| Source |
- Accrued Cost
A cost that is incurred all at once at a certain time in a project or gradually, for instance, over the entire time a task is being worked on. [D00014]
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- Accrued Costs
Costs that are earmarked for the project and for which payment is due, but has not been made.
- Accuracy
 A measure of how close the measurement is to reality. [D05877]
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A degree of exactness. In project work, usually expressed as a range particularly in connection with estimates of cost and time. [D02349]
Correctness, i.e. the measured value is very close to the true value. Editor's Note: See also Precision. A very accurate measurement is not necessarily precise. [D05878]
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- Achievement
A measure of performance or accomplishment to date. [D02350]
- Acid Test
Most rigorous and severe form of testing for reliability, maintainability, and other criteria. Term is derived from the fact that gold resists acids that corrode other metals; the "acid test" was used to identify metals purporting to be gold. [D05879]
- Acquisition
 The process of obtaining through contract. [D05162]
The obtaining under contract of supplies and services to meet the needs of a project. Editor's Note: See also Progressive Acquisition. [D02272]
The acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the organization through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. [D03792]
The process of obtaining products or services, whether they are already in existence or must be conceived, developed, demonstrated, or evaluated. It includes all aspects of contract administration and project management. Also called procurement. [D05238]
The set of activities performed to procure, develop and maintain a system. [D05240]
- Acquisition Control
A system for acquiring project equipment, material and services in a uniform and orderly fashion. [D00015]
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- Acquisition Evaluation
Review and analysis of responses to determine supplier's ability to perform the work as requested. This activity may include an evaluation of suppliers financial resources, ability to comply with technical criteria and delivery schedules, satisfactory record of performance and eligibility for award. [D00016]
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- Acquisition Methods
The various ways by which goods/services are acquired from suppliers. [D00017]
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- Acquisition Negotiations
Contracting without formal advertising. This method offers flexible procedures, permits bargaining and provides an opportunity to prospective suppliers to revise their offers before the award. [D00018]
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- Acquisition Plan
The document that describes the approach for acquisition. It defines competitive or sole source, schedule, funding, manpower, facilities, risk, etc. Also called the System Acquisition Plan. [D03977]
- Acquisition Plan Review ("APR")
The control gate to approve the Acquisition Plan. The APR is the decision point to initiate the project and commit funding, personnel, and other resources to the acquisition. [D03978]
- Acquisition Planning
The process by which the efforts of all personnel responsible for an acquisition are coordinated and integrated through a comprehensive plan for fulfilling the organization's need in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. It includes developing the overall strategy for managing the acquisition. [D03793]
- Acquisition Process
The process of acquiring personnel/ goods/services for new or existing work within the general definitions of contracts requiring an offer and acceptance, consideration, lawful subject matter and competent parties. [D00019]
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- Acquisition Strategy
Determining the most appropriate means of procuring the component parts or services of a project
A pattern of acquisition actions designed to accomplish the goals of a project. [D05241]
- Action
A measure intended to influence the course of the project. [D00020]
- Action Item
 Something agreed to be done as a result of a discussion at a meeting and usually recorded in the minutes of that meeting. [D03021]
During project execution, an undertaking, often an issue, that is assigned and must be resolve before related work can continue. Typically viewed as a subtask it may result in conversion to a task added to the schedule. [D05757]
- Action Item Flags
A symbol or other form of alert to warn project team members of things to be done usually at or by a specified date and time. [D02351]
- Action Plan
 A description of what needs to be done, when and by whom. [D03417]
A plan that describes what needs to be done and when it needs to be completed. Project plans are action plans. [D00021]
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A sequenced and prioritized chronology of intent, commitment, and tactics: what one is going to get done and some of the key activities involved. [D00022]
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- Activation
The process of getting something started, typically a project activity of some importance and often dependent upon some prior condition such as completion of a milestone. [D02352]
- Active Acceptance
In project risk management, means that a risk event is recognized but will be mitigated by a well-thought-out contingent or fall back plan with triggers that will activate that plan when needed. See also Passive Acceptance. [D05602]
- Active Listening
 Paying careful attention to what is being said, then rephrasing that information and feeding it back to the originator to ensure that what you think you heard is what they meant. [D04313]
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Standard techniques of active listening are to pay close attention to what is said, to ask the other party to spell out carefully and clearly what they mean, and to request that ideas be repeated if there is any ambiguity or uncertainty. [D00023]
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- Activity
 A task or set of tasks that are carried out in order to create a deliverable Editor's Note: It should be noted that the term "activity" is used as a collection of tasks, synonymous with task or as a subset of a task. It is recommended that a "task" should be thought of as a subset of "activity". [D02187]
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A single task within a project. [D00024]
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A specific project task that requires resources and time to complete. [D00025]
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A task or series of tasks (activities) that is (are) performed over a period of time. [D00026]
An element of work performed during the course of a project. An activity normally has an expected duration, an expected cost, and expected resource requirements. Activities are often subdivided into tasks. [D00027]
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Motion toward a clearly targeted result, something one does as distinct from something one gets done (result). [D00028]
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Subtask within a project. [D00029]
The smallest self-contained unit of work used to define the logic of a project. In general, activities share the following characteristics: a definite duration, logic relationships to other activities in a project, use resources such as people, materials or facilities, and have an associated cost. [D00030]
(And Activities) A series of tasks performed over a period of time. [D00047]
An individual task needed for the completion of a project. It is the smallest discrete block of time and resources typically handled by PM software. It is a single task which needs to be done in a project. Multiple activities are related to each other by identifying their immediate predecessors. Solitary activities, which have no predecessors or successors, are allowed. Most PM software packages are precedence-based systems which analyze schedules based on the activity relationships that are specified. Activities can also be called work packages, tasks, or deliverables. Editor's Note: An Activity represents work being done whereas a Product is the result of work done. [D01854]
An item of work in support of the work scope. An Activity consumes time. [D02258]
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An effort that occurs over a time period and generally consumes resources, sometimes also called a "task." [D04610]
A unit of work a worker may be asked to perform. [D04798]
A process which consumes time and usually resources. It also usually produces an output. On a schedule, however, "lead time" or "shutdown" may show as activities using time but not resources and producing no output. [D04906]
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The combining of resources and operational procedures to produce a particular output. [D04907]
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The smallest unit of work identified in the Project Work Plan. In some methodologies this may be equivalent to a task but in other methodologies an activity may be broken down further into tasks. [D04908]
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Any step taken or function performed, either mental or physical, toward achieving some objective. Activities include all the work the managers and technical staff do to perform the tasks of the project and organization. [D05163]
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