- Design Concept
An early stage in the design development process, in which the design for a project is presented in some imaginative form such as a broad description, sketches, models, etc. [D02653]
- Design Contingency
The estimated allowance for the cost of changes to the design that are required during construction to make the project scope work in practice. [D00518]
- Design Contract
A contract for design work [D00519]
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- Design Control
A system for monitoring project scope, schedule and cost during the project's design stage. [D00520]
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- Design Development
The process of identifying and verifying technical solutions to meet the requirements of the Conceptual Design. It brings a Conceptual design to the next level of detail, but not as detailed as the Detailed Design Stage. Depending on the size and nature of the project, it may be a separate Stage in the Project Life Cycle. [D03627]
- Design Experiment
An analytical technique used in quality management to help identify the variables that have the most influence on the outcome of a process or a procedure. [D05968]
- Design Management
 Management of the complete design process specific to the technology involved. [D02654]
The process of ensuring that there is:
- a clear statement of requirements, leading to a clear detailed definition of specifications
- a proper constitution of the design team, with optimum input from all appropriate members of the project e.g. marketing, production, etc.
- a clear process plan and an optimum schedule, both for the design process itself and its relation with the rest of the project schedule
- effective treatment of technology
- effective modeling and testing
- proper deployment of value management and value engineering practices, as well as clear input and control over project estimated out-turn costs
- a clear definition of the scope of work to be included
- effective change control, information management, and configuration management
- a meeting of all planning, health, safety, environmental and other legislative requirements
- proper management of the Hand-Over process (to Operations etc. or even straight to Decommissioning).
- Design Management Plan
A component of the program definition statement which helps to:
It includes:
- Design Model
An object model describing the realization of use cases; serves as an abstraction of the implementation model and its source code. [D04822]
- Design of Experiment
 The planning of an experiment to minimize the cost of data obtained and maximize the validity of range of results. Each experiment contains three parts: the experimental statement, the design, and the analysis. [D00521]
The planning of an experiment to minimize the cost of data obtained and maximize the validity range of the results. Requirements for a good experiment include clear treatment comparisons, controlled fixed and experimental variables and maximum freedom from systematic error. The experiments should adhere to the scientific principles of statistical design and analysis. Each experiment should include three parts: the experimental statement, the design and the analysis. Examples of experimental designs include: single/multi factor block, factorial, Latin square and nested arrangements. [D00522]
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- Design Package
A collection of classes, relationships, use-case realizations, diagrams, and other packages, it is used to structure the design model by dividing it into smaller parts. It's the logical analogue of the implementation subsystem. [D04823]
- Design Review
 Systematic examination of a design to ensure that it will satisfy the specifications when produced. [D05322]
A formal, documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of a design to evaluate the design requirements and the capability of the design to meet these requirements and to identify problems and propose solutions. [D00523]
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- Design Subsystem
A model element which has the semantics of a package (it can contain other model elements) and a class (it has behavior). The behavior of the subsystem is provided by classes or other subsystems it contains. A subsystem realizes one or more interfaces, which define the behavior it can perform. Contrast: design package. [D04824]
- Design Time
Refers to something that occurs during a design phase of the software development process. See modeling time. Contrast: analysis time. [D04719]
- Design to Budget
A requirement placed on the Project’s Designers to verify that not only do their own costs in preparing the designs fall within agreed Budget line-items, but also that the estimated costs of constructing the designs that they produce also fall within agreed Budget line-items. [D00524]
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- Design to Cost
 Management of the design process to meet predetermined or agreed cost goals. [D02306]
A concept that establishes cost elements as management goals to achieve the best balance between life cycle cost, acceptable performance, and schedule. Under this concept, cost is a design constraint during the design and development phases and a management discipline throughout the acquisition and operation of the system or equipment. [D03495]
A process that constrains design options to a fixed cost limit. The cost limit is usually what the buyer can pay or what the marketplace demands. [D04074]
A management concept stipulating that:
- Rigorous cost goals are established during the development of a system and
- The control of costs, acquisition, operations, and support is achieved by practical trade-offs between operational capability, performance, costs, and schedule.
