- CASE (1)
See Computer Aided Software Engineering
- CASE (2)
See Computer Aided System Engineering
- Case Study
An empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within Business Analyst, financial its real-life context, when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. [D06377]
PMJ 2009, p85 |
- Cash
Moneys, including coin, currency, money orders, checks and similar demands. [D02446]
- Cash Flow
 The on-going difference between cash coming in and cash going out with resulting net cash availability. [D05273]
The inflow and outflow of funds. A time-based record of income and expenditures, often presented graphically. [D02447]
Cash receipts and payments in a specified period. [D04394]
- Cash Flow Analysis
The activity of establishing cash flow (dollars in and out of the project) by month and the accumulated total cash flow for the project for the measurement of actual versus the budget costs. This is necessary to allow for funding of the project at the lowest carrying charges and is a method of measuring project progress. [D00210]
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- Cash Flow Management
The planning of project expenditures relative to income in such a way as to minimize the carrying cost of the financing for the project. This maybe achieved by delaying some of the major activities, but only at the risk of late completion and consequent increased cost. [D02448]
- Cash Flow, Negative
A situation in which a business is spending more than it is earning in any given accounting period. [D05925]
- Cash Flow, Net
Difference between cash received and payments made during a specific period.
- Cash In
The inflow of funds. Also, to take advantage of a special situation. [D02449]
- Cash Out
The outflow of funds. [D02450]
- Catalyst
One who brings people and their ideas together. [D02451]
- Catch-up Alternatives
Different ways of bringing a project back onto the planned schedule. [D02452]
- Categorization
 In project portfolio management, the process of grouping potential project portfolio components into categories to facilitate further decision-making. [D05926]
 A grouping of components based on certain criteria. [D06335]
- Category
In project portfolio management, a predetermined key description used to group potential and authorized project portfolio components to facilitate further decision-making. Categories usually link their components with a common set of strategic goals. [D05927]
- Causation
The facts and circumstances that produce a result for which a party claims entitlement for compensation. [D04939]
- Cause
To make happen. In legal circumstances, a suit or action in court. [D02453]
- Cause and Effect Diagram
See Fish Bone Diagram. [D05928]
See Component-Based Development
See Cost Breakdown Structure
See Change Control Board
See Contractor Cost Data Report
See Critical Chain Method
See Critical Design Review
- Center of Excellence
Another name for Project Management Office or Project Office. [D05929]
- Center of Expertise
See Project Office. [D05930]
- Central Processing Unit ("CPU")
The heart of a computer system where data manipulation occurs. [D04016]
- Centralized
Concentrated at the center such as management or administration conducted from one main location. All power and authority exercised by an elite few at the top of the organization.. [D02454]
- Centrism
The tendency for statistics of a population to cluster around the mean. [D06378]
Costin |
- Certain
See Certainty. [D02455]
- Certainty
Unquestionable, free from any doubt. No risk involved. [D02456]
- Certificate of Conformance
 A certificate signed by a contractor representative that the supplies or services required by the contract have been furnished in accordance with all applicable contract requirements. [D03466]
A contractor's written statement, when authorized by contract, certifying that supplies or services comply with contract requirements. [D00211]
FAR 46.315 QMPP |
- Certification
A written testimony to certain facts. Used to satisfy regulatory bodies or customers that a person's or thing's capability, qualities, performance, etc. are up to specified standards. [D02457]
- Chain
A series of elements joined together in sequence, such as a logical series of activities or occurrences. [D02458]
- Challenge
A demanding condition to be overcome, such as anticipated and unanticipated risks in a project. [D02459]
- Champion
 A person who spearheads an idea or action and promotes it throughout the organization. [D05931]
A person who takes on personal responsibility (though not usually day-to-day management) for the successful completion of a visionary project or creative change in an organization. It may involve a product launch, an innovation in process, or any type of project. [D00212]
OTOB p271-4 |
An end user representative, often seconded into a project team. Someone who acts as an advocate for a proposal or project.
- Change
 The substitution of one thing in place of another. [D00213]
An increase or decrease in any of the project characteristics. [D00214]
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A systematic way of reaching an intended outcome. Philosophically, change is what project management is all about. [D02643]
The set of actions by which the organization moves from any current state to any desired state. Changes may be grouped into programs, projects, or packages of work. [D05932]
- Change Agent
One who orchestrates a change such as an organizational change, typically in a business environment. Sometimes used to refer to the activities of a project manager. [D05759]
An individual who will support and provide leadership to enable a program to achieve its goals within a specific part of an organization, but is not part of the program team, for example the Business Change Manager. [D05933]
MoR-UK |
- Change Authority
A group to which the project board may delegate responsibility for the consideration of requests for change. The change authority is given a budget and can approve changes within that budget. [D05274]
PRNC2 2002 |
- Change Budget
The money allocated to the change authority to be spent on authorized requests for change. Editor's Note: See also Management Reserve. [D05275]
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