See Subject Matter Expert
- Smoothing
 Differences between two groups are played down and the strong points of agreement are given the most attention. [D01860]
PMK87 |
In resource-scheduling, this refers to an option that modifies the way time-limited scheduling (and resource-limited with thresholds) works. The objective of time-limited scheduling is to minimize the maximum extent that each resource availability needs to be exceeded, and the standard algorithm gives itself the maximum flexibility to achieve this by making use of any excess already incurred. The smoothing option modifies this so that it will not use the excess for a particular activity unless necessary in order to schedule that activity within its total float. [D01861]
- Social
Relating to human society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society. Tending to form cooperative and interdependent relationships with others of one's kind. [D03280]
Webster |
- Social Factors
The values, beliefs, traditions, and attitudes of the people, e.g. of the Project Team members, or the Stakeholders. Editor's Note: See also Culture, and Project Culture. [D02331]
- Social Loafing
An undesirable condition in which individuals who are working on a project fail to take initiative because they believe that someone else will do it, or should do it (because it is someone else's responsibility.) Editor's Note: Often as a result of some personal hurt and feeling of resentment. [D02339]
PMH p321 |
- Socioeconomic
Relating to both social and economic factors, or involving a combination of both, [D03281]
Webster |
- Soft Project
A project which is intended to bring about some form of change, e.g. a relocation or re-organization, and does not have physical end products. [D03950]
- Soft Skills
Skills such as team building, conflict management and negotiation. Too much emphasis is often placed on the hard skills in project management. Soft skills should not be underestimated as a vital part of the project manager's competencies. [D01862]
- Software
See Computer Software. [D03283]
- Software Architecture
A description that encompasses: [D04879]
- Software Development
The process by which user needs are translated into software requirements; software requirements are translated into design; the design is implemented in code; and the code is tested, documented, and certified for operational use. [D04235]
- Software Development Library ("SDL")
A controlled collection of software, documentation, and associated tools and procedures used to facilitate the orderly development and subsequent support of software. The SDL includes the Development Configuration as part of its contents. An SDL provides storage of, and controlled access to, software and documentation in human-readable form, machine-readable form, or both. The library may also contain management data pertinent to the software development project. [D04236]
- Software Development Plan
A document describing a developer's plans for conducting software development. [D04237]
- Software Engineering
That field within computer science responsible for the establishment and use of sound engineering principles and methods in order to economically obtain reliable and functional software. [D01863]
SPM p304-9 |
- Software Product Specification
Consists of the Software Design Document and source code listing for a Computer Software Configuration Item. [D04238]
- Software Project
A project in which the principal deliverable item is a report or other form of documentation, such as a computer program. [D01864]
SPM p304-9 |
- Software Quality Assurance
The design and implementation of design features and procedures to ensure that software requirements and specifications can be verified. [D01865]
SU |
- Software Specification Review
A control gate at which the Provider reviews the functional performance specifications of the software and firmware configuration items. The SSR is the decision point to proceed with preliminary design. [D01866]
VPM p291-4 |
- Sole Source
 The only source known to be able to perform a contract or the one source among others that for justifiable reason is considered to be most advantageous for the purpose of contract award. [D06271]
Only one source which could fulfill the requirements of the procurement. [D01286]
PMK87 |
The only qualified source possessing a unique and singularly available performance capability for the purpose of a contract award. [D04239]
- Sole Source Contract
A contract entered into with a sole-source supplier. [D05735]
- Sole Sourcing
 The acquisition of supplies or services after soliciting and negotiating with only one source. [D03691]
A contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into or proposed to be entered into after soliciting and negotiating with only one source. [D03572]
- Solicitation
 An invitation to prospective bidders to respond to a request for proposal, or quotation. [D03692]
The process of obtaining quotes, bids or proposals. [D01867]
The process of issuing a document requesting submission of an offer, quote, or information and obtaining responses. [D03573]
A Request for Proposal, Invitation to Bid, or Request for Quotation from a buyer to contractors, or from a contractor to subcontractors. [D05501]
SU |
- Solicitation Package
When seeking suppliers for a particular acquisition, it is the information distributed which tells the interested bidders what the requirements are, how to prepare their proposals, how proposals will be evaluated, and when to submit their proposals. Sometimes called request for proposals (RFP). [D05210]
- Solicitation Planning
Identifying targets for quotes, bids or proposals. [D01868]
- Solution
A set of deliverables that once combined, solve a particular business problem or realize a particular business opportunity. [D06272]
- Solution Selection
A systematic process of evaluating available options relative to established requirements and choosing the most beneficial. [D03284]
- Solving
Finding a solution, explanation, or answer. [D03285]
Webster |
- Source
A point of origin for information or for procurement. A firsthand observation, or document as a primary reference work [D03286]
Webster |
- Source Code
Programming language software before translation into machine-executable instructions. [D04021]
- Source List
A list of contractors judged capable by the procuring organization from which bids, proposals, or quotations may be solicited. Verification of contractor capability typically involves review of financial status and past performance, as well as on-site review of facilities and personnel. [D04240]
- Source Selection
 Choosing from potential contractors. [D01869]
- Source Selection, in procurement
The process of selecting organizations and/or individuals whose resources, credibility and performance are expected to meet the contract/procurement objectives. [D01287]
PMK87 |
- Sourcing
The determination of sources from which goods and/or services may be obtained to meet the needs of a project. [D03287]
See Statement of Work
- Span Activity
See Hammocks. [D01870]
- Special Cause
A source of quality failure that lies outside the "Process" and so is intermittent, unpredictable or unstable, Sometimes called "Assignable Cause". [D05736]
081 |
In the plotting of control observations, a source of variation in the system that is neither inherent nor predictable. [D06346]
- Special Conditions
A section of a set of contract documents that set out any special requirements for the work, or conditions under which it is to be conducted, and which are specific to the contract at hand. [D03288]
- Special Requirements
See Special Conditions. [D03289]
- Specialist
 One who specializes in a particular occupation, practice, or branch of learning. [D03290]
Webster |
An expert in a particular field who may be used as a resource for multiple projects in an organization. See also Subject Matter Expert. [D06273]
- Specific
Restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation, or effect. Free from ambiguity. [D03291]
Webster |
- Specification
 The document that prescribes the requirements with which the product or services has to conform. [D01874]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
(In Contract/ Procurement Mgt.) Written pictorial or graphic information which describes, defines or specifies the services or items to be procured. [D01871]
PMK87 |
A document intended primarily for use in procurement, which clearly and accurately describes the essential and technical requirements for items, materials, or services, including the procedures by which it will be determined that the requirements have been met. Specifications for items and materials may also contain preservation, packaging, packing and marking requirements. [D01872]
006 4120.3-M QMPP |
An information vehicle that provides a precise description of a specific physical item, procedure, or result for the purpose of purchase and/or implementation of the item or service. [D01873]
PMK87 |
A declarative description of what something is or does. Contrast: implementation. [D04771]
A document that prescribes, in a complete, precise, and verifiable manner, the requirements, design, behavior, or characteristics of a system or system component. [D05502]
A detailed statement of what the user wants in terms of products, what these should look like, what they should do and with what they should interface. [D05840]
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