- Project Board
 A management-level group that represents the business, user and supplier interests of the project. It is chaired by the executive. Its members must have authority to make decisions, and take responsibility for commitment to the project of resources such as personnel, cash, equipment and access to property. [D05434]
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A project board is the body to which the project manager is accountable for achieving the project objectives. The project board should be viewed to represent the stakeholders. For example, on a small project the sponsor may represent the interests of the "executive", the "senior user", and the "technical authority", where in a large project, the project board may be larger than the three or four usual members. [D01358]
The executive organization which provides overall direction and guidance to a project. All project boards within a program report to the program director. [D05071]
See Project Steering Committee [D03745]
- Project Board Executive
A project management role (chairman of the project board). Project board executives should formally report to, and be subject to direction from the program director, if changes to project briefs are required. [D05072]
- Project Boundary
A boundary that defines how the project interacts with other projects and non-project activity both within and outside the organization. [D03911]
- Project Breakdown Structure
See Work Breakdown Structure. [D01360]
Similar to a WBS but used in some application areas when the term WBS is incorrectly used to refer to a Bill of Materials. [D06140]
- Project Brief
 A major document typically prepared as the basis for an executive management go/no-go decision at an executive control point. Following a go decision, the document becomes the baseline or control basis for the project control cycle. [D01362]
A document submitted with a capital appropriation request for the implementation of a project. A good project brief should include at a minimum: [D01361]
A statement of reference terms for a project. [D01363]
See Project Plan. See also Project Charter. [D01364]
A statement of the terms of reference for a project, initially provided by the steering committee and subsequently refined by the project board to form part of the project initiation document. [D03912]
Statement that describes the purpose, cost, time and performance requirements/constraints for a project.
A statement of reference terms for a project. A written statement of the Client's goals and requirements in relation to the project. [D04481]
A product of the program definition phase which contains an outline specification for a project within the program plan. [D05073]
A description of what the project is to do; a refined and extended version of the project mandate, which has been agreed by the project board and which is input to project initiation. [D05435]
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A statement that describes the purpose, cost, time and performance requirements (or constraints) for a project. [D06141]
- Project Budget
 The amount and distribution of funds allocated to a project. [D06142]
The authorized capital appropriation of funds generally based on the estimate contained in the accepted project brief released for the implementation phase of the project. [D01366]
- Project Business Management
The management of the business baseline of the project including contracting, subcontracting, planning, scheduling, budgeting, data management, human resources, legal, etc. [D04193]
- Project Business Plan
The high-level management document for the project, owned, maintained and used by the Steering Committee to ensure the delivery of project outputs and the realization of defined project outcomes. [D05436]
- Project Calendar
 A calendar that defines global project working and non-working periods. [D01368]
The base calendar used by a project. [D01367]
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- Project Cancellation
Point at which a decision is made to discontinue the project and disband its organization. [D01369]
- Project Champion
 The person who espouses the project and secures for it necessary support and resources. See also Project Sponsor. [D03746]
A senior manager who is above the project manager who gains support and resources for the project. [D01370]
An advocate who works to establish a project to satisfy a need. [D05437]
- Project Change
An approved change to project work content caused by a scope of work change or a special circumstance on the project (weather, strikes, etc.). See also project cost changes. [D01371]
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- Project Change Control Board
A board established for approval of changes to the technical, operations, schedule, or cost baseline for the project. [D04194]
- Project Chart of Accounts
A breakdown of the project cost elements by activity and work packages that may be cross-referenced to the corporate assets ledger of the sponsor/owner. [D06485]
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- Project Charter
 A formal document providing authority to a project manager to execute a project within scope, quality, time and cost and resource constraints as laid down in the document. [D02283]
 In project portfolio management, a key document in the on-going life of a project or program, approval of which provides the project manager with the authority to consume portfolio resources to execute the project within scope, quality, time, and cost constraints. An essential documentation required on medium and large projects and programs, with contents scaled accordingly. A document that is necessary to provide the basis for selection and authorization of further expenditure of resources within the portfolio. [D06144]
See Project Brief [D01372]
See Project Plan. [D01373]
A document consisting of a mission statement, including background, purpose, and benefits, a goal, objectives, scope, assumptions and constraints. A project charter clearly documents project definition in order to bring a project team into necessary agreement. [D01375]
A document issued by senior management that provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. [D01374]
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A document prepared by the sponsor that includes an overview of what is expected from the project including limits, priorities, requirements and constraints. [D02189]
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The (oral or written) authority given by executive management to the project manager and all supporting organizations to manage the project. [D05278]
The executive authorized document or proclamation that identifies the project, appoints the project team, delegates responsibility and authority, and describes the supporting organizations and reporting relationships. [D05438]
A formal document prepared by a project, and authorized by senior functional management, that describes the approach to be employed in the management of a particular project. The charter is often used to give organizational authority to a project manager. [D06143]
- Project Closeout
 The full completion of a project signed off by all responsible parties and the finalization of all paperwork. Contractually concluded by a consultant's total performance Certificate. [D01376]
A process that provides for acceptance of the project by the project sponsor, completion of various project records, final revision and issue of documentation to reflect the "as-built" condition and the retention of essential project documentation. See project life cycle. [D01378]
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- Project Closeout and Startup Costs
The estimated extra costs (both capital and operating) that are incurred during the period from the completion of project implementation to the beginning of normal revenue earnings on operations. [D01377]
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- Project Closure
 The formal end of the project that requires project board approval, and that is normally given at the project closure control point. [D03914]
The formal end of a project. It requires the project board's approval. [D01379]
- Project Closure Notification
Advice from the project board to inform the host location that the project resources can be disbanded and support services, such as space, equipment and access, demobilized. [D05439]
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- Project Closure Recommendation
A recommendation prepared by the project manager for the project board to send as a project closure notification when the board is satisfied that the project can be closed. [D05440]
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- Project Code
A set of symbols assigned to a set of cost classes or sub-divisions of the scope of work in a project. The project Code reflects a systematic (or hierarchic) sub-division of scope i.e. its work breakdown structure. [D01380]
- Project Communications Management
A subset of project management that includes communications planning, information planning, information distribution, performance reporting and administrative closure in an effort to correctly disseminate project information. [D01381]
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