- QA
See Quality Assurance
- QC
See Quality Control
- Qualification
 The entire process by which products are obtained from manufacturers or distributors, examined and tested, and then identified as a qualified products list. [D01553]
006 4120.3-M QMPP |
- Qualifications: Contractor
A review of the experience, past performance, capabilities, resources and current work loads of potential service resources. [D01554]
PMK87 |
- Qualified Product
 A product which has been examined and tested and listed on or qualified for inclusion on the applicable Qualified Products List. [D01555]
006 4120.3-M QMPP |
- Qualified Product List ("OPL")
A list of products, qualified under the requirements stated in the applicable specification, including appropriate product identification and test reference with the name and plant address of the manufacturer or distributor, as applicable. [D01556]
006 4120.3-M QMPP |
- Qualitative
Subjective opinion of quality based on judgment and not on quantitative measurement. [D03212]
- Qualitative Risk Analysis
A generic term for subjective methods of assessing risks. [D01557]
The examination and prioritizing of risk events by applying subjective judgment to the description, probability and impact of the event, typically on some numerical or graded scale. [D06180]
- Quality
 The extent to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements. Editor's Note: This definition should more properly be labeled "Product Quality". [D06357]
A trait or characteristic used to measure the degree of excellence of a product or service. [D01558]
Conformance to requirements. A work product either does or does not meet the requirements. [D01559]
002 10-2 QMPP |
The composite of all attributes or characteristics, including performance, of an item or product required to satisfy stated or implied needs. Conformance to requirements. [D01560]
The composite of all the attributes or characteristics, including performance, of an item or product. [D01561]
004 4155.11 QMPP |
The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Editor's Note: Also described as "Fitness for purpose" or "Conformance to requirements". [D01563]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
The standards and criteria to which the project's products must be delivered for them to perform effectively. First, the product must perform to provide the functionality expected, and to solve the problem, and deliver the benefit and value expected of it. It must also meet other performance requirements, or service levels, such as availability, reliability and maintainability, and have acceptable finish and polish. [D02624]
023 |
Characteristics that include attributes of usefulness, clarity, reliability, efficiency, cost-effectiveness. [D04206]
The characteristics of an artifact that satisfies or exceeds a defined and accepted set of requirements, is assessed using defined and accepted measures and criteria, and is produced using a defined and accepted process. [D04791]
- Quality Assurance ("QA")
 All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for quality. [D01572]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
QA may refer to either
- The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards, or
- The organizational unit that is assigned responsibility for quality assurance.
PMK96 |
A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the item or product conforms to established technical requirements. [D01565]
004 4155.11 QMPP |
All systematic measures which are necessary to ensure that quality is planned and obtained. [D01566]
The design and implementation of design features and procedures to ensure that performance specifications can be verified. This includes performance specification analysis, quality engineering for inspectability and testability, manufacturing process control, and the use of techniques and training to implement the measurement and testing process. [D01567]
VPM p291-4 |
In Contract/Procurement Management, planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the performed service or supplied goods will serve satisfactorily for its intended and specified purpose. [D01569]
PMK87 |
In management, the development of a comprehensive program which includes the processes of identifying objectives and strategy, of client interfacing and of organizing and coordinating planned and systematic controls for maintaining established standards. This in turn involves measuring and evaluating performance to these standards, reporting results and taking appropriate action to deal with deviations. [D01570]
The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. [D01571]
The set of processes and procedures required to demonstrate that the work has been performed according to the quality plan. [D03759]
CRMP ` |
Evaluating overall project performance. [D04339]
028 |
The function of Quality Assurance is the responsibility of (reports to) the Project Manager and is responsible for ensuring that project standards are correctly and verifiably followed by all project staff. [D04756]
The preventative steps taken to eliminate any variances in the quality of deliverables produced from the quality targets set. [D06181]
- Quality Assurance Plan
A plan that guarantees a quality approach and conformance to all customer requirements for all activities in a project. [D01573]
- Quality Assurance Policy
A policy governing the organization's quality assurance program or activities. [D03214]
- Quality Assurance Program
An organized set of Quality Assurance activities. See Quality Assurance. [D02389]
- Quality Assurance Representative ("OAR")
The individual directly charged with performance of the government procurement quality assurance function at a contractor facility. [D01574]
- Quality Audit
 An official examination to determine whether practices conform to specified standards or a critical analysis of whether a deliverable meets quality criteria. [D04496]
A systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. [D01575]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
- Quality Circles
 Small groups of employees who meet regularly to improve the process, product, or service of their organization. A key characteristic is that they do not include any management representatives. [D06182]
Process teams that meet to improve the effectiveness of their processes. [D05462]
- Quality Conformance
In accordance with specified quality standards. [D03215]
- Quality Control ("QC")
 The means for ensuring that products meet the quality criteria specified for them. [D05463]
PRNC2 2002 |
QC may refer to either
- The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance, or
- The organizational unit that is assigned responsibility for quality control.
PMK96 |
A system for maintaining quality requirements in a product or project. [D01577]
The operational activities and techniques required to ensure that quality requirements have been fulfilled. [D01578]
The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality. [D01579]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
A management function whereby control of quality of raw or produced material is exercised for the purpose of preventing production of defective material. [D01580]
The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance. [D01581]
The planned process of identifying established technical specifications for the project and exercising influence through the collection of specific (usually highly technical and standardized) data. The basis for decision on any necessary corrective action is provided by analyzing the data and comparing it to system specifications/requirements. [D01582]
The set of processes for planning and monitoring the project to ensure that quality is being achieved. [D03760]
Monitoring specific product and management results. [D04338]
028 |
The job function of collecting project data, and testing, analyzing and comparing it to the quality benchmark for the project. Non-conformances are flagged and corrective action is prescribed for deviations from standards. [D05083]
The curative steps taken to eliminate any variances in the quality of deliverables produced from the quality targets set. [D06183]
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