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- Control Account ("CA")
A management control point where earned value measurement takes place. Synonymous with the term "cost account." [D04621]
- Control Account Manager ("CAM")
A member of a functional organization responsible for cost account performance, and for the management of resources to accomplish such tasks. [D04622]
- Control Account Plan ("CAP")
The management control unit in which earned value performance measurement takes place. Previously called Cost Account Plan. [D04623]
- Control and Coordination
Control is the process of developing targets and plans; measuring actual performance and comparing it against planned performance and taking the steps to correct the situation. Coordination is the act of ensuring that work is being carried out in different organizations and places to fit together effectively in time, content and cost in order to achieve the project objectives effectively. [D00356]
- Control Chart
 The display of the results of a process over time typically plotted within bands on either side of a center line. They indicate trends showing whether the process is in need of adjustment. [D00358]
The graphical display of the results of a process over time. They are used to determine whether the process is "in control" or in need of adjustment. [D00357]
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- Control Cycle
A cycle that usually includes: planning, measuring, monitoring and taking corrective action, that is:
All these together constitute control.
- Control Gate
 A major project milestone at which the project sponsor has the opportunity at the end of one phase of exercising a 'go/no-go' decision on the continuation of the project into the succeeding phase. See also Executive Control Point. [D00360]
See Management Control Point. [D02267]
A management event in the project cycle that is of sufficient importance to be identified, defined, and included in the project schedule. A control gate requires formal examination to evaluate project status and readiness to proceed to the next control gate. Approval usually includes baselining the work reviewed. [D04053]
- Control Loop
See Control Cycle. [D04952]
- Control Objectives for Information and related Technology ("COBIT")
A set of best practices (framework) for information technology (IT) management created by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), and the IT Governance Institute (ITGI) in 1992. COBIT provides managers, auditors, and IT users with a set of generally accepted measures, indicators, processes and best practices to assist them in maximizing the benefits derived through the use of information technology and developing appropriate IT governance and control in a company. [D05950]
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- Control Point
See Work Packages/Control Point [D02159]
- Control Requirements
The specified conditions under which control is to be exercised. [D02561]
- Control System
 A mechanism which reacts to the current project status in order to ensure accomplishment of project objectives. [D00361]
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A set of specified procedures for controlling (e.g. project time, resources, quality.) [D00362]
- Control Theory
The view that motivation by goal setting can be further extended by understanding and predicting how humans process information and make decisions about how much effort to put forth. Based on metacognitive theory of motivation, it is hard to understand and predict. See also Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory, Goal Setting Theory, and Reinforcement Theory. [D02640]
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- Controllable Risks
Those risks to the project which, if occurring, can be mitigated by the project Team at the direction of the project manager, by adopting a ‘work-around’ or by drawing upon the project’s Contingency Allowance. [D00366]
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- Controlling
See Project Control [D00364]
- Controlling Relationship
The early dates of an activity is controlled either by a target date on the activity or, more normally, by one of the predecessor relationships. In the latter case, the relationship is called the controlling relationship. [D00367]
- Coordinated Matrix
An organizational structure where the project leader reports to the functional manager and doesn't have authority over team members from other departments. [D00368]
- Coordination
 The orchestration of project activities to achieve a defined result. [D05301]
The bringing together, or integration, of separate work elements, typically of a project, to form a harmonious and workable whole. See also Coordinator. [D02562]
The act of ensuring that work carried out by different organizations and in different places fits together effectively. It involves technical matters, time, content and cost in order to achieve the project objectives effectively.
