- Internet Service Provider ("ISP")
An organization that provides Internet service to an Internet user [D04849]
- Interoperability
The ability of systems, units, or forces to provide services to, and accept services from, other systems, units, or forces and to use the services so exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together. [D02893]
- Interpersonal
Being, relating to, or involving relations between persons [D02886]
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- Interpersonal Influences
The means by which a project manager gets a job done, since project managers are known for having a lot of informal authority but very little formal power. See Formal Authority; Reward Power; Penalty Power; Expert Power; and Referent Power. [D02887]
- Interpersonal Interfaces
The formal and informal reporting relationships among various project stakeholders. [D06017]
- Interpersonal Skills
See Human Skills. [D06439]
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- Interpolation
The estimation of an unknown number intermediate between two, or more, known numbers. Editor's Note: May also refer to inserting thoughts into textual material, as in "Reading between the lines" with or without the intent to corrupt the original meaning. [D02894]
- Interpret
Present in understandable terms. [D00872]
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- Interpretation
Reduction of information to appropriate and understandable terms and explanations. [D00873]
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- Interruption
A stopping or hindering of the normal process or flow (of an activity.) [D02895]
- Intimidating
Deterring, frightening, or compelling by means of threats. [D02896]
- Intraface
A common physical or functional boundary within a project. It usually exists between assemblies and/or software components, is defined by an Intraface Specification, and is usually managed by the contractor's design integration function within system engineering or design engineering. [D04125]
- Intranet
 The equivalent of an Internet but confined to an organization internally and usually not accessible to the public without special authorization. [D02897]
A private network inside a company or organization that uses the same kinds of software that you would find on the public Internet, but that is only for internal use. As the Internet has become more popular, many of the tools used on the Internet are being used in private networks. For example, many companies have Web servers that are available only to employees. [D04850]
- Intuition
Knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; perceptive insight. [D00874]
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- Intuitive Thinking
A direct perception of meaning or truth, without conscious reasoning. Intuitive thinking is validated by the thinker's belief systems. [D06440]
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- Inventory
 Any of the following: - An itemized list of current assets such as a catalog of property, or a list or the quantity of goods or materials on hand (stock)
- A survey of natural resources
- A list of traits, preferences, attitudes, interests, or abilities used to evaluate the personal characteristics or skills of personnel
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 In project portfolio management, a set of components, comprising all active components as well as proposals for new components, properly documented using key descriptors, used as a basis for portfolio management decision-making. [D06018]
- Inventory Closeout
Settlement and credit of inventory if purchased from project funds. [D00875]
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- Inverted Matrix
A project oriented organization structure that employs permanent specialists to support projects.
- Investment
 The outlay of money or time usually for income, profit or other benefit. Example: a capital outlay for the purchase of property. [D02900]
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The creation of real or tangible capital, for example in the construction of a building or a piece of machinery, which will generate a flow of goods and services to be consumed in the future. We also use the word "investment" to mean the assets and business activity resulting from a specific project which has been financed by capital sums. [D05007]
All capital invested, including investment in inventories at all levels, i.e. raw materials and parts, work-in-progress, and finished goods throughout the supply chain, and all investments that must be written off over more than the fiscal year. [D05788]
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- Investment Cost
The amount of money expended in an investment. [D02901]
- Investment Gates
See Control Gates. [D03441]
- Investment Life-Cycle
The lifetime of a project deliverable from inception to ultimate termination. Often there is uncertainty about the length of time over which a project will be operating and assumptions will have to be made. Editor's Note: An investment life cycle encompasses both the project life cycle and the life of the resulting product. See also "Product Life Cycle" [D05008]
- Investment Model
A framework for evaluating the likely profitability of the investment. [D05009]
- Investor's Method
See Discounted Cash Flow. [D00876]
- Invitation
A call to do something, a solicitation. Can be informal as in an invitation to a meeting, or formal as in a published request for proposal or quotation. [D02903]
- Invitation for Bid ("IFB")
 A solicitation for offers under sealed bidding. [D03517]
Similar to a request for proposal, but often for a more specific application area and/or with more specific meaning. [D00877]
- Invitation to Bid
 The invitation issued to prospective suppliers to submit a bid/quotation/ proposal for the supply of goods/ services. [D00878]
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- Invoice
 A contractor’s bill or written request for payment under the contract for supplies delivered or services performed. [D03518]
A document issued by a contractor as a request for payment for work performed in accordance with the terms of its contract. The invoice should be checked and coded by the project accountant before being sent to the project manager for approval. An invoice is the document initiating a progress payment. [D00879]
- Invoices to Cost Accounts
The allocation or distribution of the amounts shown on an invoice to their respective project cost code (WBS Code of Accounts.) [D02904]
- Involuntary
Contrary to or without choice; not subject to control of the will (reflex). [D00880]
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- Involvement
Engagement as a participant. For example, seeking the opinions of stakeholders so that they become involved and "buy in" to the process. [D02905]
- IP
See Internet Protocol
See Integrated Product Development Team
See Integrated Product Team
See Internal Rate of Return
- Irrefutable Logic
Network Logic that is rational and compelling and cannot be disputed on the basis of reason. See also Desirable Logic [D04358]
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- Island of Stability
A review point at the end of a tranche (and overlapping the next tranche) when the Program management team review progress and re-assess benefits, risk and remaining uncertainty, and plan the next tranche in detail. [D05010]
See Internet Service Provider
- Issue
 A formally identified item related to a project that, if not addressed, may:
It is distinguished from a risk in that it is a problem that already exists, whereas a risk is a potential future event. In many organizations the two terms are used interchangeably.
Something in dispute or to be decided. [D03635]
An immediate problem requiring resolution.
A major problem that will impede the progress of the project and cannot be resolved by the project manager and project team without outside help [D05011]
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A concern raised by any stakeholder that needs to be addressed, either immediately or during the project. As issues are reviewed during the project, they may become a threat and hence a risk to the project. [D05378]
An unexpected risk event whose time has come for management decision. A risk event that has happened. [D05789]
A relevant event that has happened, was not planned and requires management action. It could be a problem, query, concern, change request or risk that has occurred. [D06020]
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Events that are currently affecting the ability of a project to produce the required deliverables. [D06021]
- Issue Log
A log of all project issues including requests for change raised during the project, showing details of each issue, its evaluation, what decisions about it have been made and its current status. [D05379]
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- Issues Management
 The process by which issues are formally identified, communicated, monitored and resolved. [D06023]
The management of issues that remain unresolved because they are either in dispute, are uncertain, lack information, or lack authority or commitment for their resolution. [D03735]
Structured, documented, and formal processes or set of procedures used by an organization or a project to identify, categorize, and resolve issues. [D06022]
- IT Executive Committee
The departmental top management group that is responsible for the overall direction of IT (Information Technology) projects. [D00881]
- IT Security
The protection of data transmitted or stored in Information Technology systems. [D02906]
- Items
Distinct parts in a list, group, or series, or articles or objects of interest or concern. [D02907]
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- Iteration
 A distinct sequence of activities with a base-lined plan and valuation criteria resulting in a release (internal or external). [D04684]
In project work, a distinct sequence of activities designed to float ideas or samples for review, or modules and components for testing, before solidifying them into the final work product. The essence of iteration is to repeat the sequence to yield results successively closer to, until acceptable for, the required release. [D05012]
A large-grained Work Definition that represents a complete pass through the software engineering process and results in a release (internal or external) of the software product. [D05790]
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See Information Technology Infrastructure Library
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