- Design-to Specifications
Documents that specify the "Design-to" requirements and may include functionality, performance, interfaces, constraints, effectiveness, and verification. [D04075]
- Desirable Logic
Network Logic that is desirable, based on some preference or advantage. See also Irrefutable Logic Editor's Note: Desirable logic may impose unnecessary conditions that preclude an optimum solution. In general Desirable Logic should be avoided. [D04359]
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- Detail Documentation
A written description at an exacting level. [D02655]
- Detail Schedule
A schedule used to communicate the day-to-day activities to working levels on the project. [D00525]
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- Detailed Check Estimate
A cost estimate based on a "paper" bid by a third party estimator, engaged by the project to submit a bid alongside actual bidders. [D06405]
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- Detailed Design
The conversion of design-to specifications into designs and associated build-to and code-to documentation. Includes behavior analysis, requirements flowdown, concept trades, risk management, concept testing, producibility analysis, models, etc. [D04076]
- Detailed Design Stage
That part of a project life cycle during which working drawings, standards, specifications and tender documents are prepared. See also implementation phase. [D00526]
- Detailed Engineering
The phase of engineering following basic engineering after approval has been given for the project. Provides the specifications and construction drawings which detail all engineering aspects for the construction of a project. [D04966]
- Detailed Estimate
An estimate based on complete or nearly complete details of quantity, specifications, conditions and the like. Suitable for major commitments, cost tracking and control. Also known as Definitive Estimate, or "bottom up estimate". [D05158]
- Detailed Planning
The lowest level of planning adopted in a project. [D00527]
- Detailed Plans
See Detailed Resource Plan and Detailed Technical Plan. [D00528]
- Detailed Resource Plan
A plan implemented when it is necessary to plan and control a certain major activity within a stage. The plan sets costs and resource usage that correspond to the detailed technical plan. [D00529]
- Detailed Schedule
A plan of activities for all work. The detailed schedule would typically cover activities up to at least the next major milestone. The detailed schedule supports and is consistent with the Master Schedule. Editor's Note: See also Short Term Plan. [D02261]
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- Detailed Technical Plan
 A plan that focuses on the activities appropriate to the technology used in the project. [D05862]
A plan used to give a specific breakdown of major activities. It exists in all but the smallest projects. [D00530]
A plan providing a detailed breakdown of selected major activities, e.g. system testing, and produced as and when required. A Detailed Technical Plan should be established on all but the very smallest projects. [D03835]
- Determination
Arrival at a conclusion, or firm resolution to do so. [D02656]
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- Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results
See Cost benefit. [D02657]
- Determining Factors
In project portfolio management, key descriptors of the portfolio such as component definition, category definition, key criteria definition, and resources capacity to support the portfolio management process. The determining factors are agreed upon by the executive group and are based on the organization strategic plan. [D05970]
- Deterministic
An approach that presumes the presence of fixed constraints. [D02658]
- Deterministic Network
 A network with no facilities to accommodate probabilistic dependencies. Precedence networks are said to be deterministic. [D00531]
Both activity on arrow and precedence networks are said to be deterministic since they have no facilities to accommodate probabilistic dependencies. [D03836]
- Developed Country
A term used generally to refer to a country having the advanced technology of the "western world". [D02659]
- Developer
A person responsible for developing the required functionality in accordance with project-adopted standards and procedures. This can include performing activities in any of the requirements, analysis and design, implementation, and test workflows. [D04720]
- Developing Country
A term used generally to refer to a country still aspiring to the advanced technology of the "western world". [D02660]
- Development
 The process of working out and extending the theoretical, practical, and/or useful application of an idea, concept, or preliminary design. [D02307]
See Development Phase [D02180]
The systematic use, under whatever name, of scientific and technical knowledge in the design, development, test, or evaluation of a potential new product or service (or of an improvement in an existing product or service) for the purpose of meeting specific performance requirements or objectives. Development includes the functions of design engineering, prototyping, and engineering testing. [D03496]
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