- Project Evaluation Review
See Project Evaluation. [D03920]
- Project Execution Plan
The detailed plan for carrying out the project through its implementation phase. A description of how the project's activities will create the outputs or end items. [D03193]
- Project Executive
The role responsible for the successful delivery of a project's defined outcome. Under PRINCE2, the project executive chairs the project board. [D05580]
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- Project Expenditure
See Expenditure [D00652]
- Project File
 A record of project data/documents. [D01413]
A file containing the overall plans of a project and any other important documents. [D01412]
- Project Finance
A method of funding in which the lender looks primarily to the revenues generated by a single project, both as the source of repayment and as security for the exposure. This type of financing is usually for large, complex and expensive installations that might include, for example, power plants, chemical processing plants, mines, transportation infrastructure, environment, and telecommunications infrastructure. Project finance may take the form of financing of the construction of a new capital installation, or refinancing of an existing installation, with or without improvements. In such transactions, the lender is usually paid solely or almost exclusively out of the money generated by the contracts for the facility's output, such as the electricity sold by a power plant. The borrower is usually an SPE (Special Purpose Entity) that is not permitted to perform any function other than developing, owning, and operating the installation. The consequence is that repayment depends primarily on the project's cash flow and on the collateral value of the project's assets. [D06145]
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- Project Financing
Provision of capital for a project. [D01414]
- Project Finish Date/Schedule
The latest schedule calendar finish date of all activities on the project derived from network or resource allocation process calculations. [D01415]
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- Project Follow Up
Checking of project performance in terms of time resources, and/or quality. (Syn: Project Control.) [D01416]
- Project Goal
Specified desired milestone result. (See Project Objective.) [D01417]
- Project Goods
Equipment and/or materials needed to implement a project. [D01418]
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- Project Group
Group of people assigned to carry out the project work or a defined part thereof. [D01419]
- Project Hand Over
The acceptance of the facility by the facility operators for occupancy and training even though construction may not be fully completed. [D01420]
- Project Human Resource Management
A subset of project management that includes the processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved with the project. It consists of organizational planning, staff acquisition, and team development. [D05581]
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- Project Identification Phase
See Project Discovery Phase. [D06489]
- Project Implementation Phase
The third Major phase of project delivery, involving the delivery of the complete set of approved products and services, the project deliverables, to the satisfaction of the project sponsor. See also Execution Phase. [D06490]
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- Project Implementation Plan
A formal document to be approved as part of an AFE submission for the implementation and commissioning, startup & completion phases of the project. It describes the complete course of action contemplated, including assumptions, organization, stakeholder communication, milestone schedule, quality and safety provisions, critical success indicators, etc. The project implementation plan establishes the project’s ‘baseline’ by which project management will direct the project. [D01421]
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- Project Information Sources
Identification and listing of various available sources, internal as well as external, to provide relevant information on specific procurements. [D01422]
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- Project Initiation
The beginning of a project at which point certain management activities are required to ensure that the project is established with clear reference terms and substantial management structure. [D01423]
- Project Initiation Document ("PID")
 A logical document which brings together the key information needed to start the project on a sound basis and to convey that information to all concerned with the project. [D05442]
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A document approved by the project board at project initiation that defines the terms of reference for the project. [D01424]
- Project Initiation Review
A control gate at which the provider executive management reviews, approves, and commits the company to the provider's project plan and approves the project start. The PIR is the forum for executive management to constructively challenge the readiness of the provider project manager and project team to initiate the project effort and successfully meet the project requirements. [D01425]
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- Project Initiator
The person who has the authority, and provides the justification, to start action on a project. [D03787]
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- Project Integration
The bringing together of diverse organizations, groups or parts to form a cohesive whole to successfully achieve project objectives. [D01426]
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- Project Integration Management
A subset of project management that includes the processes required to ensure that the various elements of the project are properly coordinated. It consists of project plan development, project plan execution, and overall change control. [D06146]
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- Project Investment Cost
The activity of establishing and assembling all the cost elements (capital and operating) of a project as defined by an agreed scope of work. The estimate attempts to predict the final financial outcome of a future investment program even though all the parameters of the project are not yet fully defined. [D01427]
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- Project Issues Report
A report which raises issues on any aspect of the project whether technical or managerial. [D03916]
- Project Justification
The qualitative and quantitative assessment of benefits to be derived from investing in the project in relation to the costs and risks. Editor's Note: Typically described in the project's Business Case. [D06491]
- Project Knowledge Management
The application of principles and processes designed to make relevant knowledge available to the project team. Effective knowledge management creates and integrates knowledge, minimizes knowledge losses and fills knowledge gaps throughout the duration of the project. [D06147]
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- Project Launch
The activities surrounding the communication of project scope [D02236]
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- Project Leader
- A term generally synonymous with project manager but used more widely in Europe than elsewhere, or
- A term preferred over project manager by some organizations because it more accurately reflects the leadership skills, in addition to management competencies, required of the person in charge of a project.
