- Activity Arrow Net
Project plan in the form of a structural network where the activities are denoted graphically by nodes. [D00031]
- Activity Attributes
Inherent characteristics that describe a scheduled activity and its place in a schedule network. Given suitable software, these attributes may be used for sorting purposes. [D05603]
- Activity Based Costing ("ABC")
 Bottom up estimating and summation based on material and labor required for tasks. [D05242]
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A methodology that measures the cost and performance of activities, resources, and cost objects. Resources are assigned to activities, then activities are assigned to cost objects based on their use. Activity based costing recognizes the causal relationships of cost drivers to activities. [D04680]
- Activity Based Management ("ABM")
The broad discipline that focuses on achieving customer value and company profit by way of the management of activities. It draws on activity-based costing as a major source of information. [D04790]
- Activity Calendar
In computer scheduling, calendar that defines the working and non-working patterns applicable to an activity. The Activity Calendar is normally overridden by the Project Calendar. See also Resource Calendars. [D03586]
- Activity Code
A set of numeric or alpha-numeric characters that uniquely identifies a particular activity. Editor's Note: The coding structure is typically developed through the work breakdown structure as a means of universal reference throughout the project or program. [D02353]
- Activity Definition
Identification of the specific activities that must be performed in order to produce project deliverables. [D00033]
- Activity Description
 A unique label, identifier and brief statement representing the activity and its work content. [D05604]
Any combination of characters which easily identifies an activity to any recipient of the schedule. [D00034]
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A statement specifying what must be done to achieve a desired result. [D01855]
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- Activity Duration
 The best estimate of the time (hours, days, weeks, months, etc.) necessary for the accomplishment of the work involved in an activity, considering the nature of the work and resources needed for it. [D00035]
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The length of time (hours, days, weeks, months) that it takes to complete an activity. This information is optional in the data entry of an activity. Work flow (predecessor relationships) can be defined before durations are assigned. Activities with zero durations are considered milestones or hammocks. [D00036]
- Activity Duration Estimating
The estimation of the number of work periods that will be needed to complete the activity. [D00037]
- Activity Elaboration
A more detailed explanation of the work involved in the Activity, possibly by describing a series of tasks. [D02354]
- Activity File
A file containing all data related to the definition of activities on a particular project. [D00038]
- Activity ID
A unique code identifying each activity in a project. [D00039]
- Activity Identifier
See Activity ID or Activity Code. [D05605]
- Activity Listing
A summary of schedule activities, usually complete with their respective Activity Attributes. [D05606]
- Activity Network
A flow diagram showing the activities of a plan and their interdependencies. The network shows each activity's duration, earliest start and finish times, latest start and finish times and float. Also known as "planning network". See also Critical path [D05243]
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- Activity Node Net
Project plan in the form of a structural network where the activities are denoted graphically by arrows. [D00041]
- Activity on Arc ("AOA")
In documenting and drawing a network one may place the activities on the arcs or on the nodes (Activity on Node) [D00042]
OTOB p271-4 |
- Activity on Arrow
 A network diagram showing sequence of activities, in which each activity is represented by an arrow, with a circle representing a node or event at each end. [D03709]
PPS&C p338 |
See Arrow Diagramming Method. [D00048]
- Activity on Node
 A network where activities are represented by a box or a node linked by dependencies. [D00049]
See also Activity on Arc and Precedence Diagram Method. [D00043]
A network diagram showing sequence of activities, in which each activity is represented by a box or circle (that is a node) and these are interconnected with arrows to show precedence of work. [D03710]
PPS&C p338 |
- Activity Oriented
A planning approach focused primarily on activities rather than events. [D00044]
- Activity Oriented Schedule
Schedule which presents information in terms of activities (i.e. periods of time, as opposed to points in time, e.g. milestone dates). See also Precedence Diagramming. [D00045]
- Activity Properties
A description of the attributes of the activity such as start and finish times, resources required and anticipated cost, etc. [D02355]
- Activity Quantities
Units of consumption or production associated with an Activity. [D02356]
- Activity Status
The state of completion of an activity. A planned activity has not yet started. A started activity is in progress. A finished activity is complete. [D00046]
- Activity Timing
The time parameters within which the Activity is expected or required to take place. [D02357]
- Actor
Someone or something, outside the system that interacts with the system. [D04799]
- Actual
Information that shows what has actually occurred. For example, the actual start date for a task is the day on which the task actually started, and its actual cost is the amount spent up to the present. [D00050]
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- Actual and Scheduled Progress
A comparison of the observable work done at a given time with the work planned up to that time. [D02358]
- Actual Cost ("AC")
 Incurred costs that are charged to the project budget and for which payment has been made, or accrued. [D04568]
The cost actually incurred. [D00051]
A cost sustained in fact, on the basis of costs incurred, as distinguished from forecasted or estimated costs. Editor's Note: When used in conjunction with Earned Value, such measured costs must be in the same format as the reference budget that may be in terms of only direct labor hours, direct labor costs, with or without burdens, or total costs, including profits and so on. [D04611]
- Actual Cost Data Collection
The assembly of recorded expenditures for an Activity, set of Activities, and/or within a given time frame in the past. [D02359]
- Actual Cost of Work Performed ("ACWP")
 Total costs incurred (direct and indirect) in accomplishing work during a given time period. ACWP is used in the earned value method of progress measurement. See also earned value analysis. [D00055]
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A term in the Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria (C/SCSC) system for the costs actually incurred and recorded in accomplishing the work performed within a given time period. [D00052]
SPM p304-9 |
Actual cost expended on an activity, a part of a project, or an entire project. [D00053]
The direct costs actually incurred and the indirect costs applied in accomplishing the work performed within a given time period. These costs should reconcile with the contractor's incurred cost ledgers that are regularly audited by the client. [D00054]
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Actual cost incurred (spent) on work to date. This can be expressed as a percentage i.e. Actual % Expenditure = ACWP x 100 / BAC
- Actual Costs
 The costs actually incurred and recorded for work performed. Editor's Note: Sometimes referred to as Actuals [D02259]
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Amounts determined on the basis of costs incurred, as distinguished from forecasted costs. Actual costs include standard costs properly adjusted for applicable variances. [D03794]
- Actual Dates
The dates that activities really started and finished as opposed to planned or projected dates. [D00056]
- Actual Direct Costs
Those costs specifically identified with a contract or project, based upon the contractor's cost identification and accumulation system. See also Direct Costs. [D00057]
- Actual Expenditures
See Actual Costs. [D03664]
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