- Product Champion
A high-ranking individual who owns the vision of the product and acts as an advocate between development and the customer. [D04748]
- Product Checklist
A list of the major products of a plan, plus key dates in their delivery. [D05422]
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- Product Definition
The form, fit and function of a deliverable or set of deliverables. [D06119]
- Product Description
 Documentation delineating the product characteristics or service that the project was undertaken to create. [D06120]
A description of a product's purpose, composition, derivation and quality criteria. It is produced at planning time, as soon as the need for the product is identified. [D05424]
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A description of the purpose, form and components of a Product. The Product Description should be used as the basis for acceptance of the product by the customer. [D03894]
- Product Experts
Those who have expertise in a particular line of products. [D03181]
- Product Flow Diagram
 A diagram showing the sequence of production and interdependencies of the products listed in a Product Breakdown Structure. [D05425]
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A representation of how the products are produced by identifying their derivation and the dependencies between them. [D01290]
- Product Improvement Plan
The approach to achieving increased capability over time. [D04187]
- Product Liability
A generic term used to describe the onus on a producer or others to make restitution for loss related to personal injury, property damage or other harm caused by a product or service. [D01291]
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- Product Life Cycle
 The total period of time that a product exists in the marketplace, from concept to termination. Editor's Note: At which time it may be rejuvenated by an updated version. [D06121]
The complete history of a product through its concept, definition, production, operation, and obsolescence or disposal phases. Editor's Note: The distinction between product life cycle (correctly named) and project life cycle (span) is that the latter does not include the last two phases included in the former. [D03216]
- Product Life Cycle Costing
Costing that takes account of the initial capital cost of construction and the recurring costs of repair and maintenance, together with depreciation. Editor's Note: The purpose of depreciation is to provide funding for the ultimate replacement of the facility. This should also include the cost of disposal of the original where applicable. [D02630]
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- Product Life Span
The term used in PRINCE2, 2005 to define the total life of a product from the time of the initial idea for the product until it is removed from service. It is likely that there will be many projects affecting the product during its life, such as a feasibility study and development, enhancement or correction projects. [D05816]
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- Product Quality Review
An action by the government to determine that the quality of supplies or services accepted by the government do, in fact, comply with specified requirements. [D01293]
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- Product Realization Team ("PRT")
A multi-disciplinary team that is responsible for the definition, development, delivery and support of a product through concurrent engineering methods. [D01294]
- Product Requirements Document ("PRD")
A high level description of the product (system), its intended use, and the set of features it provides. [D04750]
- Product Scope
The features and functions that characterize a product, service or outcome. Contrast with Project Scope. [D06353]
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- Product Status Account
A report on the status of products. The required products can be specified by identifier or the part of the project in which they were developed. [D05817]
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- Product Transfer Plan
A description of how the outputs will be delivered to the customer, including any special requirements such as staged transfer or 'roll out', training, and delivery requirements. [D05426]
- Product User
A final recipient primarily interested in the output of the system. [D04188]
- Product-Based Planning
A three step diagrammatic technique leading to a comprehensive plan based on creation and delivery of required outputs. The technique considers prerequisite products, quality requirements and the dependencies between products. [D05427]
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- Production
The making of goods available for use. [D03182]
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- Production Capacity
The maximum volume of goods or services that can be made by a process, system, organization or unit. [D03183]
- Production Cost
The cost incurred in the process of creating goods or services. [D03184]
- Production Engineering
The application of manufacturing knowledge to the design and development of the configuration item to facilitate manufacturing. Includes analyses of design producibility and production operations; application of manufacturing methods, tooling and equipment; control of the introduction of engineering changes; and employment of manufacturing cost control techniques. [D04189]
- Production Management
The effective use of resources to produce on-schedule the required number of End Items that meet specified quality, performance, and cost. [D03675]
- Production Model
A production demonstration model, including all hardware, software, and firmware, manufactured from production drawings and made by production tools, fixtures and methods. Generally, the first article of the production unit run initiated after the Production Readiness Review (PRR). A prototype model, also built from production drawings but under engineering supervision, may precede the PRR to provide confidence in authorizing fabrication of the production model. [D04190]
- Production Permit
Written authorization, prior to production or before provision of a service, to depart from specified requirements for a specified quantity or for a specified time. [D01295]
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- Production Phase
In this, the third phase in the generic project life cycle the rate of resource expenditure is greatest. It should proceed as efficiently as possible based on the effective planning conducted in the previous phase. Changes in project definition should normally be minimal. [D03741]
- Production Program
A plan for producing a series of separate goods or services generally in sequence, if there is only one plant or system. Sometimes referred to as production runs. [D03185]
- Productivity
 The actual rate of output or production per unit of time worked. Editor's Note: Since productivity equals units of product divided by effort, productivity is inversely proportional to effort. [D03676]
The measurement of labor efficiency when compared to an established base. It is also used to measure equipment effectiveness, drawing productivity, etc. [D01297]
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The rate of output of a workman, or group of workers, per unit of time, usually compared to an established standard or expected rate of output. [D03639]
- Product-Line Architecture
Defines element types, how they interact, and how the product functionality is mapped to them. It may also go further by defining some of the instances of the architecture elements. This term generally applies to a set of products within an organization or company. [HOF98] [D04749]
- Profession
See Recognized Profession. [D04676]
- Professional
 The term referring to members of those professions having a recognized status based upon acquiring professional knowledge through prolonged study. Examples of such professions include accountancy, actuarial computation, architecture, dentistry, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, the sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics, and teaching). To be a professional, a person must not only be qualified but must also be involved in discharging corresponding professional duties. [D03549]
One who is engaged in one of the learned professions and/or who makes it a permanent career. Characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession. Exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Following a line of conduct as though it were a profession. Editor's Note: Unfortunately, the term tends to be used to apply to anyone who performs or behaves as might be expected according to common standards. [D03186]
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- Professional Associations
Organizations that are legally constituted to certify professionals and ensure a high standard of competence, usually in the interests of public safety and protection. [D03187]
- Professional Liability
A liability created when an individual who offers services to the general public claims expertise in a particular area greater than the ordinary layman. [D06122]
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- Professional Project Management
To be professional, the discipline of Project Management must have rigorous standards and guidelines to define the work of project management personnel. These requirements are defined by collecting, processing and standardizing the accepted and applied competence in project management. [D06478]
- Professional Services Agreement ("PSA")
The form of contract entered into between an organization and a professional services provider. [D05046]
- Professional Services Project
A project in which the major value of the product of the project is the result of professional, i.e. intellectual, effort and is non-physical such as software, an administrative procedure, a report or book. [D04336]
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- Professional Services Provider ("PSP")
A professional hired on contract to fill an organization's temporary functional need. [D05047]
- Professionalism
 Being part of a body of people engaged in some practice in a superior way. [D05689]
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Being part of a body of people engaged in a superior calling. [D01298]
- Profit
 The excess of revenue over the total cost of producing the product or products for which the calculation is made. [D03677]
The amount received by a contractor above the cost of contract performance under a fixed price contract. [D04191]
- Profitability
A measure of the total income of a project compared to the total monies expended at any period of time. The techniques that are utilized are Payout Time, Return on Original Investment (ROI), Net Present Value (NPV), Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Sensitivity and Risk Analysis. [D01299]
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