See Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria
See Cost/Schedule Status Report
- CA
See Control Account
See Computer Aided Design
See Computer Aided Drafting
- Calculate Schedule
The Critical Path Method (Calculate Schedule) is a modeling process that defines all the project's critical activities which must be completed on time. The Calc tool bar button on the Gantt and PERT (found in most GUI-based PM software) windows calculates the start and finish dates of activities in the project in two passes. The first pass calculates early start and finish dates from the earliest start date forward. The second pass calculates the late start and finish activities from the latest finish date backwards. The difference between the pairs of start and finish dates for each task is the float or slack time for the task (see Float). Slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed without delaying the project completion date. A great advantage of this method is the fine tuning that can be done to accelerate the project. Shorten various critical path activities, then check the schedule to see how it is affected by the changes. By experimenting in this manner, the optimal project schedule can be determined. [D00197]
- Calculation
The art or practice of computing by numbers; a series of arithmetical processes set down in figures to arrive at a result. Editor's Note: This process may be either rigorous and exact, or it may be on the basis of estimating. The latter is the most valuable for project management purposes. It is the distinguishing feature between project accounting for cost control purposes and financial accounting for fiscal control purposes. [D02682]
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- Calendar
 The arrangement of normal working days, together with non-working days, such as holidays and vacations, as well as special workdays (overtime periods) used to determine dates on which project work will be completed. [D03712]
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The calendar used in developing a project plan. This calendar identifies project work days, and can be altered so weekends, holidays, weather days, etc., are not included. [D00198]
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See also Project Calendar. [D03806]
A project calendar lists time intervals in which activities or resources can or cannot be scheduled. A project usually has one default calendar for the normal workweek (Monday through Friday for example), but may have other calendars as well. Each calendar can be customized with its own holidays and extra work days. Resources and activities can be attached to any of the calendars that are defined.
- Calendar File
A file containing calendar information for one or more calendars. [D00199]
- Calendar Range
The span of the calendar from the calendar start date through the last calendar unit performed. The calendar start date is unit number one. [D00200]
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- Calendar Start Date
The first calendar unit of the working calendar. [D00201]
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- Calendar Unit
 The smallest unit of time used in scheduling the project. Calendar units are generally in hours, days, or weeks, but can also be shifts or even minutes. Used primarily in relation to project management software. [D00202]
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The smallest unit of the calendar produced. This unit is generally in hours, days, or weeks, can also be grouped in shifts. [D00203]
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- Calendar, Software
A software project calendar lists time intervals in which activities or resources can or cannot be scheduled. A project usually has one default calendar for the normal work week (Monday through Friday for example), but may have other calendars as well. Each calendar can be customized with its own holidays and extra work days. Resources and activities can be attached to any of the calendars that are defined. [D00204]
- Calibration
Comparison of two instruments or measuring devices, one of which is a standard of known accuracy traceable to national standards, to detect, correlate, report, or eliminate by adjustment any discrepancy in accuracy or the instrument or measuring device being compared with the standard. [D00205]
See Control Account Manager
See Computer Aided Manufacturing
See Cost Account Manager
See Control Account Plan
See Cost Account Plan
- Capability
 A specific competency necessary for executing a given process for delivering a required outcome. [D05923]
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The ability to perform effectively, efficiently and with the necessary skills. [D02438]
Having the needed attributes to perform or accomplish. [D05165]
The power to produce an effect, or perform as expected. [D05271]
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- Capability Maturity Model ("CMM")
A description of the stages through which organizations evolve as they define, implement, measure, control, and improve their processes. The model provides a guide for selecting process improvement strategies by facilitating the determination of current process capabilities and the identification of the issues most critical to quality and process improvement. [D05166]
- Capability Survey
A buyer survey of a seller's capability without specific regard to any project. [D04014]
- Capacity
In project portfolio management, the resources (human resources, financial, physical assets) that an organization puts at the disposal of portfolio management to select, fund, and execute the components of a portfolio. [D05924]
- Capacity Buffer
A designed amount of time used in multi-project environments to help isolate the impact of variation of key resource performance in one project from subsequent projects. [D05557]
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- Capital
 The assets of an enterprise including property, real estate and cash. See also Working Capital. [D02439]
Means, assets, resources, wealth (used in the conduct of a project). [D05272]
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- Capital Appropriation
A setting aside of funds for some approved expenditure, typically by an owner for all or part of a project. [D02442]
- Capital Appropriation Request ("CAR")
A submission that must be prepared to obtain an appropriation of funds for feasibility or implementation phase costs. Once granted, the appropriation becomes the feasibility budget or project budget, and commitments may be made by designated persons associated with the project, within the limits of their authority. [D00206]
- Capital Asset
Tangible property, including durable goods, equipment, buildings, installations, and land. [D03464]
- Capital Cost
 The total expenditure for acquiring an asset. The sum of all moneys spent on a project and transferred to the capital account of an organization, usually upon completion. [D02443]
The carrying cost in a balance sheet of acquiring an asset and bringing it to the condition where it is capable of performing its intended function over a future series of periods. See also Revenue Cost.
- Capital Employed
Amount of investment in an organization or project, normally the sum of fixed and current assets, less current liabilities at a particular date.
- Capital Expansion Projects
Projects that expand infrastructure and involve logistics, team mobilization and major procurement. See also General Project Alignment, Strategic Projects, Product and Market-related Projects, and Operational Projects. [D04350]
- Capital Goods Project
A project in which the product of the project is a physical asset such as property, real estate or infrastructure. [D04335]
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- Capital Property
Contractor’s plant, equipment, and other facilities subject to depreciation. [D03465]
See Capital Appropriation Request
- Cards-on-the-wall Planning
A planning technique in which team members interact to create a project strategy, tactical approach, and resulting network by locating and interconnecting task cards using walls as the work space. The wall data are transferred into a computer for scheduling, critical path analysis, and iteration. [D04015]
- Career
The experiences and activities that span a person's life. [D02444]
- Career Path Planning
The process of integrating the individual's career planning and development into the organization's personnel plans with the objective of satisfying both the organization's requirements and the individual's career goals. [D00207]
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- Career Planning
See Career Path Planning. [D02445]
- Carryover Type 1
A project fiscal expenditure management term. The sum of contractual commitments that must be paid in the next fiscal period arising from outstanding obligations including associated engineering and support costs. [D00208]
- Carryover Type 2
A project fiscal expenditure management term. That portion of Planned Future Expenditures contractually committed plus associated support costs which may be paid in the next fiscal period which would extend into the next fiscal year if the planned future expenditure were authorized for implementation. [D00209]
- Cascade Chart
Bar chart on which the vertical order of activities is such that each activity is dependent only on activities higher in the list.
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