- UB
See Undistributed Budget
- UI
See User Interface
See Unified Modeling Language
- Unavoidable Delay
A production delay the operator cannot prevent. [D03703]
- Uncertainty
 All events, both positive and negative whose probabilities are neither 0% nor 100%. Uncertainty is a distinct characteristic of the project environment. [D02229]
Lack of knowledge of future events. See also Project Risk. [D02094]
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The possibility that events may occur which will impact the project either favorably or unfavorably. Uncertainty gives rise to both opportunity and risk. See also (project) risk. & [D02095]
A condition, event, outcome, or circumstance for which the extent, value, or consequence is not predictable. [D03704]
A source of risk derived from a lack of sufficient knowledge about the underlying probabilities of adverse events and/or their consequences. [D05138]
An expression of confidence, or lack of confidence, in the basis of an estimate of cost or duration. [D05749]
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- Uncontrollable Risks
Those risks to the project which, if occurring, cannot be mitigated in any way by the project manager or his/her team, are listed in the project plan as excluded from the project’s estimated cost and schedule and require the prior direction of the project’s sponsor before any further action can be taken. Such action may range from the provision of additional funding to cover remedial actions, to temporary suspension, to aborting the whole project. [D02096]
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- Under-allocation
Assigning a resource to work fewer hours than the resource is available. [D02097]
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- Underrun
The amount by which an activity, piece of work or something produced falls below its corresponding estimate, usually of cost. [D03370]
- Understanding
Either of
- A mutual agreement not formally entered into but in some degree binding on each side, or
- A familiarity with, or comprehension of, facts and/or sympathy for situational conditions, etc.
- Undistributed Budget ("UB")
Budget applicable to contract effort which has not yet been identified to specific cost accounts or work packages. [D02098]
- Unified Modeling Language ("UML")
An attempt to standardize software programming using object-oriented design methods because of the steep learning curve involved. [D04890]
- Uniform Resource Locator ("URL")
A standard identifier for a resource on the World Wide Web, used by Web browsers to initiate a connection. The URL includes the communications protocol to use, the name of the server, and path information identifying the objects to be retrieved on the server. [D04891]
- Uniqueness
The extent to which a project, its product, activities or any other attribute is one of a kind. [D05139]
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- Unit Cost
Total labor, material, and overhead cost for one unit of production, i.e., one part, one gallon, one pound, etc. [D04666]
- Unit Costing
Estimating costs by measuring the amount of work, or number of units, involved and applying a standard price per unit. [D03372]
- Unit of Product
The thing inspected in order to determine its classification as defective or non-defective or to count the number of defects. It may be a single article, a pair, a set, a length, an area, an operation, a volume, a component of an end product, or the end product itself. The unit of product may or may not be the same as the unit of purchase, supply, production, or shipment. [D02099]
- Unit Price
See Unit Price Contract. [D03373]
- Unit Price Contract ("UP")
A fixed price contract where the supplier agrees to furnish goods/services at unit rates and the final price is dependent on the quantities needed to carry out the work. [D02100]
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A contract in which the resources to be applied are specified between lower and upper quantity limits, and their unit prices are fixed within these limits. [D06545]
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- Unknown-unknown
See Known, Known-unknown, Unknown-unknown method. [D00889]
- Unlimited Schedule
Infinite schedule, schedule produced without resource constraint. [D04557]
- Unpredictable
Incapable of being determined in advance whether by observation, experience or reason. [D03374]
- Unpriced Changes
Authorized but un-negotiated (i.e. not priced) changes to the contract. [D04287]
- Unsolicited Proposal
A proposal submitted which is not a response to a formal solicitation. [D04288]
- Unsuccessful
Disappointing, failed, frustrated, not successful. [D03375]
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- UP
See Unit Price Contract
- Update
 To revise the schedule to reflect the most current information on the project. [D02101]
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- Updating
Revising, amending. [D02102]
- Updating, in scheduling
Revision of a schedule or network to reflect progress to date. Fully completed items are eliminated and the date of the update becomes the new reference date for the project. [D02103]
- Urgency
Something that calls for immediate action. [D03376]
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See Uniform Resource Locator
- Usability
The extent to which an item is capable of being used, or is convenient and practical in use. [D03377]
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- Usage
 The number of units or dollars of an inventory item consumed over a period of time. [D04667]
Firmly established and generally accepted practice or procedure. The way in which words and phrases are actually used (as in a particular form or sense) in a language community by virtue of preference, convenience, or practice. [D03378]
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- Usage Variance
The difference between the budgeted quantity of materials and the actual quantity used. [D04668]
- Use Case
A definition of the sequence of actions a system performs that yields an observable result of value to a particular actor. A use-case class contains all main, alternate flows of events related to producing the "observable result of value". [D04892]
- Use-Case Model
A model that describes a system's functional requirements in terms of use cases. [D04893]
- Use-Case View
An architectural view that describes how critical use cases are performed in the system, focusing mostly on architecturally significant components (objects, tasks, nodes). In the Unified Process, it is a view of the use-case model. [D04894]
- User
 The intended occupant or operator of the constructed facility or system. [D02104]
Any individual or organization who uses the system or the results of the system. [D04289]
- User Acceptance Letter
 A letter prepared by the project or stage manager after ensuring that the system complies with the user's acceptance criteria. [D02105]
A mandatory letter prepared by the project manager or stage manager on behalf of the project board after ensuring that the system complies with the user acceptance criteria. [D03969]
- User Assurance
The protection of the user's interests including the impact on the user's business and operational requirements. [D03970]
- User Assurance Coordinator
The person who represents the users on a day-to-day basis and is responsible for reporting and monitoring user assurance aspects of the project. [D03971]
- User Friendly
An interface that is compatible with an average person's ability to use it successfully and easily. A term typically used in reference to software. [D03705]
- User Interface
See also Interfaces. [D03379]
May be described either as:
- The hardware, or software, or both that enables a user to interact with a computer, or
- The visual presentation and its underlying software with which a user interacts.
- User Needs
See Needs [D02179]
- User Requirements
 The requirements governing the project's deliverable or product as expressed by the users. [D03380]
What the user needs, expressed in user terminology. Editor's Note: What the user needs is not necessarily the same as the user's expressed "wants". [D04290]
- User Requirements Statements
A document that defines user's needs in user terminology from the user's perspective. [D04291]
- User-friendly
An apparently intangible quality of a system interface that leads to a user's untutored response being more likely correct than not. An attribute the benefits of which include less training, faster response, fewer errors, less frustration and hence better work and cost savings. [D05140]
- Users
 The group who will use or operate the final deliverable(s) of the project. Editor's Note: The customer and user may or may not be the same person. [D05525]
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The group of people who are intended to benefit from the project. [D04558]
Of software, those who directly interact with the software to carry out some task to increase their productivity, convenience or pleasure. [D05524]
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- Utility
A measure of total worth of a particular outcome. It reflects a decision-maker's attitude towards a collection of factors, such as profit, loss, and risk. [D06546]
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- Utilization
The extent to which something is turned to practical use or account. [D03381]
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