subjects considered necessary for the full accomplishment of required training. Also containing descriptions of material and instructions for operations, handling, maintenance and repair. [D03337]
- Technical Parameters
A set of precisely defined and often quantified deliverables, which match the objectives, guiding principles and working assumptions. [D06538]
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- Technical Performance Measurement
The risk management technique of identifying and measuring progress on selected critical parameters. The goal is to identify adverse trends early for timely corrective action. Typical parameters are weight, power, computer memory capacity, and similar items. [D04276]
- Technical Performance Status
See Scope Reporting. [D02016]
- Technical Products
Products produced by a project for an end user. [D02017]
- Technical Quality Administration
The technical process of establishing the plan for monitoring and controlling the project's satisfactory completion. The plan is designed to include policies and procedures which prevent or correct deviations from requirements/ specifications. [D02018]
- Technical Quality Specifications
The process of establishing the specific project requirements, including execution criteria and technologies, project design, measurement specifications, and material procurement and control, that satisfy the expectations of the client, stakeholders, and project team. [D02019]
- Technical Quality Support
The process of providing technical training and expertise from one or more support groups to a project in a timely manner. [D02020]
- Technical Specifications
Documentation which describes, defines or specifies the goods/services to be supplied. See also specifications. [D02021]
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- Technical Standard
A set of criteria for designing, applying, assembling and/or testing a product or a material or a technical process, such as welding. Technical Standards are often established by recognized standard setting bodies such as IEEE, ASME. [D06539]
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- Technical Support
A service providing help and explanations in the use of the technology. See also Logistics Support. [D03335]
- Technical Team
A team that provides help in specific technologies. [D05742]
- Technical Training
Training in a particular technology. [D03336]
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