- Coordination of the Design
In building or engineering projects, design coordination is the responsibility of the architect, or lead engineering consultant, usually civil or structural. See also Coordination and Coordination of the Work. [D05623]
- Coordination of the Work
In construction projects, work coordination is the responsibility of the contractor. See also Coordination of the Design. [D05624]
- Coordinator
A person who facilitates harmonious activity within a group responsible for a common objective. Such a person does not have the same authority as a project manager, but nonetheless may still be responsible for the results. Persuasive power is usually exercised through tenure, or recognition of expertise or experience. [D03671]
- Copyright
Protection granted to authors and artists prohibiting others from reproducing their works without their permission. Editor's Note: This principle has now been extended to any creator of intellectual property. [D05951]
- Corporate
A group of individuals empowered to transact business as one body. [D02563]
- Corporate Administration and Finance
The department responsible for administrative and financial affairs in a corporation. [D02564]
- Corporate Budget.
The annual (fiscal) budget of a corporation. [D02565]
- Corporate Business Life Cycle
A life cycle which encompasses phases of policy-planning and identification-of-needs which occur before a project is launched, as well as product-in-service and disposal after the project life cycle is completed. [D00369]
- Corporate Client
The project's high level champion who has ultimate authority. S/he promotes the benefits of the project to the community. [D05302]
- Corporate Constraints
Limitations to the activities of a corporation. These may be as a result of the corporation's charter, its philosophy or mission, or due to market conditions. [D02566]
- Corporate Culture
 A company's values, beliefs, business principles, traditions, ways of operating, and internal work environment. Corporate culture significantly affects decision-making in the organization. [D06392]
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Organizational rules, rituals, procedures, ethics, values, mores, and general operating principles that all members of the group are expected to practice, if not endorse. All encompassing and generally differentiates one organization from another. Culture is difficult to change and can be done only with great thought and tenacity on the part of management. [D05952]
- Corporate Data Bank
See Corporate Memory. [D02567]
- Corporate Goals
The goals or objectives identified by an organization to support its core business. [D05303]
- Corporate Governance
The ongoing activity of maintaining a sound system of internal control by which the directors and officers of an organization ensure that effective management systems, including financial monitoring and control systems, have been put in place to protect assets, earnings capacity and the reputation of the organization. [D05953]
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The top executives responsible for vision and success/failure decisions relating to long term survival/prosperity and operational efficiency of the organization. [D05954]
- Corporate Management
Management in the private sector intended to survive profitably and indefinitely based on providing a product or service. It recognizes that its products will not live forever but will be superseded by other products having the advantage of superior quality, cost, timeliness or acceptability. This recognition requires corporate management to set aside funds for technological development to maintain market advantage. The overall corporate activity must maintain a satisfactory return on investment for its share holders. [D00370]
- Corporate Memory
A term used to describe an organization's historic records and experience, essential for reliable estimating and forecasting. Editor's Note: In many organizations "Corporate Memory" resides only in the collective experience and minds of its staff. When staff leave, so does this experience. Every effort should be made to capture past experience in a form usable by others to avoid the loss of this type of asset. [D02380]
- Corporate Philosophy
The underlying assumptions that result in a corporation behaving in a particular way. Editor's Note: A corporations explicit (i.e. stated) philosophy may not be the same as its implicit philosophy (i.e. the way it actually behaves.) [D02568]
- Corporate Planning
Planning by top-level management to establish:
- What exactly are its overall objectives?
- What is the long range planning required in every part of the organization to achieve those objectives?
Generally a highly systematized approach to the forecasting of need for, and selection of, future projects.
- Corporate Project
In project portfolio management, a project that is prioritized by the Executive, and tracked and reported by the EPMO, having one or more of:
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- Corporate Project Management
See Enterprise Project Management. [D04343]
- Corporate Project Portfolio
The totality of the change initiatives within an organization; it may comprise a number of programs, standalone projects and other initiatives that achieve congruence of change. [D05956]
- Corporate Project Strategy
The overall direction set by the corporation of which the project is a part, and the relationship of specific procurement actions to these corporate directions. [D00371]
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- Corporate Quality Standards
The overall quality standards espoused at the corporate level. [D02569]
- Corporate Resources
The resources available to the corporation, usually from internal sources. [D02570]
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