Editor's Note: Also used because the label "manager" has an official salary or organizational-level implication that is not granted to the project "leader". [D06148]
The person who leads the project management process and facilitates the team process. [D02202]
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- Project Leadership
Leadership in the context of a project, e.g. leading with a focus on the project's goals and objectives and the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. [D03194]
- Project Life Cycle
 The complete set of time periods through which a project passes sequentially in a logical and orderly manner. In its simplest form the life cycle consists of four major periods:
- Concept (where the project concept as a need solution is selected and defined)
- Development or Definition (where the concept is verified and developed into a workable plan for implementation)
- Implementation (where the implementation plan is carried out); and
- Closeout (where the project process is completed and documented, and the finished product is transferred to the care, custody and control of the owner.)
Progress through the project life cycle is identified by 'milestones', but these major periods should be separated by 'Control Gates' or 'Executive Control Points'. Editor's Note: Since the period from Concept to Closeout is a logical and linear time progression, the term "Project Live Span" is a much better and more descriptive label. [D01429]
A collection of project phases whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. [D01428]
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The four sequential phases in time through which any project passes, namely: Concept; Definition (or Development); Execution (Implementation or Operation); Finishing (Termination or Close Out).
Note: These phases may be further broken down into stages depending on the area of project application. [D01430]
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The period from project initiation to completion. [D01431]
The events, from beginning to end, necessary to complete a project. [D01434]
While there are many different versions of the Project Life Cycle, all essentially contain the steps of germination of the idea, proposal and initiation, design and appraisal, mobilization of the team, execution and control, integration of the team and their work, testing, commissioning and handover of the project's product and closeout of the work. [D02626]
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The sequence of phases through which the project will evolve. It is absolutely fundamental to the management of projects, and is the only thing that uniquely distinguishes projects from non-projects. It will significantly affect how the project is structured. The basic life cycle follows a common generic sequence: Opportunity, Design & Development, Production, Hand-over, Post-Project Evaluation. The exact wording varies between industries and organizations. There should be evaluation and approval points between phases often termed "gates". [D03748]
All phases or stages between a project's conception and its termination.
Note: The project life cycle may include the operation and disposal of project deliverables. This is usually known as an Extended Life Cycle. Editor's Note: This Editor disagrees. The definitions of Project are clear and do not include Operation and Disposal. The Extended Life Cycle as defined here should be referred to as the Product Life Cycle. [D04590]
See Project Life Span. [D05596]
The period from the startup of a project to the handover of the finished product to those who will operate and maintain it. . Editor's Note: For purposes of PRINCE2, 2005 the project starts when the project enters the execution phases. [D05823]
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- Project Life Cycle [Span] Cost
The sum total of all costs associated with the initiation, design, development, execution, and closeout of a project. [D06149]
- Project Life Cycle Cost
Cumulative cost of a project over its whole life cycle.
Editor's Note: Presumably "whole life cycle" refers to all of the project's phases from owner's conception to completion and transfer. [D04485]
- Project Life Cycle, Phases and Stages
The division of the time required to accomplish a project into sequential time periods …. [D01433]
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- Project Life Span
 The four sequential major time periods through which any project passes, namely:
- Concept
- Definition
- Execution (implementation or development)
- Finishing (commissioning or close out).
Each period may be identified as a Phase, or major phase on larger projects, and further broken down into stages that typically reflect the area of project management application and the size and complexity of the specific project. Editor's Note: Since the elapsed time from Concept to Finishing is a logical and linear time progression, the word "span" is more appropriate than the popular word "cycle". [D01432]
See also Project Life Cycle. [D06331]
- Project Location
The site on which, or at which, the work of the project takes place. [D03195]
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